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Mass Change based on other field range

James H. Dunlop

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(Last inquiry for the day, I promise! 🙂 )

I would like to do a mass change for "cost" based on the date.  Specifically, my cost for comics was .7 of cover price from 1985-1990, and .75 from 1991-2020 (I worked in a comics store for the first period and got an employee discount and then was given a generous discount for the second period after quitting.)

I've done a mass change for individual titles, but that would take a long time doing each title separately.

The "Brute Force" method I thought of was to export (or copy/paste) the collection to a spreadsheet, sort by street date (or more likely cover date) and use a formula for the cost for each range (at the end, change the formula to a value) and then import to a new database.  Seems there must be an easier way of doing this within the database.  I also worry about losing some data along the way exporting/importing.

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Mass Change will affect all comics in the database.

As a modification of you Brute force method, if you can do a Find for the issues you want to change to .7, you can copy the results from the grid (you just need Cover Price I think, paste it to a spreadsheet, do the 'math' the copy all of the new values from the spread sheet and past them into the Cost column (just DO close the Find result grid so they are in the same order).

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If you can do a Find for Street Date between x and Y for only items in stock,  you can select all the Cost cells, CTRL+C to copy, paste into Spreadsheet, do the math, copy the change price, click on the first cell in the Result Grid for Cost, then CTRL+V to Paste the new value.

As long as you don't change the order of the result grid, every thing will paste to the correct issue.

(just do a backup first, just in case....)

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