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Series Naming Conventions

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I was about to add some new issues earlier today to DC Comics Flash (4th series) and noticed that this appears under both 'Flash' and 'The Flash'. From the looks of it, the 'Flash' title appeared first and indicates that it started in 2011. The latter indicates 2011-present and seems to be more complete. The problem is that all of the issues that I have inventoried were done so under 'Flash'. Is there an easy way to 'transfer' these so I do not have to change them one by one? And if 'The Flash (4th series)' is the most current, can I be sure that the 'Flash' title can later be deleted? Or should I leave as is?

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My database only has 1 title of The Flash (4th Series) so this appears to be the correct one.

You can use menu item Edit-> Transfer Issues to a Different Title to accomplish the move.

Just select (highlight) all the issues first before making the menu selection.

Also, when moved, the will show up as duplicate items (unless this has changed). If so, then once moved, you probably want to delete the duplicates that you don't own.

As for deleting the Flash (4th Series) title, once you have no owned issues in an obsolete title, the weekly update will delete it (or you can delete it yourself by deleting all the issues from it).


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