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How to export Data from the database


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I am a new user, as of 2 days ago and am trying to organize my inventory.  Much of it I already have in spreadsheets,  and have imported my data into the CB database.  There are a lot of edits that I need to make in the CB database and the easiest way would be to export the whole database and work with a Spreadsheet.


I cannot find anything in the user guides or anything in the forums that detail the procedure for exporting from the CB database to CSV or excel or XML or whatever.  Can someone explain to me how to do this or point me to a FAQ or user guide that I may have overlooked?

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I have express and there is an option to import (which I have used, but got a lot of "unknown publisher" since many of my titles did not match what the CB database wanted. ) but not one to export. 

What that means is that I will have to continue to maintain two databases, the CB one and my own spreadsheet.  i am trying to organize my entire collection, something like 3000 comics prior to disposing of the whole lot.  the majority of my comics do not have bar codes so that is not an option.


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There are a couple of Options. But you will need to know where to move the 'Unknown Publisher' Titles/Issues to.

Step one is to list all the 'Unknown Publisher Titles. You can This with a Find where Publisher is 'Unknown Publisher'.

When the lists is displayed, you can hi-light the list (you really just need the Title but Publisher and Years Published won't hurt). CTRL+A will select everything. Then you can Copy and Paste into your Spreadsheet.

Step Two would be to Identify All these Titles with ones that CB uses. This can either be easy or difficult depending on what you have.

Once you have this cross-reference list, you can use Edit->Transfer Items to a Different Title.

Go to the First Title from the list of Unknown Publisher.

Hi-light just the Issues you want to transfer (or select all of them), then use the Transfer option. You will get a Titles window to the Title you want to move them to.

Repeat this process for all the Unknown Publishers.

One more thing. Some of the Titles you imported may not be in Comic Books. They may be in the Books or Magazine section.

If this is the case, You can use Edit->Change Title Media Type.



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