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Phillip Geller

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Posts posted by Phillip Geller

  1. Thank you... I get the format and data import now.  Even tried it out with your file and it worked perfectly.  Kind of stinks that the Express version does not have an export.  That could one way to safeguard the data.

    Also, I am wondering if sidekick has something to do with it.  I did just update the Content Update setting to not have any item checked.  Originally I had Title info and descriptions checked... so hopefully this will safeguard my data.

  2. Thanks... that makes sense why I am not seeing an Export.  I do see an Import function, which looks like can read text files, but I am not sure what data format it would need to be in (i.e. comma separated).  The titles and issues I've marked as having do not seem to be impacted, just the fields I mentioned before, end up getting blanked out.  I was thinking if I could do some kind of an export as a back-up and then import if anything goes wrong that would be a help. 

  3. HI I am using "ComicBase 2022 Express Edition"...  regarding the data specifically these fields are being removed (after I have manually put them in): Storylines, Writer, Artist, Inker, Colorist, Letterer, Editor, Cover Artist and Cover Inker.

    Fortunately the Qty & Cost fields are staying, but that is about it.

    I've noticed that older backups have some of this information, is it possible to export these fields and reimport into the active database?

  4. Hi... I have been noticing that upon opening ComicBase, I end up missing data like Artist, Writer, Title from my application... all that is left is the issues I bought.  I can see the info in an earlier database back-up version, but how do I get this info brought into the current database and moreover prevent this info from being wiped out? 

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