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  1. I think this is a book containing nothing but blank pages. It is to be used for you to draw your own images or get artists to draw on the pages. And Dinosaur Comics Sketchbook isn't the only one that Antarctic press put out. There is a Horror Comics and a Jungle Comics. Here is a link to eBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/226518857624?_skw=ANTARCTIC+PRESS+-+BLANK+SKETCH+COMIC+BOOK+-+DIY+-+CREATE+YOUR+OWN+-+NM+-+2016&itmmeta=01JJMGEX43ZGZ4AS0YHTK3Y4XR&hash=item34bd937798:g:WmsAAOSwe0hncXS0&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAABMHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKnL01GV1nLC4NkII%2BLjRW4pmhwdCttmX6niSIjZOi%2FCbGuK3Y09REQLuAWGpntgrP%2FV63QkD9dficBLjb3CORkJQAMY%2FidE9UM4XPkqjIk3L%2FWXFoGpcNg1CV%2Fd%2FkWzj%2BQz2tohS2Fl9IPTbUB5S%2BrisLg%2FsHSSZ1cvVgfC8VQvLU5%2BFSIZ8q40lG6j%2FxFOEEPcW8gWU1qtNbsFi1HCpkFvEOknRiWvUn%2Fp%2Fj7duSAZbQMvk3SM52ZHMVMnA304gweByzqkL%2FsjgJBKu1ecODWz9Rl5408GZGQKbWgCoWPIxo%2FDO45WLRmXS24wYYvCNUoNfop%2Br8XDiAZkQkeSnZGNIVbOwhDGQsCwQyXMptZQI3VgfD2Xc6upkzh9JDPEr5I%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5bSu5CVZQ (a couple let you see the blank pages inside)
    2 points
  2. Try these steps: First, make sure you've installed CB2025 on the new computer. Next, follow these steps to transfer your database from your old computer to the new using a USB thumb drive: Launch ComicBase on your older computer and make sure your main database is loaded in Next, Go to the File > Save a Copy to save your database to the USB thumb drive. Give your database a new unique name so its easy to locate (ex: Dan's Comic Collection). Onced saved, safely remove the USB thumb drive from the older computer. insert the USB thumb drive in the new computer, Locate the database file on the thumb drive and copy it over to the following folder location: Documents \Human Computing\ComicBase Databases folder Once the database has been copied, double-click on it and it should automatically load into ComicBase 2025 on the new computer If you're still stuck and not able to proceed, feel free to give our tech support team a call at 408-266-6883 (M-F, 9am to 5pm PST)
    1 point
  3. Dark Horse has cancelled Anansi Boys #8 and the hardcover collection of the series. They are not planning to resolicit. Issues #8/A and #8/B should be deleted from the database. The hardcover was solicited, so if that ends up in the editorial queue for a content update it should not be added into the database.
    1 point
  4. moving to Books next content update
    1 point
  5. Newly added Book title National Lampoon Comics: the contents of this appear to be comics based on an Amazon preview (and the CB title description calls it an "anthology of comics"), so I suggest that this should be moved to the Comics media category. Newly added Comic title Silly Symphonies: A Companion to the Classic Cartoon Series (Walt Disney’s…): based on the cover scan, this looks to be a duplicate of the already existing comic title Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies 1932-1935: Starring Bucky Bug and Donald Duck. Newly added Comic title Unforegettable Con, The: note that this contains a spelling error (should be Unforgettable Con, The ). Newly added Comic title New York Comic Con: What is this? Is this a convention program, a comic, or a promotional pamphlet of some sort?
    1 point
  6. Some more clean-up for the 1/17/2025 content update: The newly-added title Beetle Bailey: Strategic Withdrawl has a spelling error and should instead be listed as Beetle Bailey: Strategic Withdrawal. The new title Big Nate Attack of the Cheez Funk Breath! needs a colon after "Nate" to make it Big Nate: Attack of the Cheez Funk Breath!. The new title Foothold: Rigsby W.I. should not have periods in the postal abbreviation for Wisconsin. Also, this is apparently going to be the first of a series of Rigsby WI graphic novels, with Foothold only being the title of Volume 1 (see the cover image). So the series title should be Rigsby WI. Going by the cover image, the new title Magnificent McCoys should be Magnificent McCoys, The. The new title Monster High Bull's Eye needs a colon after "High" to make it Monster High: Bull's Eye. The newly-added title Spitball A CCAD Comics Anthology needs a colon after "Spitball" to make it Spitball: A CCAD Comics Anthology. The title Thun’Da, King of the Congo (Magazine Enterprises) was added, but this series already exists in the database under its parent title A-1 Comics, so this newly-added title is a duplication. See A-1 Comics #47, 56, 73, 78, 83, and 86. This is confusing, but I believe cases like this are why the Item Title field was added. The new title What Would Blueys Mum Do is missing the apostrophe in Bluey's, and it is a picture storybook rather than a comic book, so it belongs in the Books category.
    1 point
  7. I added the Title and basic information for this. Should (hopefully) show up in the next update.
    1 point
  8. I added that one. New York Comic Con is the unfortunately generic title in the indicia for an ashcan-sized comic from Virgin Comics that includes the first several pages of their then-new series Dock Walloper and Dan Dare. This info is in the Notes field of the entry I submitted.
    1 point
  9. I usually wait to hop on to one of @Gregory Hecht's posts, but he hasn't done one for the 1/09/2025 content update yet, so I guess I'll start: The book title The Marvel Art of David Finch was added. This should follow the usual format of Marvel Art of David Finch, The. The comic book title All in Saga was added. When "in" is used as a preposition in a title, it should not be capitalized. But here, I believe "in" is being used as an adverb, and as such it should be capitalized in a title. So it should be All In Saga. The title Avengers: Assemble TPB was added to the Comic Books category. Should this book be instead listed under one of the existing Avengers: Assemble series? The title DC X Sonic the Hedgehog was added. I confess that I find the relatively recent convention of using "X" instead of "&" or "/" a bit annoying, but I wonder if it's meant to be "X" (uppercase) or "x" (lowercase) or "×" (multiplication symbol). I don't know if there's even a way to tell. In the new title Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe III, the word "the" should not be capitalized. The title Drumming Up an Appetite With Vinnie Paul was added to the Comic Books category, but it appears to be a cookbook, not a comic book. In the new title Free For All, the word "for" should not be capitalized. In the new title Heroes Of Echo Company, the word "of" should not be capitalized. The new title Presents (Jim Henson’s…) should be Presents (Jim Henson…)--no possessive. The title Romero’s Axa Classics was added. I only see this elsewhere as Axa Classics. But if Romero's is part of the title, then the ComicBase convention would be Axa Classics (Romero's…) . The new title Smurfs, The: Who’s Is That Smurf? should be Smurfs, The: Who Is That Smurf? . The magazine title Hero Special Edition Vol 3 was added. From what I can tell, this should instead be listed as Hero Illustrated (Volume 3). I'm basing this on the model of Hero Illustrated (Volume 2) and its existing entry.
    1 point
  10. Actually, since it is not a possessive, it should not be in parenthesis and just be 'Jim Henson Presents'. (I have mentioned this to Mark).
    1 point
  11. CB does not make any distinction between Direct market and Newsstand issues.
    1 point
  12. Reported this to the programming team but no timetable to address the issue for you. Its tricky according to them as a 1 monitor setup is still the norm for most of our users (2 monitor setup maybe which CB handles pretty well). *Would recommend emailing the support team directly at support@comicbase.com and note the monitors involved, your video card(s) type, resolution settings for all monitors, and anything else relevant to help them address the issue for you.
    1 point
  13. "Mr. Garcin" is the pseudonym of Pascal Garcin. Opinions may differ on whether the database should have him as Pascal Garcin (my preference) or "Mr. Garcin," but "M.R. Garcin" would definitely be wrong.
    1 point
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