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  2. Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 47.jpg 2.jpg to 48.jpg 3.jpg to 49.jpg Then Move From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Birthright To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Critters Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-C.jpg) From: Pictures\M\Marvel\L\Lords of Empyre- Emperor Hulking To: Pictures\M\Marvel\L\Lords of Empyre- Emperor Hulkling Delete or R 1-B.jpg to 1-D.jpg 1-C.jpg to 1-E.jpg Then Move ALL From: Pictures\A\AfterShock\Maniac of New York- Don't Call It a Comeback To: Pictures\A\AfterShock\Maniac of New York (Vol. 3) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\C\Critical\Quarel, The To: Pictures\C\Critical\Quarrel, The Delete or Move 1/A.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes-Usagi Yojimbo- Saturday Morning Adventures To: Pictures\I\IDW\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Usagi Yojimbo- Saturday Morning Adventures Delete or Rename 19.jpg to 19-A.jpg then Move From: Pictures\T\Titan\Official Xena, The- Warrior Princess Magazine To: Pictures\T\Titan\Xena- The Official Magazine featuring Hercules Delete 4.jpg From: Pictures\I\Innovation\Group Larue, The (Mike Baron's-)
  3. That sounds right to me. I'll edit my database entry if confirmed.
  4. Respectfully, what I will outline below is how I think the Somna book versions should be listed in ComicBase. None of them have been there for long yet, so I hope they can be changed to keep the listing sensible. Bk 1/HC — This should NOT be the $75 Direct Market Exclusive version of the book currently shown. This should instead be the book @Scott J. Promish has, the regular Mass Market version of the book, with the Becky Cloonan cover and a retail price of $30. This is the most basic and widely available version of the book. Diamond has this version of the book here: https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/APR241460 . Dstlry has it here: https://dstlry.co/products/somna-hc . Bk 1/HC-A — This SHOULD be the $75 Direct Market Exclusive version of the book presently shown as Bk 1/HC, with the Tula Lotay cover. It has more pages and some bonus material. Diamond has this version of the book here: https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/APR241461 . Dstlry depicts it here: https://dstlry.co/products/somna-direct-market-exclusive-hc . Bk 1/HC-B — This should be the $200 Deluxe version, not currently in ComicBase at all. It has a cover by Julian Totino Tedesco. It's limited to 400 copies and has a signed tip-in plate, but the Dstlry website shows it has the same page count as the Direct Market Exclusive. Diamond doesn't seem to have it; it may be a Dstlry website exclusive, although they don't explicitly say that. They show it here: https://dstlry.co/products/somna-deluxe-hardcover. Bk 1/HC-C — This should be the $40 Oversized Hardcover Reserve Edition that comes out in September. It uses the same Becky Cloonan cover artwork (recolored) as the Mass Market edition, but it sounds like it will be larger and perhaps have some more bonus material. This is the one currently in ComicBase as Bk 1/A, a potentially problematic designation if softcover versions are forthcoming. And it should come after what I've called Bk 1/HC-A and Bk 1/HC-B, since it is being published later than those (which are already available). Diamond's listing for it is here: https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL241588. Dstlry does not seem to have info on their website about this version yet.
  5. This week's update added the new title Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Conceealment to the Book category. Note that "Concealment" is misspelled and the title should probably be indexed as Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Concealment.
  6. Alright, I'm going to submit it as Book 1-B with the standard ISBN as noted by Randall above.
  7. Sounds like you have something different than our Bk 1-A then
  8. Do you get the same problem updating a totally different database file? I'm curious if you're main database could be damaged in way that it can't process the update file. You can create a new database through the file menu to test that theory.
  9. My hardcover measures about 9x11", has a cover price of $30, and the only extras are the cover variants for the individual issues.
  10. Scott, the book you have is priced at $40? That's what Diamond lists the price for.
  11. On the Dstlry website, there are three versions of the Somna book. The regular hardcover comes in two covers. The MASS MARKET cover is the one @Scott J. Promish posted above, with a cover price of $30. The other cover, currently depicted in the database, is a DIRECT MARKET EXCLUSIVE with a cover price of $75. They say it has more interior pages and stuff than the mass market version, and it will be (or has been) printed to order. The DELUXE hardcover is VERY expensive at $200 (not the $40 shown in ComicBase) and has yet another different cover. It is limited to 400 copies. See https://dstlry.co/products/somna-hc for the full details as provided by Dstlry.
  12. From the info provided by Diamond Bk 1/HC (ISBN # 978196226508957500) is the Direct Market Edition Bk 1/A (No ISBN #; just UPC #61499847345800111) is the Oversized Reserve Hardcover. If it helps, Diamond notes the dimensions as 10 9/16" x 13 1/4" My gut tells me Bk 1/A may be the same as what you're trying to add in if the dimensions match up.
  13. Yes. Light novels are just that, novels that are an easy and quick read.
  14. The indicia for the book isn't set up quite as explicitly as it is for most periodical comics, but having said that, I can verify that the indicia refers to the book as Atlas Artist Edition. So the Joe Maneely book should be listed as Book #1/HC or #1/HC under the title Atlas Artist Edition. And I can verify Douglas' assertion that this a book whose contents are primarily reprints of complete comic stories so this does belong in the Comics media category.
  15. can you verify the official title name stated on the indicia (fine credits) page within? Just curious if our titling is correct before we move it over to 'Comic Books'
  16. Further information: The copyright page lists a standard ISBN and a direct market exclusive ISBN. Since I bought my copy at a comic book store, I would assume that is the direct market edition, but that is how Book 1 Hardcover is listed. https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/1390362/1/Somna-Book-1-Hardcover Is variation A a softcover? If so, why isn't it just Book 1? https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/1406836/1/Somna-Book-1-Variation-A Can you tell me what ISBNs you have for the two collected editions already in the database?
  17. Honestly, we're not sure. There's isn't a lot of online data to tell whether our Bk 1/A is the same or not with what you're trying to add (at this time).
  18. -Download/install the most up-to-date version of CB2024 from your online account here: https://www.comicbase.com/mycb/Registrations.aspx -Restart your computer then startup the main CB2024 software -File Menu>File Tools>Optimize Database -Afterwards, re-try downloading the weekly content update.
  19. I don't believe there is a way to easily get a list in the same order outside of CB. Or at least not directly. This may or may not help you depending on what you are doing or trying to accomplish (need CB Professional or higher). CB has a 'hidden' title column called AlphabetizedTitle. This is used by CB to get the Titles in the displayed order. Instead of using Export, you can run an Advanced Find, then Copy/Paste the result column into Excel (note you still can't use Excel to sort as it will change the order since it won't have AlphabetizedTitle available). To get a list of all the Comic Book Titles/Issues you own: Run an Advanced Find with: WHERE I.[QtyInStock] >= 1 ORDER BY ComicTitles.AlphabetizedTitle, I.[ItemType], I.[IssueNum], I.[Variation], I.[Printing] Select All with CTRL+A Copy with CTRL+C In Excel, Paste with CTRL+V NOTE: If you only want Title and Item #, you can just select those columns by Click in the first Title cell Scroll to the bottom and with the SHIFT key pressed and held, click the the last Item # Cell. Then Copy (from CB) and Paste (to Excel) If you want more columns, you can either copy all the columns then delete what you don't want from Excel or use menu item Setup->Columns to View to only display the columns you want before selecting all (either with CTRL+A or Selecting the first row/first cell and the last row/last cell with SHIFT pressed and held). Finally this is just for Comic Books. If you need Books and/or Magazines you would use: BookTitles.AlphabetizedTitle MagazineTitles.AlphabetizedTitle PS You will want to format the Title and Item # columns in Excel as 'TEXT' so they justify correctly.
  20. When I export my comics into excel, the book order is different because excel uses different alphabetizing rules for spaces, numbers and special characters. Is there a way to make it so they both alphabetize the same?
  21. This content update added the title Night Stalker (1First(. This should really be indexed as Night Stalker (1First) Also added were the titles Quarel, The and Quarrel, The. I suspect that these are the same thing and that the misspelled former should be deleted while the correctly spelled latter should be retained.
  22. To the best of my knowledge, that has never been a rationale for not correcting a title in the database. (It is possible, however, that an Atomic Avenue seller has discovered that something in their inventory is suddenly not recognized on AA and they send in a correction that undoes a previous correction... and thus re-establishing an incorrect title.) What I have suggested in the past is to have the content update process take care of moving a user's inventory from an outgoing incorrect title to a newly created corrected title. The response from @Peter Bickford was "we don't want to mess with any of our users' data." But it should be easy enough to set up a request of the user to make these changes. What I envision is something along these lines: 1. Existing title Capt. Coprolite has been in the database for years. It is discovered that the indicia actually reads as Captain Coprolite. 2. The next content update includes code to add the new, correct Captain Coprolite title to the database and delete the old title (assuming the user's content update preferences are set to allow deletion of old titles that contain no inventory). 3. During the update process, if the user has inventory in the old title, they receive the following dialog box: This content update has added the comic book [or whatever media type] title Captain Coprolite to your database. This title is intended to replace the incorrectly named Capt. Coprolite. Would you like to move all of the issue information (including your inventory) from the old Capt. Coprolite title to the new Captain Coprolite title? [_] Yes, please move my issue and inventory information from the old title to the new title. [_] No, please leave my issue and inventory information in the old title. 4. If the user selects "yes" then the update proceeds to carry out the task. At the end of the update, the user gets a pop-up that reminds them to update their AA inventory if they had any issues under the old title for sale on AA. If the user selects "no" then the update leaves their data under the old title unchanged, the new title is created, and the user gets a pop-up at the end of the update reminding them that any issues from the old title that they had for sale on AA won't be recognized by the system but that this can be fixed by moving their inventory to the new title and updating their AA inventory. Something similar could also be set up to handle titles that move from one media category to another. The main upshot of this suggestion is that users will spend less time curating their databases and thus have more time to curate their collections. As it should be. IMO the biggest shortcoming of ComicBase is that it essentially places the onus of moving inventory from old, outgoing titles to new, correct titles on the user. This creates work for the user through no fault of their own. This is something that could be handled by the program during content updates on an opt-in basis as described above.
  23. Atlas Artist Edition No. 1 Featuring Joe Maneely is listed under books but should be a comic. I has a prose introduction in the first 21 pages but the remaining 233 pages are all comics.
  24. From my June 2023 "Thoughts for Post Archangel" post... 1) Making the hard changes to finally remove the deprecated features and non-standard Titling and Issue assignments. Deprecated Issue Variations. Non-standard Titles ((Walt Disney's...), Limited Series vs. Series 2, "Moon Knight Annual", etc.) Issues that should be in separate/different titles. "Yeah, it's wrong, but it's been that way for years." "There are too many of these items on sale in Atomic Avenue." Take the time to plan a path to clean up all these legacy issues. Maybe create a new, second set of Title and Issue fields, Title2 and Issue2. Search by both, list with both. Allow the user to choose which set to use for viewing and reports, while officially using the original form on Atomic Avenue for a year or two. Then, after a period of supporting both old and new designations, rename Title/Issue to Title (old)/Issue (old) and rename Title2/Issue2 to Title/Issue.
  25. I am not sure I have a clear picture of what exactly you need. Did you bad hard drive contain the program, you database or both? Normally, the icon on your desktop is the Program and not the actual database. Having said all that... If not already done you (may) need to reinstall CB. Database are located by default at C : \Users\<logon-id>\Documents\Human Computing\ComicBase Databases. NOTE: You can locate the database any where you like (even on a different drive). Copy the database backup to the default location (or the location you may have been using) AND Rename it to the normal database name you were using. Do NOT open a database with (Backup <timestamp>) as part of the name (or you will get backup of backup in the name and it gets messy). Installing the Program should put the icon back on your desktop. To open up the database (where ever you put it), you can double-click on the actual database name. This will open it up in CB and remember where it is when you close and reopen CB. If this doesn't help, I will more specific information.
  26. In attempting to upload an update today at 11:17 AM EST, the process appeared to begin but within 5-7 seconds the following appeared. Please let me know how this can be fixed. Here are the details:
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