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Gregory Hecht

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Gregory Hecht last won the day on June 30

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  1. This week's update added the new title Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Conceealment to the Book category. Note that "Concealment" is misspelled and the title should probably be indexed as Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Concealment.
  2. The indicia for the book isn't set up quite as explicitly as it is for most periodical comics, but having said that, I can verify that the indicia refers to the book as Atlas Artist Edition. So the Joe Maneely book should be listed as Book #1/HC or #1/HC under the title Atlas Artist Edition. And I can verify Douglas' assertion that this a book whose contents are primarily reprints of complete comic stories so this does belong in the Comics media category.
  3. This content update added the title Night Stalker (1First(. This should really be indexed as Night Stalker (1First) Also added were the titles Quarel, The and Quarrel, The. I suspect that these are the same thing and that the misspelled former should be deleted while the correctly spelled latter should be retained.
  4. To the best of my knowledge, that has never been a rationale for not correcting a title in the database. (It is possible, however, that an Atomic Avenue seller has discovered that something in their inventory is suddenly not recognized on AA and they send in a correction that undoes a previous correction... and thus re-establishing an incorrect title.) What I have suggested in the past is to have the content update process take care of moving a user's inventory from an outgoing incorrect title to a newly created corrected title. The response from @Peter Bickford was "we don't want to mess with any of our users' data." But it should be easy enough to set up a request of the user to make these changes. What I envision is something along these lines: 1. Existing title Capt. Coprolite has been in the database for years. It is discovered that the indicia actually reads as Captain Coprolite. 2. The next content update includes code to add the new, correct Captain Coprolite title to the database and delete the old title (assuming the user's content update preferences are set to allow deletion of old titles that contain no inventory). 3. During the update process, if the user has inventory in the old title, they receive the following dialog box: This content update has added the comic book [or whatever media type] title Captain Coprolite to your database. This title is intended to replace the incorrectly named Capt. Coprolite. Would you like to move all of the issue information (including your inventory) from the old Capt. Coprolite title to the new Captain Coprolite title? [_] Yes, please move my issue and inventory information from the old title to the new title. [_] No, please leave my issue and inventory information in the old title. 4. If the user selects "yes" then the update proceeds to carry out the task. At the end of the update, the user gets a pop-up that reminds them to update their AA inventory if they had any issues under the old title for sale on AA. If the user selects "no" then the update leaves their data under the old title unchanged, the new title is created, and the user gets a pop-up at the end of the update reminding them that any issues from the old title that they had for sale on AA won't be recognized by the system but that this can be fixed by moving their inventory to the new title and updating their AA inventory. Something similar could also be set up to handle titles that move from one media category to another. The main upshot of this suggestion is that users will spend less time curating their databases and thus have more time to curate their collections. As it should be. IMO the biggest shortcoming of ComicBase is that it essentially places the onus of moving inventory from old, outgoing titles to new, correct titles on the user. This creates work for the user through no fault of their own. This is something that could be handled by the program during content updates on an opt-in basis as described above.
  5. This week's update added the comic title Best of Archie: Riverdale High Raucous, The. Based on the cover scan, I suspect that should really be indexed as Best of Archie, The: Riverdale High Raucous. The following titles were added to the Comic media category. Do light novels belong in books, or does the content of these vary enough that they are handled on a case by case basis? • Autumn in Amber, An: A Zero Second Journey (Light Novel) • Hero Syndrome (Light Novel) • KinnPorsche (Light Novel) • Lout of Count’s Family (Light Novel) The title Sheena: Fatal Exams was added to the database. This appears to be the collected edition of the mini-series Sheena: Queen of the Jungle: Fatal Exams so it should really be listed as Book #1 of that title.
  6. If I understand your post correctly, you are saying that you have Whitman variants that are not listed in the database (but not that there are Whitman variants in the database that have a scan of a non-Whitman version of the issue). You can submit the Whitman variants that you have along with scans. Your FF #182 would be submitted as #182/A for example, and you can look at the existing Whitman variants that are already in the database for guidance.
  7. I took a quick look at mycomicshop, and it seems that most of those titles are priced at $2.50 or $3.00 for their highest graded issues (whether NM, VF, or FN). The Booster Gold, Green Lantern Parallax, Harley Quinn, NIghtwing/Oracle, Shazam, and Supergirl Matrix titles look like they are a buck or two higher. Might be worth a "Price Check" submission. Superman seems to be an exception, they price it a lot higher. I'd have to research it a little bit, but I suspect that it sets up the return of the pre-Flashpoint Superman and Lois.
  8. I noticed that #8 (2nd print) was added to the database. To be clear, *all* of the covers of Daredevil #8 received a corrected printing, so second prints of all variants B through F should also be added to the database.
  9. This week's update added the title Marvel: 85th Annersary Special. That should really be spelled as Marvel: 85th Anniversary Special.
  10. I recently received my corrected copies of the regular issue #8 (JRJR cover) and issue #8/B (Miller cover). The UPCs for both of those matched the UPCs in the database for the corresponding uncorrected issues. So my guess is that they used the same UPCs for the corrected printings as for the original printings.
  11. A reminder that each of the different Daredevil (8th series) #8 -- the "main" issue and all variants -- should be listed in the database as having two printings. The first printing issues should have a (Printing Error) notation and all of the second printing issues should have a (Corrected) notation. At present, only #8/A reflects the above. To the best of my knowledge, the indicia for both printings are the same. Some retailers did not sell the error printing issues, but a number of them did, so both printings are "in the wild" and the only way to tell them apart is to check the pages inside the comic.
  12. It is located under this title in the database.
  13. Somewhere along the line, the FCBD 2023 issue got listed in the database twice but that problem has since been corrected.
  14. This week's update added the title Cherry Omnibus - 40th Anniversary Edition. First, is that the correct type of dash in the title? Second, when I do a search on Atomic Avenue, this title comes up in the pulldown from the search box, but clicking through gets me an error page. Also added was the title Rascal Does Not Dream of a Santa Claus Light Novel Sc. I assume that "Sc" stands for "softcover" but that is just a guess on my part. Does "Sc" really belong in the title here? The comic title Thor Quest: Fires of the Forgekeep was also added. Is this title a comic book or is it really an illustrated book? (Same question for the already existing title Thor Quest)
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