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Preferred Cover Art Logic Issues

Casey Weston

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The logic ComicBase is using to determine which cover to display is choosing incorrectly in some situations.

Amazing Fantasy for instance is preferring the 1000 covers instead of the earliest issue - #15. 

Another situation I have seen recently involves Nth printings of the first issue somehow getting ordered before the first issue. I think this coincides with another issue I have seen recently and wrote about (in Contents and Corrections):

I think there are other issues when issue # goes under 1, (0 issues, negative issues), but those are rarer instance, however maybe an ideal logic would preference the cover for the oldest issue in the series, rather than simply the lowest number in a folder. Not sure how easy that would as I don't have access to the logic.


Note: I had to delete variant covers of #1000 on Amazing Fantasy to get it to choose the main cover of #1000 in the attached image.

Screenshot 2023-12-08 131221.png

Edited by Casey Weston
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