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Patrick O’Malley

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  1. Thank you! That is excellent news!
  2. Howdy, Is there a minimum size of print run a comic needs to be added to Comicbase? I go to comic cons and pick up copies of independent creators comics. I've got a large number of them and I'm prepping to scan them into my DB. Should I send them to you as well?
  3. I'm trying to generate a report sorted by the date the item was added to my database. My comic shop switched to a software that does not detail which comics from my pull-list are on a receipt. I'm trying to find a way to know which comics were received on that invoice. Old receipt: Comic 1 - 3.99 Comic 2 - 3.99 Comic 3 - 7.99 New receipt: 3.99 Comic x 2 = 7.98 7.99 Comic x 1 = 7.99 Thanks for your help in advance! Pat
  4. This question has come up a lot lately for me. A trade paperback reprints a set of comic books. A graphic novel is a stand alone story in a large format. A comic book is a soft cover book of illustrated panels usually with word balloons. Can anyone elaborate or refine these definitions? Thank you, Pat
  5. Excellent! That works for me! Thank you!
  6. My goal is to be able to run reports/advanced searches on the titles that I am actively collecting. I renamed the Title Field Custom Check 1 to Active. I then went to the Series and clicked the Edit Title button. I then checked the Custom Check 1 box. I did notice that the name did not change. I am also unable to use either version (Active or Custom Check 1) in the advanced search. Am I missing something or is this not possible? Thanks, Pat
  7. Currently I have around 30 titles to add. I wasn't sure what the minimum was so I was imitating already existing entries. I will definitely go with Title, Item#, Condition, and Qty. I did find the pre-existing Dream Weaver, but it is not the right company. Dream Weaver Press has 2 titles currently, The Oswald Chronicles and Tall Tails. For my purposes of adding the titles not in CB, I should manually create the title first and then import the issues. Thank you for the help. 🙂
  8. I manually added the Publisher "Dream Weaver Press" before I did the import, but there isn't a way to put the publisher in the import.
  9. What do you do if the Titles are completely new to CB? Is there a way to fix them? Is there a correct way to import Publishers & Titles that are new to CB? I have attached below the import file and a screen pic of what the result was. ImportTest.txt
  10. Not all copies were bagged. All copies that were bagged were Direct Editions, but I don't know if all Direct Editions were bagged. I can not see any way to distinguish the bagged from the never bagged.
  11. Howdy! I have all three of the issues listed in subject still in their polybag with Sega Sub-Terrania Game Tips Poster. I do not find anything in Comicbase that mentions this version of the comics. For the moment I'm running with a note added to each issue, but that really doesn't feel like is adequate. Has anyone else run across this problem? Thanks, Pat
  12. Howdy! I am still able to manually upload a report without any problems. All of the (Auto) reports have not updated since last Thursday. Any ideas how I can get them working again? Thanks, Pat
  13. I have a copy of this one as well. I haven't been able to find it in ComicBase. Does anyone know if it was submitted? Thanks, Pat
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