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Jeff Schultz

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Everything posted by Jeff Schultz

  1. Not a CB 2021 issue, as I noticed it in CB 2020, although I don't know when it started happening. When typing appearances, psychic typing isn't coming up with characters that have parenthesis included, so Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) isn't showing up automatically.
  2. I had been sorting by title and issue number. But, as I'm actively collecting Silver Age Action Comics and Superman as well as the current issues, it is a hassle to shift everything. I've recently started pulling all Superman related comics into separate boxes. That should, hopefully, reduce the amount of shifting that needs to happen. I also agree on the comments about mylar, I'm slowly replacing all may bags with mylar, as well as making sure the boards are true acid free.
  3. I keep getting an index out of range error in Collection Report no matter what options I use. For me Item Checklist works for either Wanted or Marked issues, but not both (I use marked on my wanted issues to pare down a weekly shopping list). Find gets me the list I need. Would prefer a print option from the find, but good to know that I can copy and paste the find results elsewhere.
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