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Graham Mann

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  1. Hi Mark, That solved a few issues. I'm now getting the following error: "Unable to clear temporary tables. Make sure database is not in use: " I had CB installed on another PC and that's since been uninstalled along with Sidekick. Still getting this issue. Any thoughts?
  2. Recently installed Comicbase on a new PC and the system is not discovering any items scanned with the mobile app. I've reinstalled the app and confirmed my login. Sidekick seemed to recognize 36 new items, but when I launched Comicbase and scanned for new purchases they weren't there, and they hadn't been imported. I still have Comicbase installed on the old PC as well and it's not recognizing any new purchases either. Any thoughts?
  3. Newbie question: Recently upgraded to CB 2020 Pro Edition and Storyline, Writer, Artist data all appears if I start a NEW database, but none of it is included in my existing collection. Is there a way to port your existing collection into a brand new database which includes all of the features in the PRO version? When I try to start a new database File > New Database > Copy your current database... it stops at "20% of Copying conditions" and doesn't progress. Any suggestions?
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