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Michael Jacobson

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Posts posted by Michael Jacobson

  1. Here are a few titles that need category changes:

    Akira Club: listed under Comic Books, should be moved to Books. It's an art book, if anything.

    Aliens: Tribes: listed under Comic Books, should be moved to Books. It's a prose novel with fully painted illustrations in each chapter.

    Batman: Murder at Wayne Manor: move from Comic Books to Books. 

    Batman: The Complete History : move from Comic Books to Books, along with...

    Superman: The Complete History , and...

    Wonder Woman: The Complete History, to finish the Trinity.

    DC Comics: Sixty Years of the World's Favorite Comic Book Heroes: belongs in Books.

    Grendel: Past Prime: move to Books. This is a novel with illustrations.

    Wayne of Gotham: move to books, a straight-out novel with no illustrations.

  2. Unknown Items in my latest update brought this to my attention. Lady Pendragon Vol.1  has an Ashcan 1 that seems to be identical to Ashcan 2 and 2-B under Lady Pendragon Vol.2The indicia reads "Lady Pendragon Vol. 2 Prelude", so the Vol. 1 Ashcan and the Vol. 2 Ashcan 2-B should be deleted.

    Additionally, Vol.2 #1-2nd printing seems to be the same as Vol.1 #1-2nd Printing. The Vol.2 entry should be deleted.

    While we are on the subject of Vol.2, 1-C and 1-F appear to be the same issue. Issue 1-F should be deleted.

    Now, onto Lady Pendragon Vol.3 (you thought I forgot, didn't you?). Bk 1 contains material from Vol.1 , Vol.2 and the Cover Gallery one-shot, but nothing from Vol.3. It should be moved to Lady Pendragon Vol.2, since it contains that complete run of issues.

  3. This entry in Comics should be moved to Books. It is the prose novel version of the comics. I tried creating an entry for it in Books, but I keep getting an error dialog box: Can't Save Issue: Had trouble saving this issue: constraint failed FOREIGN KEY constraint failed.

    *Seemed to have fixed error by naming the entry "Batman: The Ultimate Evil (Novel)".


  4. On 3/10/2021 at 9:41 AM, Mark J. Castaneda said:

    Can you upload a fresh copy of your database through ComicBase Sidekick's 'save to cloud' option? We'd like to take a closer look at the db ourselves.

    When the process completes, please email our team at support@comicbase.com so they know its ready to be looked at.

    Support helped. Apparently, I had multiple databases with the same ID. Deleting them from Collection Statistics and running the new weekly update cleared them from my list.

  5. Here is a sample of comics, magazines and books that I've scanned using the app:

    7-59606-02435-3-00111  X-Men Survival Guide to the Mansion, scan comes up as "ERROR: Scan lookup request failed with error"

    0-70989-36587-2-08  Heavy Metal (2nd series) #300-A, scan show 8 different issues of Heavy Metal and "Loading..."

    7-25274-22493-7-58  Star Wars Insider #172 (Comic Store Exclusive cover), scan comes up as "ERROR: Scan lookup request failed with error", issue not in database

    0-74808-01805-5-39  Star Wars Insider #189-A, scan comes up as "ERROR: Scan lookup request failed with error", this issue is in the database

    8-50008-92708-9-00341 The Cimmerian: The Frost Giant's Daughter #3-D, scan shows correctly

    9-780760-762059-52498 Marvel: The Characters and Their Universe, scan comes up as "ERROR: Item not found"

  6. When I run the weekly update and check the Unknown Items list, I'm getting something weird.  Under "Comics: Unrecognized Comic Titles", Amazing Heroes is not listed. It shouldn't be, it's listed under "Magazines". But under "Comics: Unrecognized Comics", there are listed a number of Amazing Heroes issues. I don't have Amazing heroes as a Title under Comic Books, only under Magazines. I don't even own any copies of Amazing Heroes. I did have some on my Wish List, but I had removed those a while back. It's shown up like this after at least the past three weekly updates.

  7. On 2/15/2021 at 9:18 AM, Mark J. Castaneda said:

    the way these particular variants are set in your database don't match ours... on our side, we have #1/L as the Jungle Green Premium Cover by J. Scott Campbell and #1-M as the Blank Authenticity Cover.

    *our sister site Atomic Avenue has the entire run of issues and how all the variants are currently set in our master database; use it to compare and adjust if needed: Sheena (Dynamite) comic books from Dynamite (atomicavenue.com)

    This makes more sense.


  8. Going through the list of stuff in MY database that is not in YOUR database. Item in question is listed as "X-men: The Ultimate Guide", a book by DK in my comic list. Now, the actual name of this book is "Ultimate X-Men". When I try to add it the books section, I get this pop-up: "Had trouble saving this issue: constraint failed FOREIGN KEY constraint failed".

    Any advice?

  9. While running a Most Valued Items report, I saw that my Sheena 1/K (Authentix blank cover) was worth $300(!). Well, that cant be right. So I questioned that. Now, the picture for that issue comes up as the one for 1/L (Jungle Green cover) and THAT issue's cover shows up as 1/M (Atlas Comics cover). Guess what 1/M shows up as? Authentix blank cover (which should be... 1/K).

    Side note: If you are looking for a Sheena 1/K (Authentix blank cover), we should talk...😉

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