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Michael Jacobson

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  1. There is an issue two and three for this title. I don't know why they were removed. I have resubmitted them.
  2. Running Archive Edition 2025 .1187 Downloaded the weekly update last night and saw that the collection summary was valued at some low number. I noticed that the database was named ComicBase Database. Went to Recent Databases and there are none. Closed the program, opened the ComicBase Database folder and it's empty. Any ideas? On the ComicBase mobile app, my db is still there last updated on 9/7/2024.
  3. Cool. I'll change mine.
  4. Predator: The Original Years: the 1/A versions are solicited as Direct Market variants. Should they be changed to 1/DM? The same issue occurs with Aliens: The Original Series Omnibus.
  5. Another casualty of moving to Marvel, Predator: The Original Screenplay. This title was never published. It should be removed from the database.
  6. Were all the single issues published for this series? I have the first two issues, but I thought it was cancelled due to Dark Horse losing the license to Marvel. I know Dark Horse collected the whole story for for the TPB and it's collected in the new Marvel Omnibus.
  7. Aliens: Cauldron should be moved from "Comics" to "Books". Red Sonja (Dynamite, Vol. 6) Free Comic Book Day #2023 is listed under Dynamite Vol. 6 and Dynamite Vol. 7. It is basically the "zero issue" for Vol. 7, so I think this one should be deleted. Is there a difference between these issues: Harley Quinn (3rd Series) #11-2 and Harley Quinn (3rd Series) #11 Variation B?
  8. Reprinting the the Dark Horse series, this is a four volume set with Direct Market variant covers. I uploaded cover scans for the DM variants (which i own) and placeholder pictures for the other versions. I also corrected the ISBN and UPC where I could, as well as crediting the cover artists.
  9. Elric (Titan) 6-HC is also listed under the Michael Moorcock Library (Vol. 15). That's where it belongs. It's confusing, as it's the fifteenth volume in the MML, but the sixth volume in their Elric reprints. In short, 6-HC needs to go.
  10. Thanks. That would seem to be the answer.
  11. I am currently running Build 2129. when I open CB, I get the "do you want to update?" window. I click "yes", then I get a three button window: Modify, Repair, Remove. I click on modify, when the installer is done I press "Finish" and I'm still build 2129. I try the Repair mode: still 2129. I remove CB and reinstall from the Registrations page, where the current build is 2137. My build is still 2129 and I still get the "Do you want to update?" window.
  12. Version 2.0.4
  13. I was scanning some comics with the mobile app, and when I entered the Cost (in this case, $2.09) it would not accept the "0" digit. When I entered "2.0", the app does not register the "0", backspaces and deletes the "." The entry that should be 2.09 becomes 29.
  14. Round TWO! In this corner, we have Trogs, by FantaCo (2020) and the challenger: Trogs (American Mythology) These are the same book. Originally to be published by FantaCo last year, it fell victim to Covid-related circumstances. Then, it was picked up by American Mythology. There may have also have been a small run, independently published by the writer/artist Richard Bonk. I'm looking into that. Winner: Trogs (American Mythology). Delete the FantaCo Title.
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