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Darren Then

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Everything posted by Darren Then

  1. I show the same image width and height but my dpi is 96. So is this something that can be looked into as an option in a future update? Thanks.
  2. Sorry for not making myself very clear. I understand what you are stating, but it just makes the low resolution image bigger in the report. I'm looking to change the resolution of the image so that there is more detail in the picture. See the example below. These are both from a 400% zoom in a PDF generated from ComicBase. As you can see there in much more detail in the image from the CB 2019 vs. the CB 2021 report. I hope that clarifies what I'm looking for. Thanks.
  3. Would it be possible to provide an avenue to allow for the resolution of the comic images used in reports to be chosen from several options? Say high, medium and low. High being what they were in v2019 and low being what they are now. Or maybe a slider so you can choose a percentage. I get that there is a trade off in file size, but I think the user should be allowed to make that choice. I currently don’t like the images that are coming out of the reports now. Thanks.
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