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New Comic Title Doesn't Recognize Picture Folder

Thomas Dow Jr.

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Can't get a comic title to recognize a picture folder. Looking for suggestions. Drag and Drop as well as "Show Picture Folder" didn't work. Used existing title Dark Legacies (Claudia Christian’s…) as a known good.
Title: Bruce Dickinson's The Mandrake Project
Publisher: Z2
Enetered into Comicbase as: Mandrake Project (Bruce Dickinson's...), The
Picture Folder: Mandrake Project (Bruce Dickinson's-), The
Also Tried: Mandrake Project, The (Bruce Dickinson's...)
Picture Folder: Mandrake Project, The (Bruce Dickinson's-)

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Title should be:

Mandrake Project, The (Bruce Dickinsons)

The article 'the' comes at the end of the name but before the parenthetical.

Also, is the title was something like this made up example 'The Mandrake Project: Beginning of the End', the article would come after the end of the 'main' name and before the colon like:

'Mandrake Project, The: Beginning of the End'

Also, CB uses an actual Ellipses … instead of three periods ... (one is one 'character space' and the other is three 'character spaces'.

Additionally, CB uses the curved Apostrophe ’ and not the straight 'tick mark'.



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