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Michael R. Wagner

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Posts posted by Michael R. Wagner

  1. I have a variety of Gold Key issues to add to my database and am seeing that some of the titles have Gold Key as the publisher, and others have K.K. Publications, Inc. as the publisher, as well as others that have only K.K. as the publisher.  I'd like to correct my database to the accurate publishing source, but I'm inclined to go with Gold Key instead of K.K. Publications, Inc..  Which one does CB consider to be the accurate reference?  I know the indicia isn't always followed, which is why I'm asking.

    As for only K.K., that seems to be an easy decision; if it's not going to be Gold Key, it should at least be the full name of the publisher, i.e., K.K. Publications, Inc.



  2. I have a copy of Masked Raider #4 (Charlton) to put in my database, but not sure how to enter it.  It's a giveaway variant from Schiff's Shoes back in the late 1950s.  This was a brief occurrence with a number of shoe stores at the time, including Big Shoe Stores, GallenKamp's, and R&S Shoes.  Any advice on how to enter it in the database?



  3. Like many others, I also didn't like the new requirement to click the far-left cell to select a whole line, but I have to admit that I'm getting used to selecting a specific cell in a row when it's the only cell I want to change, and I now like being able to do that.  Opening a row still hangs up the program for 30-40 seconds for me (been that way since I started using 2020), so I find opening a single cell is prefereable a lot of the time.



  4. That's a good start, thanks.  Does "Bk" apply to trade paperbacks or squarebound special issues?  I know Anl is used for Annuals, not sure about the other types of comic book products available, and there are a couple of dozen types of publications in the drop down menu for binding type.

  5. Is there some guidance online to instruct one on how to properly name an issue so that it links properly with the issue in the database?  I've added a couple of new items recently - not regular issues that would be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.  I've looked around a bit but can't find anything on the site.  I usually end up searching the database for a similar issue (e.g., a "trade paperback collector's special edition" to use an exaggerated example), but this is painfully slow and often unsuccessful, so I end up repeatedly renaming the file until it shows up in the proper row.

    Knowing when to use a slash, a dash, a space, and the correct combination of letters and numbers would be helpful.



  6. I encountered this error message and clicked "yes" to fix it. The software then updated every list and removed every date entry from my database - every date entry.  It also removed every bit of data contained in one of the custom fields I use. The latter wasn't a date, but text identifying the location of the issue in my collection (Box001, Box002, Box003, etc.)  I couldn't find any way to undo the changes, so resorted to deleting the database and opening the last backup version I had prior to receiving the error message.  Had to reenter all the data I had put in over 48 hours or so, which was frustrating.  The error hasn't reappeared since.

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