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Michael R. Wagner

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Michael R. Wagner last won the day on July 8 2023

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  1. Thanks for the quick reply, Mark. I installed build 2226 earlier on Friday; it doesn't appear to have fixed the problem. -Mike
  2. I spoke too soon - the original problem that is the subject of this message string still occurs.
  3. Sandro, the series is in the database as "First Issue Special" and includes the four issues you have. r/Mike
  4. Build 2217 seems to have fixed both issues for me, based on a couple of ussue checks. I'll update this if either issue repeats.
  5. Update: since restarting my computer, the original problem persists, tho' somewhat less(?) irritating because the automatic repeat pop-up of the F3 window allows me to quickly re-enter the same issue number, which then corrects the cover display to the correct cover. If we can put a man on the moon... r/Mike
  6. I'm encountering a slightly different issue - the F3 window re-opens the first time it's used for a Title as well as subsequent times within the same Title.
  7. I upgraded to the more recent build and restarted the program. So far, the problem I described seems to have been fixed, but now the pop-up window that opens with the F3 key repeats itself when entered, i.e., I press the F3 key, the pop-up opens, I enter an issue number and then press the [enter] key; the cursor jumps to that issue and highlights the row - as expected - but then the pop-up window immediately reopens. It only repeats once until the next time I use the F3 function key. On the repeat, I've entered the same issue number and also entered a different issue number - in both cases it jumps to the designated issue and doesn't repeat a second time. But, the next time I use the F3 function, it repeats.
  8. Thanks, Steve. I'm running Archive v25.5.0.2076 on a desktop with a 24" monitor set at 1920 x 1080 resolution. I should add that this problem doesn't occur 100% of the time, probably more like 75%. It also occurs most often when I've changed a single cell in a highlighted row versus opening the row to make a change. r/Mike
  9. This has been happening to me for several weeks. When I use the F3 function to jump to another issue, the picture that displays is the cover that is two issues past the issue previously displayed. For example, if I have Teen Titans (1st series) #19 open, then close it and use F3 to jump to issue #27, the active row correctly jumps to issue #27, but the cover displayed is issue #21. I have to repeat the action - using F3 to jump to issue #27 - to get the correct cover to display. Any thoughts about why this is happening? r/Mike
  10. The indicia for this book includes the word "Special" in the book's title, so the proper title is Superman: House of Brainiac Special. Any particular reason it wasn't included? r/Mike
  11. If memory serves, there are crossover entries of the type you describe in the Notes field (where applicable), usually with "tie-in" at the end of the crossover name; e.g., "War of the Gods tie-in" - quotation marks aren't used, I just used them to illustrate my example. For issues that are directly part of the crossover, the title of the crossover would also be in the Notes field, albeit without the "tie-in" reference. r/Mike
  12. When I upload information, I get the usual "successful" pop-up window acknowledging my upload. However, if I also have cover scans to submit, when I click "yes" when asked if I want to upload them, I get an error message and it's unclear whether it's just the cover scan(s) that failed to upload, or the issue information, too. Upon closing that error pop-up, I also get another error message saying that the program is unable to assign points to my profile for the data/cover(s) that I submitted. This just started on Jan 1, but continues today (Jan 2). Any thoughts on what's happening? r/MikeW
  13. I concur with Steven's assessment. I had a subscription to the old CBG, too. That weekly newspaper was always a high point of the week. r/Mike
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