I noticed on "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man " that ComicBase has 1/A, 2/A, and 3/A, but in reality, these are 2nd printings.
For some reason (to increase sales, no doubt) in these days, Marvel listed their 2nd printings as "Variant Edition" on the cover....
For this particular title, you will see that with issue #17, they modified the cover logo to include "2nd Printing" on the cover and the indicia.
The same goes for the rest of "The Other" crossover issues (Marvel Knights Spider-man, Amazing Spider-man), and I'm sure most Marvel titles from that period.
----- I could be wrong, but I slapped a 2nd print sticker on these as I originally bagged them, which leads me to believe that they weren't variant covers like they are today. They came out after the initial release.
Also, this website backs up my suggestion https://www.comics.org/issue/941968/
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