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mark d. smith

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Everything posted by mark d. smith

  1. Thanks Steven again,you are a fountain of knowledge 🙂
  2. Trying to submit a cover but keep getting this error box,has anyone else come across it ?
  3. Thanks Steven I'll look it up then add it
  4. Any idea on this variant also
  5. Does anyone know what variant this is as it's not listed thanks
  6. Any idea why marvel vision is coming up under magazines and not comic books
  7. It amazes me how much work you people put in to making this comicbase what it is,the amount of comics you add weekly is phenomenal,keep up the brilliant work
  8. Thanks steven
  9. How would add ashcan 3/A to a jpg pic
  10. Every variant on every issue
  11. So would that load back all the variants
  12. Steven if we uninstall everything,will I lose my whole collection,just seems weird all the valiant letters have gone,eg ,6 C is now just 6
  13. All variant letters have disappeared Any help please
  14. The Collum that displays the issue number,has decided to go away.how do I get it back thanks
  15. Brilliant thank you Steven
  16. Hi what would I name the jpg pic for a 0.5/B I tried too put it as 0-5-B but it didn't drag over
  17. Steven done what you said and it's worked,thank you
  18. These bottom 3 won't add,seem to have problems with 2nd 3rd and so on printings
  19. Am I right to name the file 794-4? It won't seem to add the picture
  20. Thank you so much you are a diamond,
  21. Morning my c drive is filling up,I've got 2 2tb external drive,how do I move all the comicbase stuff over to the external so everything saves to that as got loads of space on it,thanks in advance
  22. Hi Gregory basically I just open the program at that comes up,but too be fair I think I may of changed a destination folder or something,so it's my own fault
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