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mark d. smith

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Everything posted by mark d. smith

  1. went to load comic base today and it just crashes any ideas
  2. must just be mine then,when you press see whats new,all its shows is the list of updated covers
  3. was there no comic value updates this week,was it just added covers?
  4. has there been any content updates since december 31st
  5. hi scott was there a new content update today?
  6. i changed the currency into great british pound,but want to change it to us dollars but cant remember how,can anyone help please
  7. is the red prices= prices up blue prices=price stays the same black price=price down
  8. terence i have the cb 2021 archive editon,does the 4k version cost more,if not how do i get it mate
  9. hi steven tried to install lastest build but when the loading window comes up,a box appears with unhandled execption,seems to be problem after problem.
  10. does anyone know how too get the country flags that are next to the publisher mine have all dissapeared,its not vital just wondered
  11. tried still only covers that updated,perhaps that was all it is this time
  12. the update when it says whats new it was only some covers thats all
  13. only downloaded some covers but no prices update
  14. anyone having problems downloading the content update,seems to be one problem after an other
  15. new build works fine,but when you go to do the weekly update,a box comes up with unhandled exception any idea how to fix this please
  16. i got the same andrew,ill try and re download it again and ill let you know if it worked or not
  17. yeah his top notch,was gonna download 2020 again but wonder if its worth it
  18. yep same as me andrew,cant do nothing with it mate
  19. hi peter my problem i cant load any databases with the new upgrade,had to download 2020 version again
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