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Ronald Lashley

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Everything posted by Ronald Lashley

  1. Hey all. Thanks for the input. 1 I have the DX Laser Barcode Scanner purchased from ComicBase in 2017. it scans in and enters most of what I have (except it wouldn't scan in my Michael Turner Fathom V3 collection. 2. What I have found is that it will scan in the label from the comic into the DBase and find the comic and will print the label for my B&B (both the price and id labels) with the cursor in the "Find" box it will not find them. 3. However it does recognize and find them if hit Ctrl + I and scan the label from the Barcode label printout. It will take me directly to the comic. So it is clearly recognizing the label it created. Just not in the Find field. It will stay in whatever comic series I last pre-viewed. The Find field is set to the default which is "Title name or barcode" For example, if I do Ctrl + I and type in the barcode number (say 3780273) it will take me directly to Uncanny X-Men, The Anl 14 but if I type in the same in the Find Field it does not take me to the title. Could it have something to do with "Insert Unicode control character" in the Find field?
  2. I'm using the USB scanner purchased from you all and I am at the stage of printing out certain labels for my collection. After i scan the comic in and enter it into the database, when I right click on the comic and go to print out either the Pricing or ID label and go to scan it to see if it works, It does not take me to the comic in my database. I am running the 2022 Archive Edition and it is up to date. I've logged out and back in and attempted to scan the bar code and it just takes me to random locations. I'm using a Dymo LabelWriter Duo to print the labels. What am I doing wrong?
  3. 2022 Archive Edition V22.0.2.1708. I even tried updating the system even though it said it was. But your option of right-clicking worked. Thanks
  4. I'm noticing image uploads in the thumbnail range i.e. King Spawn 13 images are under 4kb. How do we get updated images outside of loading them ourselves?
  5. Our favorite topic of course lol. Variants So I just got about 200 comics in I'm logging in and when i got to the Planet of the Apes Green Lantern section I scanned in a number 1 issue and its showing up as variant 1/H but it looks like Variation C. I did a further search and found a 2016 Comicspro versions which looks nothing like it as well. https://stores.comichub.com/heroes_for_sale_/products/planet-of-the-apes-green-lantern-1-comicspro-2016-variant
  6. I'm having the same issue. It's not working receiving or sending. When i'm out shopping for books and scan in and add a title through the app its not showing up at no matter what i try including reinstalling side kick as well.
  7. Thanks for this tip. Just what I was looking for. Now i need to figure out the same for Variations i.e. Varaition 1-A but autographed and with COA. I know its in here somewhere to tie this all together as well
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