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Ronald Lashley

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Ronald Lashley last won the day on October 13 2022

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  1. Had the same issue while in Canada last week while shopping. My collection was no longer in the mobile app or the wanted reports I created. Only the value was showing.
  2. Can we have previous selections separate in both selections? Is it a bit of a pain to have to keep changing the input selection when you go from one to the other?
  3. Thanks, sorry, I'm just now seeing this one. I guess I'll need to upgrade what I have. One last thing on this topic... When you right-click on a title you have the option of Print Price Labels and Identification Labels. Is there a way to set defaults for both of them? It falls in line with the above. No matter which one I click I have to change. I print two labels, one with just the barcode and the other with the comic information and pic like the above.
  4. Yes. I have tried that the few times above that i mentioned when reinstalling CB2023
  5. Yes i am able to do that. I am now able to scan in barcodes from comics but still unable to scan in the barcodes CB creates.
  6. Update. I looked at the order and even though it said Upgrade to ComicBase Archive + DX Laser Barcode Scanner 11/27/2017 My laser I think is actually the DX Laser Mark 2 Model. The DX ones aren't usb and mine is. So I downloaded https://www.comicbase.com/Support/Easy_Setup_Guide_CB_DX_Laser_Mk_2.pdf Used the reset then tried the Easy Setup. Still not working. So reset and tried the Expert and still not working. Unistalled the CB2023 Archive and reinstalled it and the scanner Easy Setup and still no dice. Its not even finding the barcodes on the comics. Its transmitting all the digits as i see it in the Find screen but still coming up with
  7. I do not have the oroiginal that came with it. I went to the site and printed out the one listed there chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.comicbase.com/Support/CB_DX_Laser_Scanner_Setup.pdf Now when i even type in the B#######D code it tells me "No Results Found". Not one of them is working. So now i fear none of the Barcode along with the numenclatures work. It is now not even scanning in the comics barcode. This is #FUBAR
  8. It is the DX-Laser one. I just looked in my order archive so its the first one you all released.
  9. I have the wired-with-stand version from you all from a few years back. On the bottom, it says XL-626A. Thanks Have a trade-in and Up option? 🙂
  10. Thanks, for those workarounds, as I did start doing it that way. Just wanted to add a suggestion for future editions that may have been thought of but not implemented. Hopefully being able to run report parameters could be implemented to allow better tracking, filing, and separation based on publisher and not just comic title. In the early stages of my having CB, I took the time (I was bored) to run the reports based on Comic Titles. Then I would notate on the PDF the draw location of that collection. At least then, I could store each PDF under Marvel, DC, or Indie and merge those files. That got old fast as a solution for ongoing tracking, retriveal, and storage maintenance.
  11. Right now, the Labels show you most of what you see on screen for the title i.e. Title, Variation, and Condition. Would be great to be able to print the pub date as well and as seen on the screen. Also right now I'm printing two labels because, for some reason no matter what I do, my barcode scanner scans in the comics with no problem but when I go to print the label, the scanner won't scan the barcode the system created so I manually type in the system created 9 digit nomenclature under the barcode that comes in the identification Label. So is there a way to have the label print out the first suggestion (date) along with Price, Bacrodes with Nomenclature, and for the sake of room Storylines or writers and artists if Bacrodes with Nomenclature is selected? Right now i'm taking the non-picture price list barcode with the storyline and writers and artists label and placing it on the to back and the Identification Label with Cover Pic and barcodes with nomenclature on the back bottom of my bagged and boarded book. But would prefer to have just one. If i can ever figure out the scanner issue I would stick with the Price one (with the added date feature.
  12. For those of us that split our collections by publishers, is there a way to run a report that way or at least as Marvel, DC, and Indie? If not, I'd like to suggest that option. I know I like to separate my collection by publishers. Or at least by the three listed above.
  13. I think he can get both the same way. One of my reports does that now but I don't Quick Report it to run the crystal report to export to excel
  14. Update. I was able to export to excel just the comics owned. I did a simple one where i did my list of to be graded. Once done I selected them all then Right Clicked and ran Quick Report which spits out a Crystal Report. From there you are able to export to excel or csv.
  15. I'm sorry I wasn't following correctly, as you're trying to export to excel (which is an excellent idea for creating your reports). Still, I only want the basic information I accomplished by doing. Report - Collection Report - and the following settings. (I knew it couldn't be that simple) that only offers HTML or Text, not .csv files. So I print it as PDF for my records.
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