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John W. Jeddry

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John W. Jeddry last won the day on May 21 2020

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  1. just downloaded and it's working for me
  2. I'm also having the same issue as Steven
  3. Out of curiosity why was this moved to magazines? As it's comic book size and not magazine size. What criteria is used to determine what is a comic and what is a magazine?
  4. I recently just switched computers and upgrade to ComicBase 2022 and I downloaded the pictures files 1 through 4. When I started the app and it asked about installing the pictures I said yes. Once it was done I went to the pictures folder and I had Folders from # to Z but also had sub folders of Picture 1 to Picture 4. I just moved the files from these folders to their proper location.
  5. Updated the App to v21.0.2.1884 (on starting up today, Once I restarted ComicBase 2021 Archive Edition the content updated for me with no issues
  6. I just had to reprogram another scanner and had to make sure to set it to transmit the check digit for upc-e and upc-a so that it does not drop the last digit of the barcodes and set it to scan the additional 2 of 5 digit of the barcode on comic books
  7. The Avengelyne one is under Avengelyne (Vol. 2) # 1/ace, Wilcats under WildC.A.T.s #1 /SC
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