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Doug MedicAR

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Everything posted by Doug MedicAR

  1. Nothing happens, and when I try to scroll to the bottom of the pane, it changes the first drop down where "Collection Overview" is. I tried to change the size of the window and it's not an option. I just downloaded the latest version of CB ( and still no changes.
  2. Here's a bigger shot for better context
  3. This is what I'm getting. I tried changing the resolution to no avail.
  4. I tried to upload my Collection Overview and Collection Report to the internet but it doesn't appear to be an option now. In the top right of the pane, there is the options to print which seems to be what used to be in the old pane but there is no "Save to internet" option now. Am I doing something wrong? I tried scrolling the pane but nothing happens
  5. Chamber of Chills (Harvey) #24 had the incorrect cover. It had the same cover as #4. Oddly enough #4 has the number 24 on the cover which probably created the confusion. I tried to submit the correct cover but don't have one large enough to override the current one. The correct cover is below.
  6. I'm finding credits for comic art under "Sam Moskowitz." There most definitely was a Sam Moskowitz but he was not an artist, he was known as a writer, critic and sci-fi fan/collector. Seymour "Sy" Moskowitz was a comic artist active from 1952 thru 1956 and there is practically no information anywhere that I can find. There were only about a half dozen Sam Moskowitz credits that I found and I submitted corrections on them.
  7. This book has the wrong cover attached to it. There was another Beware series from Youthful with the cover in CB. In all of these books, one of the storyline titles aligns with a cover blurb. Changing this cover and adding the other title continues this. I have added the Youthful book but can't change the cover in the Trojan series. The correct cover is below.
  8. Okay, it's a little clearer now but I'm still not 100% sure on this. This book is weird in every way. The title is misleading in that it has little to do with the actual death of Alex Raymond and is more of an analysis of inking techniques by genuine masters of the medium. Interesting, but not what the title leads one to believe. The original printed edition (I had originally listed as TPB 1) is not the same as the hardcover that is now available, as it only contains the first 119 pages of the full 308 page book. The book I submitted as TPB 2 is not in the hardcover at all, it's additional new material. I'm happy to resubmit all of this but want to be sure I get it right. What I submitted What it should be Description TPB 1 1 California Test Market Edition, paperback TPB 2 2 Volume 2: Mockups Bk 1-HC 1-HC Regular edition Bk 1-LE 1-LE Kickstarter signed edition Bk 1-A 1-A Printing error edition
  9. I'll try reading again tomorrow but none of this makes any sense to me. I don't have my computer with CB on it to look at any of this either. Assuming, I can make sense of it and remember to do anything, I'll try this weekend.
  10. I wasn't sure how to handle this, so I changed the HC-1, which was the only book in CB originally, to Bk 1. The problem is that there are three different versions of Bk 1. There is the standard edition which is what CB had. There is the limited Kickstarter edition with a singed plate added. Then there is an error edition in which blue inks were left out of a good portion of the end of the book. Additionally, the original TPB was the "California Test Edition" which was a fund raiser in an attempt to finish the book. There is also a book of mockups copying the pages sent between the creators, Dave Sim and Carson Grubaugh. I feel confident that a more standard TPB will likely follow but as yet there has been no official mention of it. I added all editions and notes as well along with pics for all but the second TPB. My scanner isn't cooperating currently.
  11. For any that haven't read this book, it's incredible. The art is stunning and the story is about many things and one thing, all at the same time. I read a review describing it as "a graphic novel about all wars" which fits but it's also about the warriors that fought them and the consequences they live with moving forward. I put it beside Batman: Night Cries as the best comics on the subject of PTSD. Well worth the time to track down a copy! As for corrections, there are a few that need to be made. First, I am unable to find any evidence of the #1 listed as "Prestige Format" at $4.95 so it should probably be removed. The Bk 1/HC was the first edition of this book at $24.95 and may have been in October of 1990, but I can't find anything definitive on the publication date, so the 9/1/1990 works as well as anything. I cannot find a UPC on this edition either. The ISBN listed in CB is from the back of the dust jacket. The price should probably be updated as well, it seems to hover in the $30-40 range. Bk1 has the correct cover but the wrong data attached. In the lower left corner of the cover, the ISBN number is present and does not match the one in the data. The ISBN in the data matches the second printing. Additionally, I can't find a UPC on the version with that cover but when I search the UPC listed in CB as an ISBN, it comes back as this book. Bk1-2 now has the correct information moved from Bk1 and I added a pic as well. There is also a limited edition and I added info on it as well. All of this has been submitted but I figured some clarification would help matters.
  12. In cleaning up the variants that came up as unrecognized due to the recent changes, I found my Marvels Project sketch covers that I had entered similarly all intact!
  13. Before I start, how about a big round of applause for everyone involved in re-designating the variants in CB? Holy cow, I can't imagine what a monumental task that must have been or how long it took. Strong work! I found it all done because I had some variants in All-Star Batman (the hyphen is important) that were no longer recognized. I got my books worked out but noticed some anomalies in others. All-Star Batman #1-V-29 is listed as a Midtown Comics Exclusive cover by Tyler Kirkham but has the #1-S Ben Oliver variant pictured. Additionally, the actual Midtown Kirkham variant is already listed as #1-L. All-Star Batman #1-G is listed as CGC Graded and includes a certificate of authenticity but there is no picture associated with it. I'm not sure why a CGC graded book would also have a COA so I'm wondering if the intent behind this book is that it was a "thank you" book sent to retailers. I have found one with "DC Certified" noted on a special label with a Batman illustration on it. I would wager that this is the book intended for this variation and have submitted the info and pic. Were All-Star Batman #1-E and #1-F produced? I can't find evidence that they actually exist. Dynamic Forces' website has a place holder cover of a book that doesn't appear to have been produced. There are no copies on eBay and no pictures of the signed book or the place holder anywhere other than the DF site. Amazing Spider-Man has what is probably a minor hiccup as well. #583-A has Barrack Obama on the cover and there were 5 printings before it was all over. What were numbers 583-A-3, 583-A-4 and 583-A-5 are all now 583-3 and up. #582-A-2 was left in place. For my money, the proper designation includes the "A" in the numbering since that was the cover reprinted. Back to the Future (IDW) #1-E appears to have the wrong picture, the correct pic is below. The picture listed now belongs to #1-V28. Also, it's the Z-Box variant with nothing to do with Carol & John's Store. #1-V28 is Carol & John's Store with it clearly labeled on the cover. Back to the Future #1-F is not a Wizard World exclusive cover. It was for the VA Comicon only. #1-F and #1-V39 both appear to be VA Comicon exclusives as they both have the VA Comicon logo on the cover. #1-V31 and #1-V37 are technically the same book since it is a shared variant. Secret Wars #1-G has the note "Alex Ross blank variant cover." Not sure if Mr. Ross is taking credit for blanks now but if he is, it seems wrong to me. 💩
  14. Nothing has turned up. I still have some old backups I want to check just to be certain but it's not looking good.
  15. The new update fixed the problem with being able to edit the issues but the pics are still gone. All the standard pics are there but my own additions are not.
  16. No COA, the gold "seal" and printed "Signed Edition" theoretically fill that role. Unless they have changed recently, I've never seen an IDW Signed Edition with a COA.
  17. I thought these had been in higher demand for a long time!
  18. No, the pics are all gone. I put them in using the method described. They're not in the file at all now which means a ton more time rescanning. Everything is in the original default location as it has always has been. None of the higher prints have a pic associated with them now but did in the past. I really thought the upper end of printings was 50 as I have another book I set aside using that one. Nothing special just an oddball book I wanted to keep my own scan for in addition to the regular edition. I didn't think to check the pic on that one but will tomorrow.
  19. Another example of the variants' images disappearing is the Secret City Saga (Jack Kirby's...). I'm pretty sure #0-B is the platinum (or possibly Kirbychrome) edition and the gold edition is just gone. I had images of all the books I had but now one is gone. Contrary to the notes, #0-A isn't a Kirbychrome edition, it's the Red edition. This also comes into play on Silver Star (Jack Kirby's...) with a platinum variant as well that simply no longer exists. I have books that used to be in CB but are now gone and I don't have an image to go by to figure out what was what.
  20. There is a magnifying glass at the top search bar, click it. It will open a window with a drop down menu, click it and go to "Advanced Find" Beyond that, there is a thread at the top of the Tech Support page to help with the syntax to get what you're looking for.
  21. I feel like there is but I'm not sure how to do it. I can't even find the "Advanced Search" that I have never been able to use...
  22. Oh! And Qty is "Quantity" meaning how many you own...I got ahead of myself...
  23. Forgive me, I haven't used a free version in more than 20 years so I may not know as much as I think. I believe the default setup is with the Item #, Qty, Condition, Grading Notes, Cover, Currency, Cover Date, Street Date, Price and Cost. If you're missing any of these, go to the Setup menu at the very top of the window and hopefully you can activate them there. Cost is what you paid, Price is it's current value. I'm not one to keep track of when I purchase books but I suppose you could active one of the custom fields for it under Setup as well. Welcome aboard!
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