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Improper cover scans

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Wandered through looking at larger scans, and I tagged the following for improper scans that will be smaller when corrected.


Most of them are improper wraparound covers that need cropping to a single panel - they have a cover image a a Title on the back.

A couple look like they were submitted from a solicitation and show multiple variant covers in a single image.

One or two are scans of a whole scanner bed that should be cropped.


Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales    1/E
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & the X-Tracts    1/A
Age of X-Man: Nextgen    1/C
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X    1/A
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists    1/C
Amazing Spider-Man, The (5th Series)    27/A
Amazing Spider-Man, The (5th Series)    88/D
Avengelyne (Vol. 2)    2
Avengers (5th Series)    24.1/B
Avengers (8th Series)    64/E
Batman/Catwoman    1/O
Batman: Fear State: Alpha    1/C
Black Cat (Marvel, 2nd Series)    7/C
DC 2000 (Abril)    19
Docteur Strange (Arédit)    1/HC
Doctor Strange (5th Series)    6/C
Fantastic Four (6th Series)    1/V54
Fantastic Four (6th Series)    35/E
Fantastic Four (6th Series)    35/F
Fantastic Four (6th Series)    35/G
Gamma Hulk (Arédit)    15/HC
Gold Goblin    1/E
Grimm Fairy Tales presents Wonderland    17/F
Grimm Fairy Tales presents Wonderland: Asylum    2/D
House of X    5/D
Immoral X-Men    1/E
King in Black    3/F
Legend of Oz: The Wicked West (2nd Series)    1/F
Legend of Oz: The Wicked West (2nd Series)    1/G
Legend of Oz: The Wicked West (2nd Series)    1/H
Legend of Oz: The Wicked West (2nd Series)    1/J
Legend of Oz: The Wicked West (2nd Series)    1/K
Miles Morales: Spider-Man    39/A
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2nd Series)    1/J
New Mutants (4th Series)    27/A
Nightcrawlers (Marvel)    1/D
Once and Future Tarzan, The    1
Shahrazad    0/A
Shahrazad    1/F
Shahrazad    3/E
Star Wars (3rd Series)    25/I
Star Wars: Life Day    1/C
Star Wars: The Mandalorian    4/F
Sword of Azrael    1/C
Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality    1/G
Thor (6th Series)    25/H
Ultimate Spider-Man    1/L
Una    6
Ursa Minor    1/C
Ursa Minor    1/D
Ursa Minor    2/C
Venom (5th Series)    2/G
Venomverse    1/E
Venomverse    2/B
Web of Venom: Carnage Born    1/B
White Widow    2/V
White Widow    3/O
White Widow    4/T
White Widow    5/Q
White Widow    5/V
X-23 (4th Series)    5/A
X-Men (6th Series)    12/A
X-Men (6th Series)    15/B
X-Men (6th Series)    16/B
X-Men (6th Series)    19/C
X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2nd Series)    1/C
X-Men: Legacy    223/A
X-Men: Legends (2nd Series)    4/B

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Some changed, some not.


13 still need fixing...  full scanner bed, flipbooks that aren't flipped, other


Amazing Spider-Man, The (5th Series)    27/A

Avengelyne (Vol. 2)    2

Avengers (5th Series)    24.1/B

Legend of Oz: The Wicked West (2nd Series)    1/J

Miles Morales: Spider-Man    39/A

New Mutants (4th Series)    27/A

Once and Future Tarzan, The    1

Star Wars: Life Day    1/C
Star Wars: The Mandalorian    4/F

Sword of Azrael    1/C

Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality    1/G

Venom (5th Series)    2/G

Venomverse    2/B

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