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Delete or Move HC.jpg
From: Pictures\L\Little Brown\Goldie Vance- The Hocus-Pocus Hoax
To: Pictures\L\Little, Brown\Goldie Vance- The Hocus-Pocus Hoax

Delete or Move 1.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Alternate Tyme\Medieval-Mayhem
To: Pictures\T\Tyme\Medieval-Mayhem

Delete or Move ALL (163.jpg - Anl 1941.jpg)
From: Pictures\A\Amalgamated Press\Crackers
To: Pictures\A\Amalgamated\Crackers

Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 38.jpg)
From: Pictures\A\Amalgamated Press\School Friend Picture Library
To: Pictures\A\Amalgamated\School Friend Picture Library

Delete or Move ALL (956.jpg - 1334.jpg)
From: Pictures\A\Amalgamated Press\Tiny Tots (Amalgamated)
To Pictures\A\Amalgamated\Tiny Tots (Amalgamated)

Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 1-D.jpg)
From: Pictures\I\Image\H\Hack Slash- Back to School
To: Pictures\I\Image\H\Hack-Slash- Back to School

Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-G.jpg)
From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel Super Heroes- Secret Wars- Battleworld
To: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars- Battleworld

Delete or Move 1-A.jpg
From: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Tales of Terror- 2023 Halloween Special
To: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly- 2023 Halloween Special

Delete or Move ALL (1-B.jpg - 5-C.jpg)
From: Pictures\I\IDW\TMNT-Usagi Yojimbo- Wherewhen
To: Pictures\I\IDW\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Usagi Yojimbo- Wherewhen

Delete or Rename Anl 1-HC.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Alligator\Spider-Man 2

Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Altus\Hell in Boxes- The Exploits of Lynn Lash and Foster Fade

Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Altus\Phantom Detective Companion, The

Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Altus\Secret Agent X Companion, The


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