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From: Pictures\A\Atria Books\Boldly Go- Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder
To: Pictures\A\Atria\Boldly Go- Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder

Delete or Move 1.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Apple\101 Other Uses For a Condom
To: Pictures\A\Apple Press\101 Other Uses For a Condom

Delete or Move 1.jpg and 1-A.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Apple\Lost Frankenstein Pages, The
To: Pictures\A\Apple Press\Lost Frankenstein Pages, The

Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Apple\Winning in the Desert
To: Pictures\A\Apple Press\Winning in the Desert

Delete or Move 1.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Apex\Femme Fatale
To: Pictures\A\Apex Novelties\Femme Fatale

Delete or Move 1.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Apex\Funny Aminals
To: Pictures\A\Apex Novelties\Funny Aminals

Delete or Move 1.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Apex\Funny Animals (Apex)
To: Pictures\A\Apex Novelties\Funny Aminals

Delete or Move 1.jpg
From: Pictures\I\IDW\Femme Magnifique- 50 Magnificient Women Who Changed the World
To: Pictures\B\Black Crown\Femme Magnifique- 50 Magnificient Women Who Changed the World

Delete 2-C.jpg
From: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Beware the Witch's Shadow- Soul to Keep

Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-B.jpg)
From: Pictures\A\Apostle\Billy Tucci- A Child Is Born
To: Pictures\A\Apostle\Child is Born, A (Billy Tucci's-)

Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg
From: Pictures\A\Apostle\Child Is Born, A
To: Pictures\A\Apostle\Child is Born, A (Billy Tucci's-)

Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 2.jpg)
From: Pictures\A\AnnRuel\Scorpion
To: Pictures\A\AnnRuel\Scorpion Avenging Spirit Of The Arapahoes

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