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Troy E. Charlton

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Troy E. Charlton last won the day on September 22 2024

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  1. Hi ComicBase Support Team! Not sure where to post this, but this discussion has a nice image of how left/right arrows show up at the bottom when the search results exceed the number of set rows in the grid. I currently have my installation using a dark theme, and noticed tonight that the numeric shows up, but those arrows do not show up. I think they are blending in with the black theme, they are still accessible if you run your mouse along the line and click a few times Thanks , Troy
  2. Find All My Owned With Cover Date For A Year (2017) & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] >= "2017-01-01" and I.[CoverDate] <= "2017-12-31" and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Owned Platinum Age Comics & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] > "1897-01-01" and I.[CoverDate] < "1938-03-31" and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Owned Golden Age Comics & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] > "1938-04-01" and I.[CoverDate] < "1956-08-31" and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Owned Silver Age Comics & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] > "1956-09-01" and I.[CoverDate] < "1969-12-31" and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Owned Bronze Age Comics & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] > "1970-01-01" and I.[CoverDate] < "1984-12-31" and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Owned Modern Age Comics & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] > "1985-01-01" and I.[CoverDate] < "2050-01-01" and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Owned Comics Of Low Value/Reading Value & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[Price] < 2.00 and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Find Every Singled Annual Published By Marvel Comics & Sorted By Value Items Where... ComicTitles.Publisher = 'Marvel' AND [ItemNumber] LIKE 'Anl %' Order By I.[Price] desc Find Every Singled None-Variant Comic Published in 2020 Who's Value At Least $50 Greater Than Original Cover Price & Sorted By 2020 Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] >= "2020-01-01" and I.[CoverDate] <= "2020-12-31" and I.PRICE -I.[CoverPrice] > 50.00 and I.[QtyInStock]>=0 and I.[ItemNumber] not like '%/%' Order By I.[ValueYear4] desc Owned Comics That Have SUPERMAN...Starting Title & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[Title] LIKE 'SUPERMAN%' and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc Owned Comics SINCE 2000 That Have Had At Least A $20 Value Increase Over Previous Year & Sorted By Value Items Where... I.[CoverDate] >= "2000-01-01" and I.PRICE - I.[ValueYear3] > 20.00 and I.[QtyInStock] > 0 Order By I.[Price] desc
  3. Just wanted to chime in on this issue as well, as I discovered last night I also had lost data within custom field #1, same field that Gary is using to track location/box. I only noticed it while doing some basic reporting reviews, and seen that some of the issues had my location field missing or blank. My installation of Comicbase 2020 was on a fresh Windows 10 install, with a copy of the 2017 database used as the imported data. I lost approximately 300-400 entries (from a 10,000+ collection), random issues, in random boxes there didn't seem to be a pattern for the ones that went m.i.a. Fortunately I still had an older copy of my database, under a previous version of Comicbase for reference. I was able to use it to look up each book, and re-key the missing data....but it was extremely time consuming. I just figured it was 'growing pains' with the new version.
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