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Scott J. Promish

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About Scott J. Promish

  • Birthday 7/3/1970

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  1. That sounds right to me. I'll edit my database entry if confirmed.
  2. Alright, I'm going to submit it as Book 1-B with the standard ISBN as noted by Randall above.
  3. My hardcover measures about 9x11", has a cover price of $30, and the only extras are the cover variants for the individual issues.
  4. Yes. Light novels are just that, novels that are an easy and quick read.
  5. Further information: The copyright page lists a standard ISBN and a direct market exclusive ISBN. Since I bought my copy at a comic book store, I would assume that is the direct market edition, but that is how Book 1 Hardcover is listed. https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/1390362/1/Somna-Book-1-Hardcover Is variation A a softcover? If so, why isn't it just Book 1? https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/1406836/1/Somna-Book-1-Variation-A Can you tell me what ISBNs you have for the two collected editions already in the database?
  6. Yes, the comic was published in an oversized format, and so is my hardcover.
  7. Can you explain what you mean by oversized? My book, and the original comic were both printed in a larger than standard comic size.
  8. I just picked up the hardcover collected edition of Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay's Somna and I'm not sure how to designate it in my CB. The Book #1 Hardcover is the direct market edition with a different cover. Book #1 Variation A has a similar cover, but the colors are different, and mine doesn't have the DSTLRY logo in the upper right corner. I wonder if that might be a preliminary cover in CB/AA. The book just came out and mine is a first printing. I've attached a scan of my copy below. I cannot compare the ISBN as my CB is not up to date. But the ISBN on my book is 9781962265010. So I need to know if I should replace the Variation A with my cover, or create a new issue. If the latter, what designation should I give it?
  9. Yes, that's terrible behaviour, and I don't know why they designed it that way.
  10. It's not checked now, but I'm sure it was... I'll see what happens next time I renew.
  11. I have 2024 Archive, which I just updated recently. Now you mention it I do remember that function--only problem is, it never downloaded the larger cover when I clicked on it. My subscription only lapsed recently, but when I renew again I'll see what happens I guess...
  12. I was having the same problem. (Unrecognized issue.) They must have moved it.
  13. I am getting the prompts again, now.
  14. My subscription ran out recently, but this was an issue even when I was current. It seems almost as if a majority of the covers in my CB are tiny (no bigger than the thumbnail.) Covers for very well-known, mainstream comics, that even if CB did only have a tiny image at one time, would have been replaced many times over by users if not HC themselves. Take a look at Amazing Spider-Man, for example. Very few covers are not tiny. Some covers display large but are such poor resolution that they are probably meant to be tiny as well. I feel like this is an issue that started in the last year or so, though my sense of time is not great.
  15. Where is the Marvel Age Annual? That was 100% comic.
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