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Gregory Hecht

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Everything posted by Gregory Hecht

  1. The three Bronze Age omni are listed as Book #1/HC through Book #3/HC under the Justice League of America title. If the Bronze Age omni are to be listed under the Justice League of America title, then the Silver Age omnis probably should as well... BUT the Silver Age omnis have their own title, PLUS James is correct in that there is also a separate title for the Bronze Age omni. So my suggestion is that Book #1/HC through Book #3/HC get removed from Justice League of America and that all three books be listed under the Justice League of America: The Bronze Age Omnibus title.
  2. Gambit (8th series) is one of Marvel's recent "retro series" using creators and continuity from the 80s/90s. Although it isn't labelled as such, it is essentially a mini-series and it concluded with issue #5.
  3. Fortunately, I saw your note before installing the latest content update. I emptied the cover date and street date fields and resubmitted.
  4. Orders for Stranger Things: The Many Ghosts of Dr. Brenner have been cancelled. Dark Horse plans to resolicit, but until that happens, the title should be pulled from the database.
  5. A couple of those titles might need to be examined as to whether they should be re-titled with the author in parentheses at the end of the title name. Also, I believe that Frank Miller's Daredevil and the Ends of Heroism is a prose book, not a comic, so that needs to be moved into the appropriate category.
  6. The database includes the title The Secret History: Game of Chance. I am not able to find verification that the five periodical issues or the collected hardcover came out (the floppies were solicited in 2011, I think). If nobody can verify that any of these came out, I think that the title should be deleted from the database. (I am pretty sure that this topic came up on the old message boards, but I'm getting an Error 500 Internal Server Error page when I try to go there.)
  7. I agree, this would be very helpful to those of us who add books in giant batches!
  8. I think that these emails occasionally go out to the person who started a thread that received some replies. I suspect (but I'm not positive) that the odds of receiving such an email go up if you (i.e., the original poster) don't respond in the thread that has received responses. I'm guessing that it is an over-active feature of the message board software. I don't think that this anything like the Swan station button on "Lost", deleting the emails doesn't trigger negative consequences.
  9. I think that the Notes field is the appropriate place for this particular info.
  10. The 2023 printing of the Flashpoint tpb has been cancelled. Apparently the 5th printing remains in stock, so DC isn't going to make more at the present time. With that in mind, Flashpoint (2nd series) Book #1 (6th print) should be deleted from the database.
  11. The entry for Marvel Calendar #2014 contains the following in the Notes field: Mispelled on front as“Calender” Note that the word "Mispelled" should actually be "Misspelled" Also, there should be a space between as and "Calender"
  12. This week's update added the comic title The Spider: Syndicate of Crime. That should be indexed as Spider, The: Syndicate of Crime . Also, the only issue under this title is listed as #1/DM. There are no other issues... is there a reason why this isn't just listed as #1? (I'm not familiar with this, so there could be a reason, but I honestly don't know what it could be.) [[As an aside: while researching the above, I noticed that the database includes the title Jerry Siegel’s The Syndicate of Crime. Should that be indexed as The Syndicate of Crime (Jerry Siegel’s…) ?]] Also added in this week's content update was the comic title Three Stooges, The: Jubille Reprint. Should that really be Three Stooges, The: Jubilee Reprint ?
  13. These kinds of emails have been showing up in my inbox on occasion. I just delete them and move on. The sun still rises in the east, the birds still sing, and the universe hasn't ended.
  14. He looked to see how many items were in stock with Qty greater than or equal to 1. He really needs to look to see how many items are in stock with Qty greater than 1 to see if that is the cause of his problem. But I agree, Rebuild Lists may help him out.
  15. Click on the Find button to activate the dropdown menu, select Other. In the pop-up window, click on the box next to "Find" (in the general upper left region) to get a long dropdown menu. Select "Qty In Stock." That should update the window to give you options related to the number of items in stock. You might start out by selecting "Is Greater Than" and putting in something in the text box like "2" or "10" or something like that. Then click on the "Find" button in the lower right corner to get your results.
  16. Have you done a search to see which comics you have that are Quantity In Stock > 1 or even > 10 ? In the *old* days, an accidental entry of a UPC number in the Quantity field would result in this sort of situation. I am pretty sure that Pete set up some code in ComicBase to prevent that kind of error, but something else may have happened to give you a similar effect.
  17. No, I don't have a count. Nor do I know how many times non-Marvel publishers have done something similar.
  18. In some cases, variants are printed in equal numbers. In such situations, CB has arbitrarily designated which version is "Variant A". Circa early 2000's, the second issue of Marvel's #2 issues would get two different covers printed in equal quantities, for example. So there is no real "Prime" issue in those cases.
  19. The following printings need to be added: #1/HC 2nd print #1/HC 3rd print #2/HC 2nd print #2/A 2nd print The only reason that I am not submitting them via ComicBase is that I don't have the UPC numbers for them.
  20. There is no such field. Many comics have a cover date that is at least one month ahead of the actual release date. And many times a delayed comic still gets the same cover date that it would have received if it were released on time. If a ComicBase entry has an image associated with it that is not a preliminary image, that is fairly good indicator that the item has been released. But the converse is not necessarily true. Items that have a preliminary image or no image at all are not necessarily unreleased. A common example of this would be trade paperback and hardcover collected editions, as the Human Computing offices typically don't order those and they rely heavily on user submissions for those items.
  21. The Phantom Stranger Omnibus has been cancelled and should be removed from the database. No word on whether it will be resolicited (although the PRH website still lists it, albeit with an August 2023 release date). EDITED TO ADD: This is in the current solicitation catalog, so the existing entry in CB probably only needs to be updated rather than deleted.
  22. I wonder if the gap is the result of some of the variants getting cancelled. I know for sure that the "Jim Lee Christmas Card" cover variant was cancelled. (For some retailers that was Variant R, but that doesn't appear to be the case for ComicBase.)
  23. UPC numbers sometimes change between info that is initially sent to retailers and the printing of the actual book. Since we don't know when TFAW (or any other retailer) enters those UPC's into their system, it might save the CB folks some work if folks send actual UPC info from the printed book.
  24. The HC offices generally don't get collected editions, especially not the über-expensive ones... so sometimes those items don't get added into the database until a user submits it. So if you get yours before it shows up in the database, go ahead and submit!
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