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Fred Slota

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Everything posted by Fred Slota

  1. Subscriptions, Preorders, Orders... Probably a tall order, given differing Title identifications and Issue identifications... One can dream...
  2. Vampirella Quarterly currently has 7 titles, which currently alphabetically sort as: Vampirella Quarterly: Fall 2007 Vampirella Quarterly: Halloween 2008 Vampirella Quarterly: Spring 2007 Vampirella Quarterly: Spring 2008 Vampirella Quarterly: Summer 2007 Vampirella Quarterly: Summer 2008 Vampirella Quarterly: Winter 2008 Wouldn't it be nicer if the AlphabeticTitle field could be appropriately mangled to produce: Vampirella Quarterly: Spring 2007 Vampirella Quarterly: Summer 2007 Vampirella Quarterly: Fall 2007 Vampirella Quarterly: Spring 2008 Vampirella Quarterly: Summer 2008 Vampirella Quarterly: Halloween 2008 Vampirella Quarterly: Winter 2008 I don't know if this comes up anywhere else... Excelsior!
  3. Can the insert be changed to take place at the cursor position, instead of at the end of the text entry field?
  4. Several years ago, I made a suggestion for a change in the alphabetizing rules that was eventually incorporated into ComicBase, merging the sorting of related titles with both Volume and Series numbering. (For example, look at the multiple Titles for the Avengers...) I would like to propose a similar adjustment to clean up a similar situation; The alphabetizing of titles with numeric words in the title. This suggestion has two parts, both of which are exemplified in the various Doctor Who titles. As a start, look at these titles: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Three Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two Notice how the second and third titles, while they are in alphabetical order, are not in useful order. They are sorted on the AlphabetizedTitle field, which for these three titles is: DoctorWhoTheEleventhDoctor DoctorWhoTheEleventhDoctorYearThree DoctorWhoTheEleventhDoctorYearTwo I propose that when the AlphabetizedTitle field is being generated, it search for numerical words and substitute an appropriate zero-padded numeral. In this case, it would produce: DoctorWhoTheEleventhDoctor DoctorWhoTheEleventhDoctorYear00002 DoctorWhoTheEleventhDoctorYear00003 And thus sort the titles as: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Three That's the easy part. Here's the hard part. Look at these titles (I'm picking and choosing to better show my point): Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Notice how all the titles, while they are in alphabetical order, are not in useful order. They are sorted on the AlphabetizedTitle field, which for these seven titles is: DoctorWhoTheEighthDoctor DoctorWhoTheEleventhDoctor DoctorWhoTheFourthDoctor DoctorWhoTheNinthDoctor DoctorWhoTheTenthDoctor DoctorWhoTheThirdDoctor DoctorWhoTheTwelfthDoctor I propose that when the AlphabetizedTitle field is being generated, it search for ordinal words and substitute an appropriate zero-padded numeral that will sort separately from regular numbers, such as 0th0xxxx. In this case, it would produce: DoctorWhoThe0th0003Doctor DoctorWhoThe0th0004Doctor DoctorWhoThe0th0008Doctor DoctorWhoThe0th0009Doctor DoctorWhoThe0th0010Doctor DoctorWhoThe0th0011Doctor DoctorWhoThe0th0012Doctor And thus sort the titles as: Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor (Note: Text searching should probably look for space-padded words, i.e. " four ", and not "four") There will be some shifts of titles in addition to resorting - For example, all of the above will move to being ahead of the title "Doctor Who: The Betrothal of Sontar". This will probably need a little more research for possible unusual cases; fractions, multi-word numbers. Thoughts?
  5. Okay, so titles with initial numbers are sorting numerically based on the full number... Zero, fraction, 1, 2, 3, ... , 9, 10, 11, etc. This recognizes initial '0' (See "07-Ghost) and commas (See "5,000 km Per Second") And Series and Volume numbering sorts so 1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10, 11, etc. But then we have the following: A1 (4th Series) A-10 Comics Presents A-1 Big Book of Crime Comics and later: Adam-12 Adam.3 and later: X/1999 X-23 ... X-23: The Complete Collection X-51 X-9: Secret Agent Corrigan Which does not recognize full numbers. But we also have: X-Men 2 Prequel: Wolverine X-Men '92 X-Men '92 (2nd Series) X-Men 2009 What should we expect for non-leading numbers? I vote for the same numeric treatment as happens for leading numbers.
  6. TL:DR - Sort on AlphabeticTitle for the Find "My Comics", please. What do we want? CONSISTANCY Where do we want it? EVERYWHERE When do we want it? Well, whenever you can get around to it...... But seriously... Observe the following: 2099 Alpha 2099: Manifest Destimy 2099 Omega 2099 Sketchbook 2099 Special (Panini Italy) 2099 Special: The World of Doom 2099 Unlimited 2099: World of Tomorrow This uses the mangled-for-better-behavior AlphabeticTitle field, which among other things is punctuation agnostic. Notice how the ':' is ignored. The sorting happens for: Title order in the Titles dialog Title Left and Title Right buttons Find for Titles that contain "2099" Find for QtyInStock > 0 (manual My Comics search) Collection Overview Report Collection Report But... Now, I personally don't have all these titles. Of the ones I do have, this is the order I get with a Find on the top-listed hard-coded "My Comics": 2099 Alpha 2099 Special: The World of Doom 2099 Unlimited 2099: Manifest Destiny 2099: World of Tomorrow Ooops. That darn ':'. Also, Series/Volume ordering. I have no idea where it placed my issues of "The 'Nam", which should be as "Nam", but is not there, not at the begining nor at the end with a possible ', not at "The"...
  7. Sorry I wasn't clearer. I understand that full art probably wouldn't be available until they came out. I was wondering why there was no preliminary artwork on common titles that had artwork for future issues...
  8. And it can and does work invisibly. I just think that anyone who does pull up the interface, wondering if/when the last update was, their next thought would possibly be "Huhn, I wonder what it did when it updated?"
  9. 1) I have selected a simple issue, like "Ocean Master: Year of the Villain" and have focused on the issue. Simple credits, one writer, two artists. Hmm, they're in blue, that's a hyperlink... I click on the name Dan Watters, and golly gee, I search is performed to show me all issues written by Dan Watters. How convenient. But....suppose I click on the far right of the screen at the same height, inches and inches away from the Blue text. Now, I have to wait for a search of issues written by Dan Watters to complete, and I'm now focused on the first issue in that search instead of where I was. If you can't narrow the actual clickable area, would it be possible to prevent it from actually performing a search if you hadn't in fact, been clicking on a name? 2) Okay, I've done a search for Issues written by Dan Watters, and I've decided I want to look at the first issue it returns, 24 Panels #1. Gee, there sure are a lot of Storylines and Writers. I happen to have my window configured where the grid takes up most of the space. There are so many writers credits that someone's name is covered by the +/- issue manipulation buttons, and many others that run to a second line are cut off by the grid. If I tighten it up a little more, I can't even tell that there were supposed to be more than a single line of writer names. Poor Dan Watters, I can't see his name anywhere. Anyone see a problem here. I'm sure Dan Watters does. Non-overlapping controls and a scroll bar, maybe?
  10. Honey, why is that woman eating from our popcorn? Well, since you asked....
  11. 1) Thanks, I'm blind. I was expecting it as a link under the main ComicBase page, not a tab in the forum page. 2) I'd imagine separating the two forums out will prevent wrong topic postings. It might be helpful, though to provide a hyperlink somewhere on each forum's page to take you tot he other forum. 3) Okay. Might consider making it it's own topic. Excelsior!
  12. On a different note, there are database fields available in Advanced Find called "Picture Height" and "Picture Width" that can give you more information at once.
  13. The title is possessive both on the cover and in the indicia, not "Harley Quinn: Villain of the Year".
  14. I know I can sort files by date, but how about naming the files in a way that they naturally sort chronologically? yyyy-mm-dd? How about a link, either to the most recent log, or just to the folder of log reports, in Sidekick for the "Update database content" item?
  15. Why are there no images for some current issues, neither final or preliminary, for some current issues like Detective Comics 1017 or Justice League Odyssey 16, when there are images for some later issues? And these aren't obscure titles... I was going to provide details about my version, and update times, and logs, and manual download attempts, but then realized that they're not on AtomicAvenue, either.
  16. 1) Where is the forum archive link to view the old forum? 2) New AtomicAvenue forums? 3) Forum for discussing the forum?
  17. The icon of the word bubbles with a black background to the left of the forum name, when clicked, does not work, at least for me. I have some unread items in the forum. I click the icon. I get a dialog saying "There was an error marking this item as read".
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