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Current Series first in search

Fred Slota

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I understand the simplicity of listing search results in a predictable order.


But let's be honest here.  If someone starts typing into the Search Bar "X-For", which is more likely: that they want to go to the first entry, "X-Force", the series that ended in 2002, or that they want to go to the sixth entry, "X-Force (6th Series)" the current series, which isn't even visible in the shown search results, and requires you to shuffle through the list?


I suggest adding some optional functionality to search result listings, opt in/out by programmable setting... Here are some possible


  • For titles with (xxx Series) or (Vol x), report search results in reverse order
  • If the first result is a title with multiple Series/Vol, and the last one is published in the Current Year or Present, list that Title first.
  • Primary Sort all results first by Current Year/Present vs. all other years, then Alphabetical by Title.
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