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The actual title for the book in the indicia is "Kor-Drath; The Reckoning".

CB has two entries for this book,


Kor-Drath: the Reckoning


I'm not sure if Andy Smith is going to do a second chapter, however, I feel that the plain Kor-Drath should be kept and Kor-Drath: The Reckoning be deleted. The same way that Cyberfrog:Bloodhoney was shortened to Cyberfrog (All Caps) in anticipation of a second issue.

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Andy Smith has now added a sign-up to receive notice when Kor-Drath: The Awakening goes live on Indiegogo.com. So, there will be a second volume. Therefore, the idea of keeping only the Kor-Drath listing appears to be the better option.

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  • 2 months later...

Kor-Drath: The Reckoning is the first issue of the Kor-Drath series by Andy Smith.

All the issues of Kor-Drath: The Reckoning need to be moved to The title Kor-Drath

I'm submitting the Kor-Drath Title and all issues again. 

Also, Kor-Drath is being crowdfunded on Indiegogo

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Indicia says "Kor-Drath: The Reckoning"

However, it is being treated as an ongoing series by creator Andy Smith.

I submitted "Cyberfrog:Blood Honey" years ago, and you changed it to "Cyberfrog (All Caps)"

So I continued the series with Cyberfrog 2: Rekt Planet" as issue 2 even though the Indicia says "Cyberfrog 2: Rekt Planet" not "Cyberfrog 2", it's all one series. Each chapter has it's own title.

So if you are now going by the indicia, then all of the True Believers books need to have their own titles, as well as the DC Essential books, etc.

You guys are killing me with this back and forth stuff. I submit books by the indicia and then you change them to an existing title because it's a reprint of one of those books, I submit a book to a series, and then you want it separated by the indicia. What is it going to be? I, as you can see on older message boards here on this forum, have fought for indicia ONLY and I get repeatedly shot down.

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