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Report Help - Reporting by Number of Issues

Jesse Dubin

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Are there any folks good at finessing reports who can help?  I'm looking to create one that will give me a listing of any title I have more than 12 issues of (to help guide me to the best places to put title dividers).  Even a report listing the number of issues of every title would be useful.



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Since every issue in CB is assigned a unique identifying number, there is no way to do any kind of count function in CB.

The only way I can imagine doing this is to export your data (if you have and Edition of CB that allows exporting) and put it into a database (Access, SQL, etc) or possibly a Spreadsheet and do the count functionality outside of CB.

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Thanks Steven.  I think it must be possible, while poking around I found that if I go to Collection Report > Titles I Own > Summary under each title it will give me the total number of comics, so the count is there.  Now I just have to figure out how to filter it by >= 12.



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There is a difference between what the people at HC can write (no limitation) and what we (the end user) can write or do.

The reports are made of of 'canned' SQL with a limited amount of modification supplied by the check boxes.

Getting Counts with full access to the database with SQL is possible (and pretty easy). However, because of limitations, we can't write the SQL that would allow the type of counts you want (inside CB).

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