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Clean up for 5/6/2021 content update

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This week's update added The Essential Conan to Books.  To avoid confusion with Essential Conan that is already listed in Comics, I would like to suggest that the title be changed to The Essential Conan (SFBC).  

Also listed as a new book is Batman: The Killing Joke (Titan).  If this is a reprint of Batman: The Killing Joke rather than a novelization, then it belongs in Comics, not Books.  


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For the second one, Batman: The Killing Joke (Titan), is a novel. (you can use the Look Inside feature at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GGL3FSF/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1.

As for The Essential Conan, I had considered the near identical name with Essential Conan (and I double checked that it is just Essential Conan in the indicia). I decided against adding Publisher to the Title because it was a different name, it is in a different section (Books vs. Comics), and the covers for both are available. This should remove any confusion.  At least that was my thought process. However, If the editors at HC want to add the Publisher to the name, I would have no problem with that (it was a 60/40 choice on my part).



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