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  1. Today 5/13/23, after today's latest update, I am currently using ComicBase 2023 Archive Edition v23.2.2 (Build 2851) (16.27 MB), when I was typing in the publisher, and dates etc, etc., the words did not appear in the corresponding block, so I had no way of seeing what I typed; I was literally typing blind. I am aware of the very top of the entry screen that shows the title of the book, comic, etc... but it will not reflect that for me for the publisher, country of origin, etc. I just want to be sure I am typing in the data correctly since I am literally not able to see the screen's mirroring what I am typing in the corresponding block. Is there a reason this is happening, what am I missing? Appreciate your guidance please. Thank you.
  2. Just finished downloading version 1515...everything works again. Many Thanks.
  3. My DX Scanner is currently not scanning in the UPC Codes for some reason. I tried older back issues too, that it use to work on as well and nothing...no response. This seems to have had happened after the last one or two latest updates...coincidence? not sure. Do I need to go to the manual and try to reboot it with reprogramming? When I tried recently it did not repsond either. Has it finally worn out?? Appreciate tech support on this issue please...thanks
  4. I discussed the issue with tech support, may have figured out the problem, but, I won't know for sure until after their next update release later this week.
  5. When I open up to enter data on a comic book, I go to the "OTHER" Tab and to the bottom left it states that with a check box next to it. I check it off so the price does not get changed for my purposes.
  6. SO really not happy with this subject...In MY COLLECTION that I have in MY COPY of Comicbase, I have worked extremely hard over the past 18 months checking the 'Prevent Update From Changing price' in MY COLLECTION when I have to change the price value of MY COMICS in MY COLLECTION for accuracy for my insurance. What is the purpose for having this option if the recent update erases all that work. Please explain this? Has anyone else had this problem? I now have to repair those entries AGAIN. Appreciate an explanation. Thank you.
  7. Just a heads up , it's early in the stage of this is ,as I am reading The past few weeks, but newsstand and direct Edition comics are starting to get separated into different categories and value due to their distribution and rarity of the new stands Over direct edition. the news stand editions and those related variants seem to be catching the attention of collectors , especially new collectors.
  8. For the mark Jewelers issues they are in higher demand and also getting more collector attention because the mark jeweler inserts are a thicker insert which helps maintain the comic to maintain a better more desirable condition. Mark Jewelers insert comic issues were primarily distributed on a limited basis near military installations. These Comics were the same as all the other Comics except they had the mark Jewelers insert. I've checked several resources my comicshop.com I've checked eBay I've checked Comic Vine I've checked other sources in most cases Mark Jewelers have a usual $8 to $15 price increase in value just a heads up. I have several Mark Jewelers so you may want to scarf those other low price before people catch on
  9. As of today and for some unknown reason the last few months every time I try to get a current report to show on my mobile app ,(so I'm not buying duplicate comics) my mobile app will show that I did a update but it still reflects the old report and it hasn't changed in weeks and months I'm wondering if there's a way to go back, at my own option, if I can do the old method of tagging my Comics inventory report and then just having a tab for the report to where I can look it up without having to deal with all the troubles I've been having with the mobile app ,before the mobile app came out ,which I am glad that it did, just bummed that it's not working like it should in my opinion, and I don't know why it's not working right, I don't know if it's something in my phone or something in my program not sure what's going on. But basically every week I get the weekly updates then I save it to the cloud I know there's lag time for it to reflect in my mobile app with the new issues I added, however , I still show the same report even though the mobile app shows that I did an update it still shows the same report that I've had for months and I don't understand why that still has the old report reflecting.
  10. I tried to send the photos of the issue I am having, but, it did not send/receive on your end. I will try again later. For some reason I have a red "x" next to ComicBase, possibly a lock out problem...I did nothing to warrant that. I just downloaded the upgrade and the rest is history. sorry for the trouble, appreciate the help
  11. Having trouble with backing up to the same database of CB . this occurs every time there is a brand new version out. ALSO, Avengers (Marvel 1st series) the Annuals are not listed , at least not showing in my program. I will try to attach the photos of the issues to this message, otherwise I will call you Monday afternoon.
  12. After several assists, the CB Phone app, after updating, and saving to the server, and after assistance from Tech Support, STILL WON'T show my inventory accurately. Such as, Amazing Spider-Man 122 and Thor 252, show up in my inventory on my Laptop, but DO NOT SHOW ON CB App. I had Mark, with his much appreciated assistance, co-pilot my laptop to straighten the mess out, still, the problem persists. I have no idea what is going on. UGH. Please help.
  13. I have this happen occasionally too on my Android and LG phone
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