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Gregory Hecht

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Everything posted by Gregory Hecht

  1. Bleeding Cool recently listed some items solicited by Marvel long ago but which have never been published. Most of these are not in the database, but a couple still are and should be deleted: • Marvel Monograph: The Art of Leinl Francis Yu • Luke Cage; City on Fire
  2. I may be wrong on this, but I think that the updates generally do NOT make changes of the sort you are asking about.
  3. I'm not understanding the problem here. The notes for #1/F say "Limited to 350" and the notes for #1/H say "Limited to 300." So there were supposedly 350 copies of #1/F circulated and 300 copies of #1/H circulated.
  4. Not being familiar with this title, my first instinct is to ask whether it should be "Brother's" or "Brothers" [no apostrophe]
  5. Or maybe "companion" covers? Since "twin" is kind of limiting (i.e., strictly two) but it isn't hard to imagine an instance could occur where there are more than just two companion covers for a particular project.
  6. This week's update added the Comic Book title Antarctic Press Presents: How to Draw Manga. Any reason why this title was added as a Comic and not as a Book title? (I see a whole bunch of Antartic's "How to Draw" titles were set up as Book titles this week.) This week the Comics title Youth (Schulz’s…) got changed to Schulz’s Youth. Based on the database description for this title, it is a collection of cartoons by Charles Schulz for the magazine Youth (rather than a book about Charles Schulz's younger years). Should this title have kept its original form?
  7. Dude, just email corrected scans. Why make Pete et al go through a lot of coding work?
  8. This sounds like it should really be posted over at the Atomic Avenue message boards rather than here in the ComicBase message boards. That said, and at the risk of continuing a thread that belongs elsewhere, I'll say that I'm not sure why your shipping costs would be $35. Is this domestic US shipping? Or shipping across the Atlantic Ocean? Is this for floppies, or for something like a large heavy book? Or are you saying that the sellers all have minimum purchase requirements of $35 per order?
  9. I'd be in favor of using the Appearances field for that info, but based on Mark's response you'll need to convince @Mark J. Castaneda and/or @Peter R. Bickford that this is a suitable use for the field.
  10. If users are allowed to upload scans that are smaller than what is in the database, there is the potential for a lot of incorrect things to get submitted, especially since there are "correction points" associated with scan submissions. It actually has the potential to balloon into a bigger workload problem than just submitting an email to correct scans that need cropping etc.
  11. If it was addressed in the master database, should the notation as it is displayed on Atomic Avenue have updated automatically? I always use the AA pages as a way of checking what is in the master database, and right now the incorrect notation is still on display there.
  12. Many of them could be legit landscape publications. A lot of comic strip reprints over the last several years have been in landscape format books. The Library of American Comics publications (most of which have come out via IDW) use that format very often, for example.
  13. Since it is already in portrait rather than landscape, the question of whether or not #9/D gets rotated should depend on which side the staples are on, yes? #9/E is presented in landscape, so that scan needs to be rotated for sure... but whether it is 90° CW or CCW depends on which side the staples are on.
  14. Or, as in the case of Fantastic Four #252, as the comic would have been displayed on a typical store shelf or rack.
  15. I'm not understanding the need for this. What does this get you that the existing variant letter and variant number system doesn't do?
  16. I'm not understanding this. If there is no evidence of existing variants for specific issues, why should they be listed in the database as Variant A?
  17. I'm guessing that these are holdovers from the initial approach to handling Crisis of Infinite Godzilla situations (link will work if HC ever gets the old message board archives back up).
  18. This specific piece from the OP still needs to be addressed. (All of the issue transfers and deletions have been done correctly.)
  19. The comic title Meanwhile... published by Crow needs the following corrections: • The Title note "Soaring Penguin publishes issue #3" is incorrect and should be removed. (The Soaring Penguin title -- which is already in the database -- is entirely unrelated to the title published by Crow and starts with its own #1 and #2 issues.) As far as I can tell, there were only two issues of the title published by Crow and nobody continued it after issue #2. • Issues #3 through #9 should be deleted. They are duplicates of issues listed under Meanwhile... (Soaring Penguin). • Issues #10 and #11 should be moved to the Meanwhile... (Soaring Penguin) title.
  20. Is there a reason why all of the issues of Sins of the Black Flamingo have "Variation A" appended to them? AFAIK, there are no variants... and if there are, they can always get the "Variant A" designation.
  21. Looking at the Kickstarter page, I can't help but think that back in my day, jungle babes usually hung out in the forest wearing leopard skins instead of expensive lingerie. How times have changed.
  22. My vote is that scans of the front covers of items should be right-side-up as determined by that item in its own right, not in the context of connecting images from other items. (But if you want to flip the images that you store locally for when your database draws upon when you run ComicBase, that is entirely up to you.)
  23. I am pretty sure that for the three Marvel titles that you list by name, they were called "Annual" in their indicia. I would have to go back and check, but I don't think that the "Acts of Evil" annuals were an ongoing connected storyline but instead more of a theme (i.e., various Marvel characters facing off against foes that they had not fought in the past). It is not surprising that there are a lot of titles in the database with "Annual" in the title, especially since the database includes UK comics. There are, admittedly, some oddities that have cropped up over the years. For instance, I am guessing that X-Files Annual 2015 got its own title since it came out with a cover date of July 2015, between the end of the X-Files Season 10 series and the launch of the X-Files Season 11 series. In regards to issue numbering, there was a period of a few years where Marvel stopped sequentially numbering their annuals and used the year (either all four digits of the year or the last two digits with an apostrophe) as the issue identifier. In those cases, the database uses the year as the issue number (which is the correct approach for those particular issues because that is what the publisher did).
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