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Adam Sternberg

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Adam Sternberg last won the day on March 26 2024

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  1. The various "What If...? Galactus Transformed..." titles are wrong. The indicia for the Hulk title that came out this week is "What If...? Galactus: Galactus Transformed Hulk?" (note the "Galactus:" and the question mark at the end). I've tried to submit a content correction, but I'm posting here as a backup
  2. Side note: The cover artist on 1/B is listed as "Mr. Garcin". Is that correct, or should it be "M.R. Garcin"?
  3. This title is incorrect. The correct title according to the indicia is Sam Wilson: Captain America. I will edit the title and submit as a correction, but I'm not sure that trick always works, so I'm alerting folks here as well.
  4. Excuse you? I didn't use "the same scripted BS reply"; i quoted what was stated before, and I invite you to read a reply thoroughly before you attack the person making the comment
  5. Is this why there are some many "skipped variants" in the database (for example, some title one week having 11/A, 11/B, 11/D, and 11/E issues, but no 11/C)? I have to admit that's one of my biggest pet peeves, and I'd almost think it's not worth entering placeholders in the database until they're actually in-hand (but I get that's not practical given the scale of what comes out each week...)
  6. I had searched by UPC, but maybe not when I asked the last question. I will update, thank you both.
  7. @Mark J. Castaneda, this is still showing up as a unrecognized title for me. Was there a final decision on how it should be cataloged?
  8. Just putting my engineering hat on... Could the value ranges be based on NM value, but the issue in question has a lesser grade (which is reflecting in the other columns)?
  9. I didn't (yet) dig it out, but did look it up on GCD. The issue in question is https://www.comics.org/issue/1739387/ (still named Batman Day Special Edition). It's called out there as a reprint of Batman (3rd series) 16 (as Mark surmised), which is here: https://www.comics.org/issue/1671798/#1984648. One thing I note is that the page count for the story is the same (20 pages), so until I can dig it out of my stacks, I'd wager it is a full reprint.
  10. I'd have to dig to find it, but the curious thing is that it WAS in the database under the old title. Seems it may have just been removed rather than corrected as a reprint.
  11. After last week's update, it was reported that Batman Day Special Edition was an obsolete title. However, I can't find where the issue (2017) went to. The UPC number is 76194135344900111. A generic online search came up as Batman Day Special Edition 2017, so that's no help. Any ideas? Thanks.
  12. What Gregory said! šŸ˜ If you're not sure the search is working right, you can take a UPC you know is right that's already in ComicBase and copy-paste it into the search box. You should definitely get a hit doing that, and it'll also help confirm the expected format for a UPC
  13. Another suggestion is to search for an issue by UPC number, to see if it got under a different title for some reason.
  14. I believe this is a duplicate of The Amazing Spider-Man (6th Series) Annual #1 2024/A and should be removed https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/1403962/1/lta-hrefquothttpsatomicavenuecomatomicseries729121TheAmazingSpiderMan6thSeriesquotgtThe-Amazing-Spid
  15. This is the wrong title, according to the indicia; it should be Initiation instead of Invitation. I've submitted a title change as well.
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