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Latest content update messed with my data

Tor Gundersen

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I ran the latest content update and somehow it gained $60 million in value over the past week. In the enclosed pics you can see one line item (Between $5 and $9.99) where there are supposedly 6.7 million entries but when you open the details it only shows 14,025, which is probably the real number. Help?




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Have you done a search to see which comics you have that are Quantity In Stock > 1 or even > 10 ?

In the *old* days, an accidental entry of a UPC number in the Quantity field would result in this sort of situation.  I am pretty sure that Pete set up some code in ComicBase to prevent that kind of error, but something else may have happened to give you a similar effect.  

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52 minutes ago, Tor Gundersen said:

I haven't tried that search but I'm not even sure how to do it. 

Click on the Find button to activate the dropdown menu, select Other.

In the pop-up window, click on the box next to "Find" (in the general upper left region) to get a long dropdown menu.  Select "Qty In Stock."  That should update the window to give you options related to the number of items in stock. 

You might start out by selecting "Is Greater Than" and putting in something in the text box like "2" or "10" or something like that.  Then click on the "Find" button in the lower right corner to get your results.  


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Thanks for the instructions. I just did a search for "is great than or equal to 1" so it would find everything, and it says 69,061, which seems right. Then I run stats again and it's still 6,779,379, so it doesn't appears to have worked. Should I exit out and open up the app again? I've been hesitant to try that for fear it will be locked in or more messed up upon reopening.

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If your Find returned about the correct number, then there (probably) isn't anything wrong with your database.

You can try running File->File Tools, Rebuild Lists (List of Owned series looks like he best option but it won't hurt to run the first 3 (or 4) items.

If you still have wildly out range numbers, there is probably a but in the process/find that populates the large number you are seeing.

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2 hours ago, Steven L. Dasinger said:

If your Find returned about the correct number, then there (probably) isn't anything wrong with your database.

He looked to see how many items were in stock with Qty greater than or equal to 1. 

He really needs to look to see how many items are in stock with Qty greater than 1 to see if that is the cause of his problem.  

But I agree, Rebuild Lists may help him out.  

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Correct. Finding that incorrect value is needed. With a number like 6,716, 879, there is probably just 1 (or a few) issues with a bad value.
Running a Find for Qty In Stock > 100 should find any with a very large number for Qty.

Having said that, I have been looking in to the number Collection Statistics returns and I not getting correct values for most of the dollar ranges. No where near 6 million but anywhere from a few to a few hundred.

Also, while doing this I found 10 issues with a Qty of 4 (I only have 1 of each). If it was just one or two issues, I would blame 'user error'. When it gets to 10, I start to wonder what is going on.

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