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Help with data base.

Jason J. Jones

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Not sure what difference it makes but supplying the Edition of CB you are using would help.

If you have menu option Items->Add by Barcode, when you scan in the comics, there is a check box at the bottom of the window to 'Display Items After Saving'.  This will do what you are asking at the time you scan them in.

If you need to find them later (and you are not using the 'Marked' column for anything else, there is a check box for 'Mark Added Items'. Once Marked you can do a Find where Marked is checked.

If you have not done this there is one (last?) possibility but it has some problems. It is to do a Find on column 'Date Modified' This should find any issues on a specific date or a Date Range. However, this is used if ANY thing is changed and not just added. If you add comics and make changes to other issues, all of them would get displayed. Worse, if you run a Weekly Update, there will be a LOT of issues modified.+

One last item. CB allows you to scan all Types (Books, Comic Books, Magazines, Newspaper) in Add By Barcode at the same time but it can only display one Type (I think the last one entered). This is where Marking the issues works best as you can do finds in all the Types (one at a time) to get all the scanned in issues.

Those are the ways I know if. If someone has other ways, please let us know.

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On 1/15/2024 at 3:52 PM, Steven L. Dasinger said:

If you have not done this there is one (last?) possibility but it has some problems. It is to do a Find on column 'Date Modified' This should find any issues on a specific date or a Date Range. However, this is used if ANY thing is changed and not just added. If you add comics and make changes to other issues, all of them would get displayed. Worse, if you run a Weekly Update, there will be a LOT of issues modified.+

If you modify the search to only look for Qty in stock > 0, that should help filter out most everything but what was scanned in.

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