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Doom 2099 #18 / Ghost Rider 2099 #2 / XMen 2099 #9 polybagged with Sega Sub-Terrania Game Tips Poster

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I have all three of the issues listed in subject still in their polybag with Sega Sub-Terrania Game Tips Poster.  I do not find anything in Comicbase that mentions this version of the comics.  For the moment I'm running with a note added to each issue, but that really doesn't feel like is adequate.

Has anyone else run across this problem?




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Look at Spider-Man #1 for examples of Bagged and Un-Bagged issues.

If an issues is taken out of the bag, other than having the associated poster, it is just an un-bagged issue (as long as there is no other distinguishing characteristics.

PS Whether or not HC prefers the /CS variation or just the newer /A, /B, etc. variations is unknown.

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