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Adam Sternberg

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Everything posted by Adam Sternberg

  1. Douglas Johnson is right about Gregory Johnson and Steven Johnson being right! šŸ˜
  2. FWIW, I know if an issue were delayed for whatever reason, the street date doesn't always get updated with the changed date (there were a number of issues (including Marvel) that were deferred from last year due to the pandemic) . Could that explain what you're seeing?
  3. If you know where the HTML log files that are generated when the update runs are kept, you can open it directly (it will still be there from your last update, so may not need to re-run it).
  4. @Andrew dā€™Entremont, the livestreams also go up on YouTube; I'm unable to watch live as well, but I usually watch a day or two later on YouTube.
  5. @Steven L. Dasinger, good memory! That was indeed me, and I do still have it. @Fred Slota, it's been several years since I worked on it, so it may need some tweaking and recompiling, but I think it still good. Caveat emptor, your mileage may vary, etc., etc., but if you're willing to be a little patient and give me about a week, I'll work on cleaning it up and posting it. (I didn't realize we had a downloads section in the new forums, or I'd have done this sooner!)
  6. I've noticed some strange behavior with the update logs in build when updating content using Sidekick vs. within ComicBase itself. I have three databases that I maintain and update weekly through Sidekick. The update logs generated all have the name of the first database in the queue (which happens to be the default ComicBase Database.cbdb) in the log filename. However, when I update from ComicBase, the log has the name of the database open (in this case, Default ComicBase Database.cbdb) is in the log filename. The same also is true of the name of the database listed in the log itself. Either the filename variable isn't populating correctly when generating the log, or the log for the first update operation is getting created multiple times.
  7. This (https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/953834/1/DC-Super-Hero-Girls-Holiday-Special-2019) should be removed in favor of DC Super Hero Girls: At Metropolis High HO 1 (https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/951870/1/DC-Super-Hero-Girls-At-Metropolis-High-Holiday-Special-1), which matches the indicia.
  8. A good example of the problems that can be created is this past week's Die!namite #4. That issue (similar to other Dynamite and IDW comics) often have a cover gallery that will explicitly give a cover letter (Die!namite 4 lists "peanuts homage cover art" as cover H, but it wasn't listed in the database, and variant H was already used for one of the exclusives. In that case, I'll list the letter from the cover gallery in the notes when I submit, and leave the variant letter alone.
  9. That's correct, if memory serves. I don't recall actual issue numbers, but there was a "quadtych" with those titles during the Millennium event. I have no idea about the Julianna Ferriter credit.
  10. Mark, you may need to re-apply the update. Hold the SHIFT key down while kicking off the update until it actually starts and you'll be asked if you want to re-apply the update. It should pick up everything this time.
  11. I was afraid you'd say that, but I totally get it. I'll change them in my copy of the data
  12. Mickey Mouse and Friends 301/A is a single-issue example of this (I propose the issue really should be 301). https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/473217/1/Mickey-Mouse-and-Friends-301A
  13. I propose that Donald Duck Adventures Take-Along Comic (Walt Disneyā€™sā€¦) FCBD 2003, FCBD 2003/A, FCBD 2003/B, and FCBD 2003/C should all be moved to Donald Duckā€”Free Comic Book Day (Walt Disneyā€™sā€¦). They were originally there years ago, and I'm not clear why they were moved. From https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/TitleDetail.aspx?TitleID=15122&M=1 to https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/TitleDetail.aspx?TitleID=22726&M=1
  14. Before I submit these proposed changes, I'd like to get an ruling. I've seen at least one title that consists of nothing but variants. That is, all the issues are 1/A, 2/A, 3/A, etc. instead of 1, 2, 3, etc. The title I saw most recently with this is IDW's Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/TitleDetail.aspx?TitleID=59697&M=1). Mark Castaneda, any guidance on whether these should be converted from variants to regular issues? Thanks
  15. @Gregory Hecht, I'd had a similar problem in the past. I ended up deleting all the databases online as Mark suggested (note: NOT locally), and then only the ones I backed up or save reports for were there next time.
  16. I was afraid of that, but thought I ask those wiser than I. Also, allow me to apologize for being unclear. I didn't mean to imply/request access to the master database. I'd long ago created a new database and have done nothing with it other than to apply the weekly updates; that way, the database mirrors the master without being an actual copy. I was hoping there was some kind of database magic that could be used to compare the two, but it sounds like a resounding no, no way, better not post it! šŸ˜ I'll play around with some methods and see if anything works nicely. Thank you, kind sir.
  17. Steve, thanks for posting this. I have a related question. I have a "clean" database that I keep updated every week as a "copy of master" for easier reference. Can you think of a way to compare two databases (aside from exporting both into CSV and compare the two in a spreadsheet or text comparison)? Adam
  18. I believe that in last week's Livestream, Pete said this report isn't able to push to the web (mainly due to the volatile nature of the report and how it changes every week).
  19. This title should be removed in favor of Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black (which is the title in the indicia).
  20. I'm glad you clarified: I was going to suggest Dr. Grordbort go see his physician about not having a colon! šŸ˜
  21. Hi, everyone, Back in the day, I used to use the Comixology pull list function to know what to expect in my LCS every weeuk until they killed it a few years ago. After that, I used to parse Diamond's weekly lists, but now DC won't be part of it moving forward. Does anyone have any recommendations on a similar service? I'm just looking for something that says "here's what to expect in your pull slot" each week, not something that does the actual ordering. Two that I've found in a quick search are League of Comic Geeks and ComicList (which also has a similar Shipping Update last that Diamond does) Thanks in advance, Adam
  22. Thanks for the heads-up; I'd had no idea. As the YouTubers say, I subscribed and hit that bell! šŸ˜
  23. Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere, but how can we compare against the Master Database (a Rebuild Lists option in CB2017)? There have been times where titles and issues get moved around and the weekly update won't or can't make the change (so a manual correction is required). For example, the changes in the last update for Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk. Any guidance would be appreciated, please and thank you. Adam
  24. This title (https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/TitleDetail.aspx?TitleID=60665&M=1) should be removed in favor of Rocky & Bullwinkle Present: The Best of Boris & Natasha (https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/TitleDetail.aspx?TitleID=62423&M=1) Hope this helps, Adam
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