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Andrew d’Entremont

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Andrew d’Entremont last won the day on June 28

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About Andrew d’Entremont

  • Birthday 10/18/1971

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  1. So I had a rather frustrating experience over the weekend while attending a show. I was trying to lookup comics in the app, but both cellular and Wi-Fi signals in the venue were so poor that the app often ended up crashing after trying for to bring up the information for an extended period of time. Would it be possible to have a low bandwidth option when using the search feature so that it didn't try to download covers? Or better yet, would it be possible to have an offline mode where you could have a copy of the database sitting on your phone?
  2. I checked several of the affected titles and can confirm it all seems to be good now. At least it is for me. Thanks!
  3. I just checked again and the database still seems incomplete when using the app. Looks fine on my PC though.
  4. I'm using an iPhone, so it would seem the problem is wider than that.
  5. I was coming here to report the issue as well. I can view reports but it freezes when you try to search.
  6. Fair enough. I had a feeling that might be the case. Thanks for the info.
  7. I was just making some room in my long boxes, and looking at "Newman" it occurred to me that it really should be listed as "New Man". I think the confusion may have come from the "Newmen" title, which eventually switched over to "New Men" with issue #21.
  8. I've just been organizing my collection and noticed that many of the Convergence books have higher values than I would have have expected given that they were mostly filler while DC moved offices. Does anyone know why they've gone up so much?
  9. Yes, that would be the easiest work around. I think I'll stick to doing it that way.
  10. Yes, I am running the latest build: 2024 4K Archive Edition, v24.1.0.1213 Yes, these are labels created from the same database, and it only seems to be items under the Magazine category. I can scan comic book labels just fine. I am using a Dymo LabelWriter 320.
  11. It happens every time I scan this book. I just tried Who's Who Update '88 #3 and #4 and I get the same error. I can try a few others if you like. Let me know.
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