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Michael R. Wagner

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Everything posted by Michael R. Wagner

  1. You can also set your wallpaper to scroll randomly through a folder of covers. I change it from time to time to a particular title's covers. You could use CB's existing cover folders or create one that contains only specific covers you want to see.
  2. Thanks, Steve. For some reason (to be solved), that title isn't in my database; it sounds like the right one, though. Maybe it'll show up with my next update. And, yes, I think the two $39.99 issues under the "Death of Superman" title should be under the title you described. Thanks! r/Mike
  3. The database has an issue Bk 1/HC ($39.99) and an issue Bk 1/B ($39.99) - no cover scans are available, but these look like the same book. There is no cardstock cover w/ a gatefold ($10.99), nor is there a copy of the same book sealed in a black bag w/ the dripping red S on the front. I'd like to add these, but I think they should be titled "The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special" and separate from the "Death of Superman" title that it appears they're going to be under. These are not reprints of the trade paperback that is the issue of the "Death of Superman" title. Thoughts?
  4. I was updating this series in my database and noticed that the cover image for issue 1 is actually the cover for issue 2. I tried to upload the correct cover for issue 1, but since my image is smaller than the file in the db, it wouldn't go. I've attached it here. -Mike
  5. Just FYI, it's a one-shot series. Length of time in the db notwithstanding, we're talking about a title that carries only a single issue. Forgive my ignorance, but I don't see a ripple effect that is magnified by years of existence.
  6. Looking at my copy of Sergio Massacres Marvel (one-shot, June 1996), I see that the database lists the title as "Sergio Aragones Massacres Marvel" - presumably because these words happen to be printed across the top of the cover. The correct title, as it appears in the indicia, is "Sergio Massacres Marvel." Any chance this can be corrected? r/ Mike
  7. So, HC - will the indicia rule be applied or will this be another exception?
  8. The cover text and the indicia both show the title of "Dark Crisis" to be "Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths" - any chance of making this correction in the database? r/ MikeW
  9. Glad to hear it, Mark. One of the things I've always liked about Comicbase is being able to tweak the database to match my wants/needs.
  10. If memory serves, you can create those grading categories and assign values to them, based on the assigned NM value. Then, when the NM value fluctuates, your self-created category values will also fluctuate accordingly.
  11. "Three Dimensional Adventures" should be retitled to "Three-Dimension Adventures" to match the title of the book. r/ MikeW
  12. Good catch. I ran a search for "Oreo" and another for "giveaway" but neither produced this issue. I saw it, but ignored it since the issue designation identified it as a 2nd printing. The issue type should also be changed from "regular" to "giveaway."
  13. I would say it's not in the database yet. It should be under the ongoing title "Detective Comics" with a modified issue number to distinguish it as a giveaway copy of #27. Overstreet lists it in the Promotional section of the guide (page 290 in the 51st edition, i.e., the 2021-22 edition) with 1984 as its publishing date. Assuming this is the copy you're seeking, you could create the issue and then upload it for review so that it can be added to the master database. r/ Mike
  14. It should be in there now; I created and uploaded it earlier this evening.
  15. This FCBD 2022 issue doesn't seem to be locatable in the database. Any help available?
  16. I added a cover scan to the Gold Key one-shot currently entitled "Lion (Goldkey)" in the database. The correct title is "The Lion" - missing the definite article. Not sure if you'd accept my correcting the title, so thought this would be a better way to fix it. r/ Mike
  17. Possibly, but the cover appears to be black behind the artwork, rather than the shiny silver foil of the copy I have. I suppose that could be the result of the scanner that was used, but it doesn't look like the actual cover is silver. The words "Convention Exclusive" do look like they're formatted the same way as my copy. And, 1/G is a comic convention variant cover, so perhaps this is it.
  18. I have a copy of Justice league (3rd series) #1 with "Convention Exclusive" in the lower left corner, no bar code on the cover. It has a silver foil cover (front and back). The front cover image is the same as the standard cover. Before I enter it as a new variant cover (1/V looks like the next # in sequence), I'm trying to find out if it's one of the variants already listed, for which no cover is available. Does anybody know? r/ Mike
  19. I echo Joel's suggestion. The magazines and books in my collection are so few, I'd prefer to manually add those titles from the db and live without the thousands of other books and magazines. r/ Mike
  20. I've submitted a few new titles within the last two years or thereabouts; how do I go about getting badge #15 open?
  21. The custom text fields are available and can be used for stuff like this. I use a couple of them to hold what you describe as Local Item Notes.
  22. These two hardcover books reprint the "greatest covers from Action Comics" for their respective periods. Both are still in the Comic Books category; I updated info on both, added cover scans, and moved them over to Books. r/ Mike
  23. I don't want to have to re-learn the purpose of the established fields. The field names are fine as they are.
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