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Larry Robertson

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Everything posted by Larry Robertson

  1. Yep...I use that for condition all the time...that's what made me think I should be able to do the same for my custom ones
  2. I hate to compare CB to a clearly inferior product (and one of a smaller scale) but CollectorZ programs for both desktop and mobile (for comics and other stuff) allow you to have pick-lists for any custom fields you have. Collector software only has you download title/issue info for the stuff you choose rather than everything as CB does it. A totally different approach and one dependent upon having access to their master DB for anything you haven't already downloaded
  3. Basically I want my own scans that I made protected but I want ALL other scans always replaced with the best possible. I did use the Quick Start Picture install as I don't need/want thousands of Superman covers (or other stuff I don't care for!) taking up anymore space than required. So you can see how none of the existing methods really fit my scenario! Ah well. My solution for now is to maintain a separate archive of my scans that mirrors the main title folder & naming structure of CB. That way I can always put back any possible replacements should they occur (and I notice).
  4. Forgive me if there is some existing way to do this already as I am back to ComicBase as of v2023 from CB16 (2012). I have a few custom fields that would REALLY benefit from a pick-list drop down. I have one for "location" and one for "store" and I have a third one for "rating". So "location" I populate with "shelf" for hardcovers and trades...and a bin number (C-08, A-02, etc) for single issues. "Store" is where I bought the book....like DCBS, IST, TalesOfWonder, Amazon...etc. "Rating" is a numerical value 01-10. Is there anyway to define this list and have it available in a drop-down? If there is I didn't see it in 2023 4k Archive. Would be great if you could!
  5. I'd like a tick box on a per issue level to protect a cover scan from replacement. This would stop the cover download weekly updates from replacing that specific scan. I do size all of my scans to 2160 pixel height (4k) but it would still be possible for a downloaded scan to replace this based on file size -yes?
  6. OK -I will submit that info and everything else once I get mine if it hasn't made it in by then
  7. I don't have my copy yet but TFAW.com has this for Absolute Swamp Thing by Len Wein & Bernie Wrightson ‎978177951730251000
  8. OK cool....I mainly buy Omnis now so I can certainly do that!
  9. I can't seem to locate Black Panther by Christopher Priest Omnibus in the DB. Has this not been added yet? This: https://www.marvel.com/comics/collection/98743/black_panther_by_christopher_priest_omnibus_vol_1_hardcover
  10. Thanks! They do still need to add the Absolute Swamp Thing by Len Wein & Bernie Wrightson
  11. I don't have the Wrightson yet but I am betting it says "Absolute Swamp Thing by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson"...at least that's what the solicits say
  12. I think Absolute Swamp Thing will need to be renamed to "Absolute Swamp Thing by Alan Moore" now that we have an Absolute Swamp Thing by Bernie Wrightson which collects much of the first series. So it wouldn't make sense to leave the Alan Moore ones with the original name when the Bernie Wrightson issues are the original series. BTW the Bernie Wrightson Absolute doesn't seem to be in the database yet.
  13. I think ole Pete was a little buzzed by about the half way point of this live stream!
  14. Interesting....never heard of that one. I used LoneStar for a while back in the 80s
  15. I never used them but I remember them running ads in Marvel comics in the early 80s. I don't think they ever did double page centerfold spreads like Mile High but they did a lot of half pagers and maybe a few full page ones.
  16. for singles: https://www.dcbservice.com/ for collected HC and TPBs: http://www.instocktrades.com/
  17. Agreed I always used to associate all that with that dreck from the '90s...but it's even worse now!
  18. Can't seem to find it now but I was under the impression it ran until the 1st of the New Year. But I could be wrong. I am about to get back in with 4k Archive Edition for the first time since v17!
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