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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 47.jpg 2.jpg to 48.jpg 3.jpg to 49.jpg Then Move From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Birthright To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Critters Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-C.jpg) From: Pictures\M\Marvel\L\Lords of Empyre- Emperor Hulking To: Pictures\M\Marvel\L\Lords of Empyre- Emperor Hulkling Delete or R 1-B.jpg to 1-D.jpg 1-C.jpg to 1-E.jpg Then Move ALL From: Pictures\A\AfterShock\Maniac of New York- Don't Call It a Comeback To: Pictures\A\AfterShock\Maniac of New York (Vol. 3) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\C\Critical\Quarel, The To: Pictures\C\Critical\Quarrel, The Delete or Move 1/A.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes-Usagi Yojimbo- Saturday Morning Adventures To: Pictures\I\IDW\Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Usagi Yojimbo- Saturday Morning Adventures Delete or Rename 19.jpg to 19-A.jpg then Move From: Pictures\T\Titan\Official Xena, The- Warrior Princess Magazine To: Pictures\T\Titan\Xena- The Official Magazine featuring Hercules Delete 4.jpg From: Pictures\I\Innovation\Group Larue, The (Mike Baron's-)
  2. I don't believe there is a way to easily get a list in the same order outside of CB. Or at least not directly. This may or may not help you depending on what you are doing or trying to accomplish (need CB Professional or higher). CB has a 'hidden' title column called AlphabetizedTitle. This is used by CB to get the Titles in the displayed order. Instead of using Export, you can run an Advanced Find, then Copy/Paste the result column into Excel (note you still can't use Excel to sort as it will change the order since it won't have AlphabetizedTitle available). To get a list of all the Comic Book Titles/Issues you own: Run an Advanced Find with: WHERE I.[QtyInStock] >= 1 ORDER BY ComicTitles.AlphabetizedTitle, I.[ItemType], I.[IssueNum], I.[Variation], I.[Printing] Select All with CTRL+A Copy with CTRL+C In Excel, Paste with CTRL+V NOTE: If you only want Title and Item #, you can just select those columns by Click in the first Title cell Scroll to the bottom and with the SHIFT key pressed and held, click the the last Item # Cell. Then Copy (from CB) and Paste (to Excel) If you want more columns, you can either copy all the columns then delete what you don't want from Excel or use menu item Setup->Columns to View to only display the columns you want before selecting all (either with CTRL+A or Selecting the first row/first cell and the last row/last cell with SHIFT pressed and held). Finally this is just for Comic Books. If you need Books and/or Magazines you would use: BookTitles.AlphabetizedTitle MagazineTitles.AlphabetizedTitle PS You will want to format the Title and Item # columns in Excel as 'TEXT' so they justify correctly.
  3. I am not sure I have a clear picture of what exactly you need. Did you bad hard drive contain the program, you database or both? Normally, the icon on your desktop is the Program and not the actual database. Having said all that... If not already done you (may) need to reinstall CB. Database are located by default at C : \Users\<logon-id>\Documents\Human Computing\ComicBase Databases. NOTE: You can locate the database any where you like (even on a different drive). Copy the database backup to the default location (or the location you may have been using) AND Rename it to the normal database name you were using. Do NOT open a database with (Backup <timestamp>) as part of the name (or you will get backup of backup in the name and it gets messy). Installing the Program should put the icon back on your desktop. To open up the database (where ever you put it), you can double-click on the actual database name. This will open it up in CB and remember where it is when you close and reopen CB. If this doesn't help, I will more specific information.
  4. Yes, titles designated as 'Light Novel's are either text only or text with illustrations and should be Type Books (at least in all cases I have come across).
  5. Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 2-A.jpg) From: Pictures\I\Image\F\Falling in Love on Path to Hell To: Pictures\I\Image\F\Falling in Love on the Path to Hell Delete or Rename TPB.jpg to TPB 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Scholastic\Pokemon- World Championship Delete or Rename x.jpg to TPB x.jpg (where X is 1 through 17) From Pictures\Y\Yen\Irregular At Magic High School, The (Light Novel) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 1-A.jpg and 2.jpg to 2-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\R\Rat City
  6. Delete or Rename 4.jpg to 4-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\S\Sam and Twitch Case Files Delete 1-F.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\U\Ultimate X-Men (3rd Series) (Duplicate of 1-2.jpg)
  7. Delete 18.jpg From: Pictures\A\Andrews McMeel\Get Fuzzy (Duplicate of correct Bk 6.jpg)
  8. In the top left side of the window, click on the VIEW drop-down icon. Then select Grid Cover Icon Size and then The size desired. (see attached)
  9. Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 2005.jpg then Move Move From: Pictures\M\Marvel\F\Free Comic Book Day 4 To: Pictures\M\Marvel\F\Free Comic Book Day (Marvel) Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 1-C.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Brilliant\GunHAND, The To: Pictures\A\American Mythology\GunHAND, The Delete or Move 0.jpg - 124.jpg From: Pictures\E\Editorial Bruguera\Can Can (Editorial Bruguera) To: Pictures\E\Editorial Bruguera\Can Can (Editorial Bruguera, 1st Series) Delete or Move 201.jpg - 230.jpg From: Pictures\E\Editorial Bruguera\Can Can (Editorial Bruguera) To: Pictures\E\Editorial Bruguera\Can Can (Editorial Bruguera, 2nd Series) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 199.jpg) From: Pictures\E\Editorial Bruguera\Can Can To: Pictures\E\Editorial Bruguera\Can Can (Editorial Bruguera, 2nd Series) Delete 1-E.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\U\Ultimate Spider-Man Delete 10-A.jpg then Rename 10.jpg to 10-A.jpg From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Wynd (10-A.jpg is a duplicate of 10-B.jpg)
  10. Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 7.jpg) From: Pictures\I\I.W\Little Eva (I. W.) To: Pictures\I\I.W\Little Eva (I.W.) Delete or Rename Bk 1.jpg to 1.jpg Bk 2.jpg to 2.jpg Bk 3.jpg to 3.jpg Bk 4.jpg to 4.jpg then Move From: Pictures\G\Gold Key\Star Trek (1st Series) To: Pictures\G\Golden Press\Star Trek- The Enterprise Logs Delete or Rename Bk 5.jpg to 5.jpg then Move From: Pictures\G\Gold Key\Star Trek (1st Series) To: Pictures\C\Checker\Star Trek- The Key Collection
  11. Are the missing/non-importing issues in the file that was Exported? If the are, can you see anything strange about the data for those issues? If they are not in the file, then they didn't get Exported for some unknown reason. And if they are not in the file? can you try to Export one or more of those issues by themselves? You can do this by checking the 'Marked' box on the issue( s ). Then, when Exporting, select 'Export only marked items'. PS, If you seem to be missing entire titles, you might do a Find for Publisher name 'Unknown Publisher'. Any title CB can't match to an existing Title in CB will have the Publisher set to 'Unknown Publisher'.
  12. Delete or Move ALL (1.j.pg - 1-E.jpg) From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Star Wars- The Mandalorian 2 To: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Star Wars- The Mandalorian Season 2 Delete or Move 4.jpg through 17.jpg From: Pictures\G\Go! Comi\07-Ghost To: Pictures\V\Viz\07-Ghost (Viz) Delete or Rename 1-GIVE.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\M\Marvel\C\Custom M&M 2021-22 Print Comic To: Pictures\M\Marvel\C\Custom M&M 2023 Custom Comic Delete or Move FCBD 2021.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Star Wars- The High Republic Adventures To: Pictures\T\Tokyopop\Free Comic Book Day (Tokyopop) Delete 1-G.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\U\Ultimate X-Men (duplicate of CS 2.jpg)
  13. If I am editing a long string, I tend to copy it out into Notepad (or text editor of your choice) and making the correction there just because of the scenario you described. However, if you want to edit in the cell, here are a couple of tricks. 1) select/high-light just the character (singular) you want to manipulate. Then either delete or type in the replacement character. 2) Copy a single or multiple characters from another source. Then either place the cursor where you want to insert it and Paste or high-light one or more consecutive chatterers and paste it in. You may have to experiment a little to get used to doing these in cell changes.
  14. One more thing you can try. Load the export file to a spreadsheet. Sort by Title and see what the first or last row looks like. The Problem row should (hopefully) be the first or last row.
  15. If you want to do a little work, you can try to find the 'problem' row by: Take a copy of the export file and split it into smaller parts (2 to 5 or so). Then try to Import each part. hopefully just one contains the problem. Mass Change Qty in Stock to 0 Take the one (hopefully) part and split it up and attempt to Import them. Then repeat Mass Change, split file into smaller chunks and import. Eventually (and sooner than you might think) the file will be small enough that you can scan through it to see something 'strange' that is causing the problem. Once you find it, you can go back to the original Export file, find and Delete/Fix the row,m then try Importing the whole thing. Technically, the process is to split the file in half, then half again, etc. It is called a Binary search for that reason. But you can speed the process up by splitting into more sections.
  16. Issue Number and Variation are not normally columns you need to display or deal with (unless you are doing some specialized finds). This is because Item # is a composed of 4 columns: Type, Issue Number, Variation, and Printing. As for Columns to Export, the only ones I would use are: (bare minimum) Title Item # Condition Qty In Stock (additionally, if you use them for your data) Notes (if not locked so the update doesn't change) any Custom columns (Date, Field, Check) Any other column should be populated with the next update. There should be few problems using these columns when you Import (Note: Few does not mean none...) NOTE: If you have Duplicate Item #'s due to owning the same issue in different Conditions, these may need to be cleaned up after a successful Import.
  17. Can you be a little more specific with the steps you have taken and the various results. What databases were involved, were the 4 you refer to the exports and/or imports from 1 database with 4 types (Books, Comic Books, Magazines, Newspapers) or 4 different databases? What problem are you having with the import? Details are needed to see what is going on.
  18. Your previous posts on the results of the testing I asked about were a little mixed. A) Did the new Database finish in 25 minutes (or so) with out any other problems? NOTE: A New database will take longer than normal as it is making all the accumulated updates from when it was included in the install download. You can test it for a more accurate speed by re-running the update which can be done by pressing and holding the SHIFT key when selecting Check for Updates. If the new database is processing the Updates in a normal amount of time, as Mark mentioned you can export / import your data to this new database. (afterwards, you can rename the file back to whatever name you want.) If you need help with the export / import, I can help you here or you can email support for the guide. NOTE: Since you haven't been able to update, the import will probably have a few 'Unknown' titles for Title changes since your last update. These can be handled without too much problem. But, this all depends on if the New database Updated without problems.
  19. Delete or Move MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Angel's Command, The To: Pictures\A\Ace\Angel's Command, The Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Bloodrights To: Pictures\A\Ace\Bloodrights Delete or Move MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Castaways of the Flying Dutchman To: Pictures\A\Ace\Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Delete or Move MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Fantasy\Voyage of Slaves To: Pictures\A\Ace\Voyage of Slaves Delete or Rename GN 1.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\V\Vertical\Girl On The Shore To: Pictures\V\Vertical\Girl on the Shore, A Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\H\Hippy\Spain's Zodiac Mindwarp To: Pictures\H\Hippy\Zodiac Mindwarp (Spain's-) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 415.jpg) From: Pictures\N\Novaro\Super Comic (Serie aguila) To: Pictures\N\Novaro\Supercomic (Serie aguila)
  20. Check you Setup->Preferences. at the bottom middle is an option for 'Automatically download larger pictures when viewing items'. Make sure this is checked. If it IS checked and you still do not get the larger picture, you may need to contact support.
  21. What Edition of CB do you have? (Archive, Pro, etc.) Not sure when you last installed CB but the current version of the Archive Edition (at least) seems to default to tiny covers (to speed installation) but you had the option to download/install the full size issues from CB (through the registration page and selecting other. The idea behind this is that the installation for all the covers will be very fast and if you ever looked at a cover, it would download the full size one and display it. PS Not having tested it, I don't know if this full size download works without a current registration or not. I have never tested this. It may still work. Also can you give a specific title and some issues?
  22. 'Thor Quest' is definitely an illustrated text book. Title could/should? be 'Thor Quest: Hammers of the Gods' Since 'Thor Quest: Fires of the Forgekeep' is a pre-order (release date 2 Feb 2025), there is not direct evidence but everything looks the same as 'Thor Quest' so probably an illustrated text book, also. PS The title should be 'Rascal Does Not Dream of a Santa Claus (Light Novel). No 'Sc and 'Light Novel' in parenthesis. Also, as a Light Novel, this is a text story and the Title belongs in Books.
  23. Looking my database and on AA, I am not seeing this. 'Red Sonja (Dynamite, Vol. 6)' has FCBD 2022. 'Red Sonja (Dynamite, Vol. 7)' has FCBD 2023. Does it have some different issues number?
  24. Delete or Move 394.jpg and 547.jpg From: Pictures\E\Editorial Vid\Kendor, El Hombre Del Tibet (Editorial Vid) To: Pictures\G\Grupo Editorial Vid\Kendor Delete or Move 1.jpg and 1-2.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Mishkin File, The To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Mishkin File!, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Search For Smilin' Ed, The To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Search for Smilin' Ed!, The Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg and 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Moonstone\Green Ghost, The- Declassified
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