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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. While 'we' are discussing this, 'Avengers (8th Series)' #64/C cover need to be fixed. Someone decided to take 'Avengers (8th Series)' #64/C, and 'Avengers Forever (2nd Series) #13/C, 'stitched' them together and submitted it as #64C. https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/item/1145217/1/Avengers-8th-Series-64-Variation-C
  2. I can sort of confirm it. Read Comic Online has as the last 4 pages what is a 4-part image (2 x 2) that is probably the back covers (but not stated as such).
  3. Not really a fan of 'contrasting' but I don't have anything better. Yeah, Shadow of a Bat 32/33 is real close to a diptych but I wouldn't classify it as one. The colors don't match and the top doesn't 'join' cleanly but the bottom part sort of does.
  4. Batman/Superman (2nd Series) #1/P and 1/Q are not connecting covers (in the sense that they make a larger cover (i.e.diptych)). They are more like 'mirror' image covers (so they are related, in a way), with the characters changing position so, not a true mirror.
  5. Okay. That makes it a little more difficult. 'Somewhere' there is a 'bad' Title name. Trying to find it can be easy or hard. If you have Excel (or another spreadsheet, open the file with it. Sort by Title name (you can exclude the Field Headers in the Sort. Look at the First Row and the Last Row. Hopefully what ever is causing the problem will sort to one of the places. If you can't find anything, I would try one of two things. A) In CB use File Tools->Rebuild Lists and run it on Series and Item information (mostly Series as Item is just in case). Hopefully this may fix the problem on the Database you are Exporting from. B) Split the file in Half (or thirds or some other amount) and try importing them. If it is just 1 Title, only one of the files should fail. Repeat the process (split and import) on the failed file and you should be able to get down to the problem row( s ). If you can identify it you might be able to either fix it or eliminate it (type the information manually). PS I would do B on a 'sacrificial database' that you can just delete until the problem row is found/fixed. Alternately, Contact Support and see if they can view your database and determine the problem.
  6. These are 'alias' names (or whatever SQLite calls them). They are useful when you want a different name for a column but you don't want to change the actual table name (and all the places it appears in the program). There are several who's name in the Advanced Find Fields drop-down box are different that what shows up in the Where box.
  7. Yes... Doing a Google search, Facebook has Unknown Comic Books. Twitter has Unknown Comic Books at Unknown Comics Their website URL has UnknownComicBooks However, when 'talking about themselves, it is 'Unknown Comics is the exclusive...' 'Unknown Comics specializes in...' At YouTube, they use Unknown Comics. In Apple Appstore, they use Unknown Comics. on Etsy, they use Unknown Comics. So the answer is Yes (to both).
  8. Need more information before I can be specific. When you exported, what were your options? Was Include Field headers checked? (checked is best) What Item Separator did you choose (Tab is best) Once exported, did you edit the file to change anything? For Import, did you use the same Item Separator?
  9. You should just need to make the corrections and submit them.
  10. Probably. I am going to assume a non-DBA designed the tables and they are not normalized. There are a few Title columns (Title, Display Title, Alphabetized (sort) Title).
  11. I am not seeing what you are describing. In my database, Guardians of the Galaxy (4th series) has a lower-case 'o' in 'of'. I have done a Find on Series title (lower-case), Issue title (lower-case), a Find for cover artist Arthur Adams and they are all lower-case. I scroll down, one line at a time and the display at the top is always lower-case (even on Bk/HC). Either our databases are not the same or I am missing something.
  12. Sometimes when two titles have extremely similar names, CB has a problem moving between them. What happens if you copy the name with the space and Paste it into the Find box at the top? Does that find it? Alternately, since it is appearing in the Unknown report, that should mean you have Qty in stock set to 1 or more (or CB would have deleted it). If you bring up the Title selection box (CTRL+T), click the Series in Stock radio button, does it show up in the list of Titles?
  13. I am not sure how to do this but I would try to Uninstall / Reinstall it. At a guess (since I can't find the screen saver by itself), this may involve uninstalling CB (both the Program and the Resources) then download and install CB. NOTE: This will NOT affect you database or any Picture/Media files.
  14. Going by what you typed (Little Lulu and Tubby at Summer Camp (Marge’s …)), there is a space between Marge's and the ellipsis.
  15. Yes. those are the table used in Advanced Find to reference the various Title tables. By the way, if you haven't found it yet there is a post (https://forums.comicbase.com/index.php?/topic/964-advanced-find-guidemanual-work-in-progress/) about the Advanced Find and the Title names (except for Newspapers (note to self: Update this)) for the different Types (near the bottom) that 'someone' put together...
  16. Before I tackle you question, I will address some of the problems you first mentioned with Find->Series Field, Publisher. After you run the find and get a Title result set (what you have attached). You can double click on any of the rows to be taken to that specific Title. Instead of printing, click in the first cell under Title, go to the end of the list and, while holding down the SHIFT key, click in the last cell under title. This high-light the entire column. Then use CTRL+C to copy then CTRL+V to paste somewhere (text editor, spreadsheet, etc.). ------ Now for your questions. 1) Once the above problems you had have been answered, the Find for Publisher allow you to get a list of Titles by that publisher and see other Title level fields (Years Published, Overall Title, Custom Fields, Title Marked box). Unfortunately, a Title result can't be edited or changed but the list is still useful. 2 & 3) The Overall Title and # (Overall Title Sequence Number) are used (mostly for Books) for Titles that are part of a non-numbered series. For example, the 'Jack Reacher' books by Lee Child are not numbered but they are written in a certain sequence (where some plot elements of previous books could be mentioned). Using Overall Title with the Seq # allows you to 'Group' all these books together and they can be searched for by the Overall Title to get all of them. So the different individual Book Titles (Killing Floor, Die Trying, etc.) are how the non-numbered books are entered and the Overall Title is a way to 'group' them together with the seq number setting the order. 4) These are Title level Custom Boxes and a Title level Marked box. You can use these however you like. One purpose could be to use a custom Check for any Title you have all the issues of. I don't really use these but maybe others can mention how the use them. Correct. As of now, you have to run a Find on each Type separately.
  17. I have the same CB but Win Pro v21H2, so its not a true comparison, but I can set up the screen saver and it starts up after no activity.
  18. Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Illustrated\Allen Anderson To: Pictures\I\Illustrated Press\Allen Anderson Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Illustrated\Art of Saul Tepper, The To: Pictures\I\Illustrated Press\Art of Saul Tepper, The Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Illustrated\Life and Art of Mead Schaeffer, The To: Pictures\I\Illustrated Press\Life and Art of Mead Schaeffer, The Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Illustrated\Stanley Meltzoff- Picture Maker To: Pictures\I\Illustrated Press\Stanley Meltzoff- Picture Maker Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\I\Illustrated\Illo To: Pictures\I\Illustrated Press\Illo Delete or Rename MMPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fawcett\Dennis the Menace- Ain't Misbehavin' Delete or Rename MMPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fawcett\Dennis the Menace- All-American Kid Delete or Rename MMPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fawcett\Dennis the Menace- I Done It My Way Delete or Rename MMPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fawcett\Dennis the Menace- Surprise Package Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Genius, Isolated- The Live and Art of Alex Toth To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Genius, Isolated- The Life and Art of Alex Toth Delete or Rename MMPB.jpg to 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Tempo\Hi and Lois- Mama's Home Delete or Rename MMPB-10.jpt to 1-10.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fawcett\Jeffy's Lookin' At Me! Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Aladdin Cinestory (Disney's-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Aladdin Cinestory (Disney's-) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Descendants- Wicked World Wish Granted (Disney's-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Descendants- Wicked World Wish Granted (Disney's-) Delete or Move Dlx 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Disney Cinestory To: Pictures\J\Joe\Disney Cinestory Delete or Move CS 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Disney Ducktales Cinestory To: Pictures\J\Joe\Disney Ducktales Cinestory Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - FCBD 2018.jpg) From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Disney Princess To: Pictures\J\Joe\Disney Princess Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Finding Dory (Disney-Pixar's-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Finding Dory (Disney-Pixar's-) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Gargoyles Cinestory (Disney's-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Gargoyles Cinestory (Disney's-) Delete or Move Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Good Dinosaur Cinestory (Disney's-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Good Dinosaur Cinestory (Disney's-) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Gravity Falls Cinestory (Disney's-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Gravity Falls Cinestory (Disney's-) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Guardians of the Galaxy- Castaways To: Pictures\J\Joe\Guardians of the Galaxy- Castaways Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Inside Out Cinestory (Disney-Pixar's-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Inside Out Cinestory (Disney-Pixar's-) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Iron Man- Mutually Assured Destruction To: Pictures\J\Joe\Iron Man- Mutually Assured Destruction Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Lion King Movie Comic, The (Disney) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Lion King Movie Comic, The (Disney) Delete or Move ALL (1.jgp - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Madagascar (Dreamworks'-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Madagascar (Dreamworks'-) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Shrek (Dreamworks'-) To: Pictures\J\Joe\Shrek (Dreamworks'-) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Joe Books\Thor- Dueling With Giants To: Pictures\J\Joe\Thor- Dueling With Giants Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 9.jpg) From: Pictures\J\J-Novel\Ascendance of a Bookworm To: Pictures\J\J-Novel Club\Ascendance of a Bookworm Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg to 9.jpg) From: Pictures\J\J-Novel\Marginal Operation To: Pictures\J\J-Novel Club\Marginal Operation Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\J-Novel\Seirei Gensouki- Spirit Chronicles To: Pictures\J\J-Novel Club\Seirei Gensouki- Spirit Chronicles Delete or Move ALL (2.jpg - 6.jpg) From: Pictures\J\J-Novel\Unwanted Undead Adventurer, The To: Pictures\J\J-Novel Club\Unwanted Undead Adventurer, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\A\Amazing Spider-Man- Carnage on Campus To: Pictures\M\Marvel\A\Amazing Spider-Man, The- Carnage on Campus Delete or Move 3.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\I\Incredible Hulk- Mayhem at the Mount To: Pictures\M\Marvel\I\Incredible Hulk, The- Mayhem at the Mount Delete or Move 2.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\A\Amazing Spider-Man- When Heroes Clash To: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Spider-Man- When Heroes Clash Delete or Move 3.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\I\Incredible Hulk- Pantheon Raid To: Pictures\M\Marvel\H\Hulk- Pantheon Raid Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Silver Surfer- Havoc of Hala! To: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Silver Surfer- Break Out Delete or Move 4.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Silver Surfer- Lunacy in Latveria To: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Silver Surfer, The- Lunacy in Latveria Delete or Move ALL (0.jpg - SE 1.jpg) From: Pictures\J\Just Imagine\Just Imagine Comics and Stories To: Pictures\J\Just Imagine Graphix\Just Imagine Comics and Stories Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\J\Just Imagine\Just Imagine's Special (Duplicate of SE 1.jpg in Just Imagine Comics and Stories) Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\A\Archie\Betty & Veronica- Friends Forever To: Pictures\A\Archie\B&V Friends Forever Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 18.jpg then Move From: Pictures\A\Archie\Betty and Veronica- Friends Forever- Christmas Party To: Pictures\A\Archie\B&V Friends Forever (not sure about 1/A. It may be an variant of (renumbered) 18 that isn't in CB or something else.) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Insight\DC Comics- Exploring Gotham City Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\K\Kodansha\Fate-Grand Order -Mortalis- stella To: Pictures\K\Kodansha\Fate-Grand Order -mortalis-stella- Delete or Move 2-HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Jack Kirby's Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth- Artist's Edition (Jack Kirby's-) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel Treasury Special- 2001- A Space Odyssey To: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel Treasury Special- 2001- A Space Odyssey Delete or Move ALL (1-2.jpg - Bk 1.jpg) From: Pictures\I\Image\S\Silver Coin To: Pictures\I\Image\S\Silver Coin, The Delete or Move ALL(1.jpg - Bk 3.jpg) From: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend- A Jester's Tale To: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend, The- A Jester's Tale Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend- Call to Arms To: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend, The- Call to Arms Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 2.jpg) From: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend- The Jungle To: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend, The- The Jungle Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 4.jpg) From: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend- Toy Collector To: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend, The- Toy Collector Delete or Move ALL(1-HC.jpg - 3-HC.jpg) From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Transformers- IDW Collection Phase Two Delete or Rename 12-2.jpg to 12-A-2.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\A\Ant (Vol. 2) Delete or Rename 1-2.jpg to SE 1.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\B\Batman's Mystery Casebook Rename 2-A.jpg to 2.jpg and 2-B.jpg to 2-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\C\Carbon Grey Origins Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 2003.jpg then Move From: Pictures\I\Image\D\Dawn- 2003 Convention Sketchbook To: Pictures\I\Image\D\Dawn- Convention Sketchbook Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 2004.jpg then Move From: Pictures\I\Image\D\Dawn- 2004 Convention Sketchbook To: Pictures\I\Image\D\Dawn- Convention Sketchbook Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 2005.jpg then Move From: Pictures\I\Image\D\Dawn- 2005 Convention Sketchbook To: Pictures\I\Image\D\Dawn- Convention Sketchbook Delete 1-2.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dell\Famous Indian Tribes (duplicate of 2.jpg) Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\C\Comics Experience\Flowers for Henry (duplicate of 1-A.jpg) Delete 9-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\L\Little Monsters (Image) (duplicate of 9.jpg) Delete 2-A-2.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\N\Nocterra (duplicate of 2-2.jpg) Delete or Rename 1-C.jpg to 1-A-3.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\N\Nonplayer Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\T\Trakk- Monster Hunter (duplicate of 1-A.jpg) Delete 1-V36.jpg and 1-V37.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dynamite\Vampirella (7th Series) (not sure where, if anywhere, these actually belong) Delete 1-F.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\W\WildC.A.T.s-X-Men- The Silver Age (duplicate of 1-E.jpg) Delete or Move 10.jpg From: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Zombies vs. Robots To: Pictures\I\Idea + Design Works\Zombies vs. Robots (2nd Series) Delete 3/A.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\I\Infinite, The (duplicate of 3.jpg)
  19. One more thing. I just noticed, I can view the saved reports on CB's website. When the covers do not show up in the Mobile App, have/can you check the website and see if the show up there or not?
  20. There are steps (even if it is initial setup). Between your two posts, I gather this is a Sidekick process. In SideKick, I was able to click on Collection Report under Save to Cloud. And the reports showed up on CB's website and I can see then with the Mobile App (with covers).
  21. What steps are you taking (so I can try to re-create it).
  22. If these are in the Storylines, you can make the corrects and submit them.
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