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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Can you supply a image of the indicia? (more interested in others besides the first X-O Manowar but any will help) Also curious if it is 'Valiant Hero Universe Origins' as displayed on the cover and publisher website or 'Valiant Universe Hero Origins'.
  2. If nothing else, you can use Windows Settings-Apps->Installed Apps and uninstall ComicBase 2025 4K Archive Edition (and Resources wouldn't hurt). Go to the CB website My Account->Registrations and download / install it (you can always download first, then uninstall / reinstall). PS Uninstalling CB does NOT affect your database or any pictures/media.
  3. Delete or Move TPB.jpg From: Pictures\M\Miramax\Betty and Veronica Best Friends Forever To: Pictures\M\Miramax\Betty and veronica Best Friends Forever (Miramax) Delete or Rename Bk 1.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\H\HarperCollins\5-Minute Batman Stories Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Princess of Mars, A Delete 1-L.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\A\Absolute Superman (Duplicate of 1-K.jpg) Delete 53-2.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\A\Amazing Spider-Man, The (6th Series) (Duplicate of 53-G.jpg) Delete 1-L.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\B\Battle of the Planets (Image) (Duplicate of 1-F.jpg) Delete Bk 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Memetic Delete 6.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\S\Sam and Twitch Case Files (Duplicate of 6-A.jpg) Delete or Rename 1-C.jpg to 1-HC.jpg and 2-C.jpg to 2-HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\W\What If- The Original Marvel Years Omnibus
  4. The best way to add a cover is to go to the Title, make sure the .jpg file is named the same as the issue number (replace any 'slash' ( / ) with a dash ' - '), then drag/drop it in the grid area. After that you can right-click on the large cover image in the top left corner and select Show Picture File to see where it is. Alternately, you can use menu item File->File Tools and select Manage Pictures and Movies. This should show you the location that 'Contains' the Picture folder. NOTE: You can change the location here is you want to store them in a different location.
  5. Okay. Since Mint is 105%, Near Mint is 100%, Near Mint- is 90%, I would extrapolate that Near Min+ would be about 102% (maybe 101%), Reasoning: Near Mint- is half way between NM and VF-NM (80%). Half way between Mint and Near Mint is 2.5%. Rounded down would be 2%. (not sure if it makes a difference but I would tend to say away from whole percentages (102% but not 102.5%). Another way to look at it is to think of VF-NM and NM - - and theoretical grades of NM + and NM ++ you could have: VF 66% NM- - (vf-nm) 80% NM- 90% NM 100% NM+ ?% NM+ + ?% MT 105% In this scenario, with only 5 percentage points to work with, it could be 2% and 3% or 2% and 4% (The higher the grade, the smaller the difference). This is just my guess but it probably wouldn't be too far off with 2% for NM+
  6. I am not sure what you are asking. However, if you use menu item Setup->Grading..., it will display a list of the various grades and the % of NM that CB uses. PS You can change these values, if you like, but that may not be a good idea.
  7. I am fairly sure you just need to upgrade to Archive.
  8. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\W\Wm. C. Popper\Outer Space Coloring Book To: Pictures\W\Wm C. Popper & Co\Outer Space Coloring Book Delete or Move 1971.jpg and 1985.jpg From: Pictures\W\Wm C Popper & Co\Story Of Land, The To: Pictures\W\Wm C. Popper & Co\Story Of Land, The Delete or Move 1-B.jpg From: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Bunnyman's Furry Nightmare To: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Bunnyman's Furry Nightmare!, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\AC\Golden Age Sheena, The To: Pictures\A\AC\Golden Age Sheena Queen of the Jungle, The Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\G\Gemstone\Svengoolie Special- 45th Anniversary Halloween Boo-Nanza To: Pictures\M\MeTV\Svengoolie Special 2- 45th Anniversary Halloween Boo-Nanza Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Uncle Scrooge- Duck Tales-Messes Become Successes To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Uncle Scrooge- DuckTales-Messes Become Successes Delete 2-H.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dynamite\Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness (Duplicate of 2-A.jpg) Delete Dlx 1.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel 2-in-One (3rd Series) (Duplicate of Dlx-1-HC.jpg)
  9. The only way I can think of doing it is to install CB 2024 and open backup (that was made by CB 2024).
  10. The folks a Human Computing changed the way they calculated the price on Low/High cost 'slabbed' books to get them in a more realistic valuation with CB 2025. If you don't have any 'slabbed' comics, the amount may change as various comics have their value adjusted (you can see this with the Top Gainer/Loser report after an update. As for the 'not recognized' in the update, can you give some examples?
  11. Some additional information... The Five one-shots (as listed in an article on publisher's website) are: The Horizon Experiment: The Manchurian The Horizon Experiment: The Sacred Damned The Horizon Experiment: Moon Dogs The Horizon Experiment: Motherfu*kin' Monsters The Horizon Experiment: Finders / Keepers Based on the above post from Gregory, 'The Horizon Experiment' doesn't appear to be part of the name per indicia (since most of these are pre-order, this can't be verified for the others until they come out). CB has Four of these titles: Horizon Experiment, The (The Manchurian title) Sacred Damned, The: Horizon Experiment Horizon Experiment, The: Moon Dogs Motherfu*Kin Monsters: The Horizon Expiriement (misspelling of Experiment) (Finders / Keepers) is not in CB)
  12. If you look at the barcode (707129741486 001 1 2), this is a second printing, of the first issue/variant. As such, it should be 1/A-2 and not 1/E. Looking at the other issues, 1/D should be deleted (with no complete barcode and incorrect cover price, there is no way to determine which issue it may be). Each of the 3 variants (A Regular, B Holofoil, and C Blank) have second printings. Per the Barcodes, the second printings should be 1/A-2, 1/B-2, and 1/C-2. Below are the UPCs, Description and Cover price (per publisher website) for all the 1st and 2nd printings for the 3 variation: 70712974148600111 Regular Cover 6.99 70712974148600112 Regular Cover 2nd printing 6.99 70712974148600121 Virgin Holofoil Cover 19.99 70712974148600122 Virgin Holofoil Cover 2nd printing 19.99 70712974148600131 Blank Sketch Cover 9.99 70712974148600132 Virgin Metal Cover 2nd Printing 99.99 FYI Barcode decoding: The last 5 digits of the barcode consist of: 3 digit Issue Number 1 digit Variation 1 digit Printing (NOTE: Once you pass the limits of 3 digits (999) or 1 digit (9) then things get 'strange' as publishers get creative on a non-consistent basis.) Looking at the above you can decode the last five as: Issue # Variant Printing 001 1 1 001 1 2 001 2 1 001 2 2 001 3 1 001 3 2
  13. Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 1-B.jpg) From: Pictures\W\WizRob LLC\Werewolf Frankenstein To: Pictures\W\WizRob\Werewolf Frankenstein Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\M\Magic Order VI, The To: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\M\Magic Order V, The Delete 13-V42.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\D\Department of Truth (Duplicate of 13-V34) Delete 1-A-2.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\S\Spider-Boy (Marvel)
  14. Looks like you are correct about The Magic Order. Here is an indicia:
  15. Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg then Move From: Pictures\B\Bloomsbury\Illuminations Stories To: Pictures\B\Bloomsbury\Illuminations (Bloomsbury) Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\B\Bloomsbury UK\Illuminations- Stories by Alan Moore To: Pictures\B\Bloomsbury\Illuminations (Bloomsbury) Delete or Move TPB.jpg From: Pictures\P\Pocket\Star Trek- Picard- Rogue Elements To: Pictures\P\Pocket\Star Trek- Picard-Rogue Elements Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\P\Pocket\Star Trek- Picard- Second Self To: Pictures\P\Pocket\Star Trek- Picard-Second Self Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Aquarium Pharmceuticals\Doc Wellfish's Aquarium Adventures To: Pictures\A\Aquarium Pharmaceuticals\Doc Wellfish's Aquarium Adventures Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\G\Grow Up, Ant-Man Delete or Rename 0.jpg to LL.jpg From: Pictures\P\Paragon\Heroes, Heavies & Heroines Delete or Move 195.jpg From: Pictures\T\Tower Records\Pulse! To: Pictures\T\Tower Records\Pulse! (Tower Records) Delete or Rename 1-4.jpg to TPB-4.jpg From: Pictures\D\DK\Black Beauty (Eyewitness Classics) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\R\Running\Essential Anime Guide, The Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\P\Pie\Long Season- The Art of Josee Shimazaki Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\P\Pie\Sugary Girls- The Art of Eku Uekura
  16. Small clarification (mostly for anyone reading this for future reference). When a Title changes Media Type from Comic Books to Books (and probably Magazines to Books) a 'Feature/Bug' of CB is that the Item # is retained and a Binding Type is NOT set. However, if you edit the issues (or issues) and Save (even if no changes are made), the Binding default TPB (paperback) is used. PS Not sure the Binding type can be accurately set automatically on the move since there is no really way to determine the Binding type. But out of curiosity, I checked other Books without Binding and found: These should all have Binding of: TPB Andrei Bressan Sketchbook 1 Art of Ichikawa, The 1 Art of Steve Rude, The 1 Avatar Coloring Book 1 Big School of Drawing Manga, Comics & Fantasy 1 Black Beauty (Eyewitness Classics) 1-4 (This is a guess of TPB based on a cover price of 5.00) DC Super-Villains Mad Libs 1 Essential Anime Guide, The 1 Extraordinary Ordinary Day, An: Art of 526 1 How to Draw Manga with Batman, Superman, and Other DC Super Heroes and Villains! 1 I Am Gandhi 1 Jujutsu Kaisen: The Official Character Guide 1 Long Season: The Art of Josee Shimazaki 1 Moshi Moshi: A Travelogue: A Colorful Journey of Japan through Culture, Food, Fashion, and More 1 New Essential Guide to Hong Kong Movies 1 (Title should be 'New Essential Guide to Hong Kong Movies, The') Satanic Screen, The 1 Science of Superwomen, The 1 Spidey and His Amazing Friends: Teamwork Saves the Day 1 Street Fighter: Ultimate Art Portfolio 1 Sugary Girls: The Art of Eku Uekura 1 These should all have Binding of: HC Alpengluhn 1 Drawing Words, Writing Pictures: Making Comics From Manga to Graphic Novels 1-2 (Based on the Price, this is a HC.) Marvel Art of David Nakayama, The 1/A (This and HC 1 should probably be HC/A and HC/B. Also The Clover Press website list these options: Standard Edition Dustjacket Edition Slipcase Edition Slipcase Signed Edition) Mastering Comics 1-2 And these need more work than just changing Binding: Collecting the Simpsons 1 CB has titles Collecting the Simpsons Collecting the Simpsons: The Merchandise and Legacy of Our Favorite Nuclear Family I am not sure of the correct title. As for the Binding Type, I can only find a HC version listed on the Mango Publishing website but the information on the inside, indicates both a HC ISBN and a TPB ISBN: (hc) 978-1-68481-053-6 Cover Price 44.99 (pb) 978-1-68481-320-9 With a Cover Price of 29.99 in CB, it is possible, that is a TPB version but that is a guess. Companions of Doctor Who, The 1 The Binding should be TPB Also, the Publisher of 'Fayetteville' is incorrect. It should be 'Fayetteville Mafia' (Press). Demoniacs: The Revelationary War 1 The Binding is TPB Also, The Title should be 'Demoniacs' with an Overall Book title of either, 'Revelationary War' or 'The Revelationary War'. Illuminations Stories 1 CB has Titles Illuminations Stories Illuminations: Stories by Alan Moore These are the same Title (different Bindings). One has publisher 'Bloomsbury' and the other 'Bloomsbury UK'. While there were UK published books, based on the UPC, these are both the US version and should be combined. The '30.00' cover price is HC and the '19.99' cover price is a TPB. I believe the Title should just be 'Illuminations' (or 'Illuminations (Bloomsbury)' ) but you can look inside on Amazon and decide what the title should be. Lowbrow Art of Robt. Williams, The 1-2 Not sure if this is a 2nd printing of HC or TPB but it is probably a HC 2nd printing based on Price (at a guess). Also 1-2 and HC 1 should probably NOT be part of a Numbered series. Grow Up, Ant-Man 1/HC This is in both Books and Comic Books. There is a single page illustration with a sentence of text per page. Not sure where it belongs (Comic Books?). You can see inside at Amazon. If it IS left in Books, Binding is HC. Star Trek: Picard—Firewall 1/HC This is a set of (so far) 6 non-numbered book. CB has Star Trek: Picard—Firewall Star Trek: Picard—No Man’s Land Star Trek: Picard: Rogue Elements Star Trek: Picard: Second Self At the least the Item # should be just HC (as it is not a numbered series) All the Titles follow the same convention Star Trek Picard title name So, when entered into CB they should be either Star Trek: Picard: Firewall Star Trek: Picard: No Man’s Land Star Trek: Picard: Rogue Elements Star Trek: Picard: Second Self or Star Trek: Picard—Firewall Star Trek: Picard—No Man’s Land Star Trek: Picard—Rogue Elements Star Trek: Picard—Second Self (A case could be made of removing 'Star Trek: Picard' out of the title and putting it in Overall Title but that could be argued either way). So, again, at the least change Star Trek: Picard—Firewall to just HC and possibly replacing the '—' or ':' to make them all the same.
  17. Delete or Move 2-A.jpg and 2-B.jpg From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Labyrinth (Boom!) To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Labyrinth (Jim Henson's-) Delete 37-MJ.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\M\Marvel Premiere (duplicate of 37.jpg)
  18. It isn't too unusual to have some tweaks to a program after a release (even with all the testing). And, yes, there have been several updates in the last week or so.
  19. Are you referring to the Program updates (as opposed to the content updates)? These are usually fixes for various issues that are found. These could be minor or of limited interest to most users or have a broader impact on most users. If you don't want these interim builds/updates, you can use menu item Setup->Preferences and Uncheck 'Check for Interim Updates'. PS It would be nice if there was a list of what was changed for each of these interim builds, but most programmers seem to have an aversion to the 'D' word. (Documentation). (or, to be fair, they could move on to more pressing matters and forget or don't have time for documentation).
  20. There is a FAQ on this (In CB use menu item Help->Frequently Asked Questions. This will take you to the FAQs on CB website. Under subject 'Comic Pricing' is 'What is the difference between an Issue's Cost, Value, and Selling price? Here is the text: "The cost of an issue is what you paid for it. As it ships, ComicBase has zeroes for the “quantity in stock” of every issue in its database, and blanks for the cost. If you want to track the cost of your collection, you should fill in the cost fields as you add issues to the database. An issue’s value is its “guide price”: the estimated price at which it could be reasonably expected to be bought or sold. ComicBase tracks the near-mint values of all its issues for the past four years, from which it can calculate the value of that issue in other conditions (see Grading Setup in the ComicBase user guide). Finally, an issue’s price or selling price is the price at which you are offering the issue for sale. As ComicBase ships, this is set to its current value, although you are free to set the selling price higher or lower. The default price for an issue that’s not in near mint condition may also differ slightly from its strictly calculated value, due to price rounding (see below)." As a test, using a new database. I set up the same issue of 'Amazing Spider-Man' #238 with a Qty of 1. NOTE: This is the only 'owned' issue in the entire database to keep things simple. With Cond set to NM: Issue grid shows: Price: 250.00 and Value Year 4 (2024): 250.00 Collection Statistics shows: Total Price: 250.00 and Total Value: 250.00 Collection Report shows: Price: 250.00 and Value: 250.00 With Cond set to CGC 9.8: Issue grid shows: Price: 3,000.00 and Value Year 4 (2024): 250.00 Collection Statistics shows: Total Price: 3,000.00 and Total Value: 3,000.00 Collection Report shows: Price: 3,000.00 and Value: 3,000.00 Going by this (small) sample, the Value Year 4 (2024) amounts are based on the NM standard condition. This does not change when the issues Condition is changed. Price is based on the Condition. This will change as the Condition value changes. Per the FAQ, there is Rounding going on (a small amount on low value issues and a larger amount on higher value issues). I think this rounding applies to both Price and Value Year 4 (2024). Collection Statistics and Most Valuable Items report are using Price for valuation and is an accurate representation (with some small different due to rounding) for your collection.
  21. The best thing to do is: Open ComicBase Use menu item File->File tools. Click on ComicBase Database Manager. Click Yes to allow CB to close and have the Database Manager search your hard drives for anything that looks like a CB database. Look through the list generated and select your database.
  22. Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Sonic The Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition To: Pictures\I\IDW\Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Celebration- The Deluxe Edition Delete or Move Bk 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\M\Magazine Enterprises\Cave Girl To: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\C\Complete Cave Girl (Bill Powell's-)
  23. There isn't really a user controllable sort the way you are looking for. CB has Title name (viewable and accessible in all Finds) and AlphabetizedTitle (not viewable and only accessible in Advanced Find using ComicTitles table). As for Batman and Robin, the 'a' of 'and' would come before the 'B' of 'Black. As for Batman: The Adventures Continue' titles , the editors could modify the AlphabetizedTitle so that they would be display Season Two before Season Three.
  24. Here is the indicia (see attached). It has "Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Celebration: The Deluxe Edition".
  25. Delete or Move TPB.jpg From: Pictures\C\Charlton Neo\Paul Kupperberg's Illustrated Guide To Writing Comics To: Pictures\C\Charlton Neo\Illustrated Guide To Writing Comics (Paul Kupperberg's-) Delete or Move ALL (1-C.jpg - 1-E.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Firefly- Malcolm Reynolds Year One To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Firefly- Malcolm Reynolds- Year One Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\K\Kitchen Sink\Harold Hedd To: Pictures\K\Kitchen Sink\Harold Hedd in 'Hitler's Cocaine' Delete 3.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\S\Seeds, The (not sure why the issue was deleted) Delete 4-D.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\S\Sinister Sons (Duplicate of 4-C.jpg) Delete 7-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\It's Alive\Strange Attractors (It's Alive) Delete or Rename Bk 1-A.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\T\Tank Girl To: Pictures\T\Titan\Tank Girl (Titan) Delete or Rename Bk 1-A.jpg to 2.jpg then Move From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\T\Tank Girl 2 To: Pictures\T\Titan\Tank Girl (Titan)
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