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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. Title should be: Mandrake Project, The (Bruce Dickinson’s…) The article 'the' comes at the end of the name but before the parenthetical. Also, is the title was something like this made up example 'The Mandrake Project: Beginning of the End', the article would come after the end of the 'main' name and before the colon like: 'Mandrake Project, The: Beginning of the End' Also, CB uses an actual Ellipses … instead of three periods ... (one is one 'character space' and the other is three 'character spaces'. Additionally, CB uses the curved Apostrophe ’ and not the straight 'tick mark'.
  2. Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 3-A.jpg) From: Pictures\M\Massive - Sumerian\Bad Omens- Concrete Jungle To: Pictures\S\Sumerian\Bad Omens- Concrete Jungle Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Comics\Big Edsel Band To: Pictures\A\Animated Comics Enterprises\Big Edsel Band Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Ace Comics\Fantastic Adventures (Ace) To: Pictures\A\Animated Comics Enterprises\Fantastic Adventures (Ace) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Comics\New Adventures of Judo Joe, The To: Pictures\A\Animated Comics Enterprises\New Adventures of Judo Joe, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Comics\Return of the Skyman To: Pictures\A\Animated Comics Enterprises\Return of the Skyman Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Ace Comics\Robin Red and the Lutins To: Pictures\A\Animated Comics Enterprises\Robin Red and the Lutins Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 5.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Bamboo Study\Don't Squeeze, a Female Merchant!! To: Pictures\B\Bamboo Comics\Don't Squeeze, a Female Merchant!! Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Bamboo Study\Nana Shimazaki @ Looking for Jobs To: Pictures\B\Bamboo Comics\Nana Shimazaki @ Looking for Jobs Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\B\Baird\Meteor Comics To: Pictures\R\Rural Home\Meteor Comics Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\#\10 Ton\Rescuer, The To: Pictures\G\GenSeven\Rescuer, The Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\B\Balisteri\Seaweed To: Pictures\S\Salty Sugar\Seaweed Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Adventures Into Terror (Fantagraphics) To: Pictures\F\Fantagraphics\Atlas Comics Library Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 1-C.jpg) From: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Grimm Tales Of Terror 2017 To: Pictures\Z\Zenescope\Grimm Tales of Terror Black & White Special Edition Delete MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\H\Hellboy- Odder Jobs (Duplicate of TPB.jpg (there was no MMPB edition)) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Age\Dark Age- A Collection of Fantasy Art Delete 1-K.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dynamite\Red Sonja- Black, White, Red (Duplicate of 1-L.jpg) Delete 1-J.jpg From: Pictures\O\Oni\Rick and Morty Presents- The Vindicators (Duplicate of 1-C.jpg) Delete or Rename 2.jpg to 102.jpg 3.jpg to 103.jpg 4.jpg to 104.jpg 5.jpg to 105.jpg 6.jpg to 106.jpg 7.jpg to 107.jpg 8.jpg to 108.jpg 16.jpg (just delete) From: Pro Distributors\Black Mask, The (Pro Distributors) (NOTE: #16 seems to be for a different title (not in CB that I can find). Going by the cover of title 'Super Mag', I would guess this title is 'All in Colour' and is a similar anthology series (each issue has a different character))
  3. You can re-run the Update. To do this, press and hold the SHIFT key while selecting Internet->Check for Updates.
  4. Scan the cover, crop it so only the cover is showing and save as a .jpg file. In Grid view look at the Issue number. Name the cover scan exactly the same as the Issue number with the exception that any slash '/' is replaced with a dash (-) (because Windows won't allow a slash in a file name). Then, while displaying the Title the cover will go in, drag/drop the cover scan into the Grid area. This does NOT have to be on the specific Issue line. Just anywhere in the Grid area. If you like, after adding the cover scan, Select/Hi-light the Issue( s ), Right-click and select Submit New or Corrected information (at the bottom) of the pop-up menu .
  5. While CB tries to have all Titles and Issues, it does not have every title and Issue (not to mention variations) that have ever been (or will be) published. They will (probably) have most modern (US) Titles and main Issues but it is very possible you have or will come across something that is not in CB. You can either send an email to Support (at) Comicbase.com about it or enter it yourself. This is an article on the basics of adding a new Title and/or Issue not in CB. At a bare minimum to add a Title/Issue to CB you need a Title Name, Publisher, and Issue Number. How to Add a New Title Change to the correct Type (this example will be for Comic Books but the basics are the same for all types). To do this click on the button in the top left corner just below the Menu bar. See attached. or use CTRL+(number) where Number is 1-Books, 2-Comic Books, 3-Magazines, or 4-Newspapers. Click the button to the right of the Select Type and select New Comic Book. See attached. or use Menu Item->New <type> or Item->New-> New Type or use CTRL+SHIFT+(number) where Number is 1-Books, 2-Comic Books, 3-Magazines, or 4-Newspapers. This will bring up a window where you enter the new Title Name Enter the name in text box (more on how to name a title in a bit) then click OK or press ENTER. See attached. NOTE: The SAVE button at the bottom does not do anything. This will bring up a New Comic Book Title window. Enter a Publisher name. If the Publisher exists in CB, after typing 3 letters, you will start to get a list of Publisher suggestions. Either complete the Publisher's name or select from the list. Click Save. (more on Publishers in a bit) See attached. (continued in How to Add New Issue) How to Add a New Issue. Either continue from the above or to add an issue to an existing Title. NOTE: If adding to an existing Title, all the previous information will be duplicated and the issue number incremented by 1. You can delete or change anything needed. Go to the Title you want to add a new issue to. On the left side of the window about half way down is a + - button. Click on this to bring up the New Issue window. See attached. This will bring up the New Issue window. (Continued from How to Add a New Title) NOTE: The Window displayed for the two methods (through New Title or New Issue) are slightly different but not enough to change instructions. At this point, make sure the Issue number is correct. then click Save. See attached. How to Name a Title. This can be a bit obscure for some things. First I would look to see if it is in CB. NOTE: Since Leading articles are NOT at the beginning, I would leave it off when typing in the search box. For example for 'The Tenth Muse' just use 'Tenth Muse' (or just 'Tenth' or 'Muse') to see if you can find it. For main issues of most mainstream US comics it should already be in CB. This may not be true for Variants, non-US, or smaller/obscure publishers (i.e. Kick Starter titles). If in doubt, you can either post to the CB forum and ask or send a message to Support (at) ComicBase.com (cover scan and any information you can supply will help) Some Rules / Guidelines (which may have contradictions already in the database): 1) Generally, try to use what is in the indicia/Title page. (This isn't always followed by CB and some publishers indicia names are strange) 2) Use curved ’ (apostrophe) instead of a straight ‘ (‘tick’ mark) 3) Use … (ellipse) instead of ... (three consecutive periods). 4) It the Title includes a possessive (i.e. Will Eisner's, Walt Disney's, Michael Turner's) place an Ellipse at the end and put inside Parenthesis (). 5) Place leading Articles at the end of the name. If the Title has a colon : it would be after the name but before the colon. English articles include 'The' 'A' and 'An'. Some non-English articles are 'El', 'De', 'Der', 'Die'. NOTE: This NOT a complete list (especially the non-English ones). Special exemption. If the title contains a / (slash), the leading article is place at the very end and not just at the end of the first name. For example, 'The Batman/Judge Dredd Files' would be entered as 'Batman/Judge Dredd Files, The' and not 'Batman, The/Judge Dredd Files'. Examples: #2 Apostrophe ’ 12 O’Clock High #3 Ellipse … After Watchmen…What’s Next? #4 Possessive All New Fathom (Michael Turner’s…) 7 Against Chaos (Harlan Ellison’s…) Big Mickey Mouse (Walt Disney’s…) Alchemist, The (H.P. Lovecraft’s…) (note the article is at the end of the name but before the possessive in parenthesis) #5 Leading Article (The, A, An, El, etc.) 13th Son, The 50’s Ditko Cover Gallery, A Unkindness of Ravens, An Arsenal, El 3 Geeks, The: Jim’s Jerky (note the 'The is at the end but before the colon) Batman/Judge Dredd Files, The Complete Max Collins/Rick Fletcher Dick Tracy, The This is by no means a complete list of things to deal with when naming Titles but it should cover the majority. One more thing. CB Includes in a series thinks like Annuals and collections that only collect issues of that series and not in separate 'Annuals' or 'Collection' series. Publisher Names In General, CB leaves of part of the Publisher name such as 'Comics', 'Press' 'Entertainment', 'Books'. This is not always the case as doing this can cause duplicate of different Publisher ('Ace' when there is an 'Ace Comics', Ace Books', 'Ace Magazine' etc.) For example, the actual Publisher is 'Marvel Comics' or 'Marvel Worldwide, Inc.' but CB just uses 'Marvel'. This is the same for '10 Ton' Press, 'CA' Comics, 'Invader' Comics, etc. All I can suggest is look and see what titles are in CB with the Publisher you are thinking of using. Check the Years Published (if a company published some back in the 40s (only) and the Publisher you are trying to use for a modern comic is the same, they probably are not the same publisher. You can also check the logo on the cover to see if they are the same (or different) although this is not definitive as a company can change the logos over time. If if doubt ask on the forums or send a email to Support (at) Comicbase.com. =========================== A quick note on Issue Full Issue Number values in Issue Edit window. The Full Issue Number is composed of four parts: Type Issue number Variation Printing Regarding Type and (especially) Variation. When CB was young and Types and Variations were few, CB starting using things like Gold, Platinum, Platinum Nude, Graphic Novel (to name a few) as part of the Full Issue Number. As time went on and Publisher went insane with differnt types of issues with combinations of features, this became difficult to come up with a short 2-5 character abbreviation to accommodate this. Similar when Variations went from 1 or 2 to dozens and hundreds (and in one case many thousands), they changed to using Variations A-Z, V27-V250 (so far). This is not to day you can't use existing Types and Variations but they are used less today. Some Types like 'Anl' (annual), 'Ash' (ash can) are still used. How to decide if or what Type and Variation to use is a difficult subject to give instructions on. It may be best to ask, if in doubt. =========================== As stated at the beginning, Title, Publisher and Issue number are the minimum needed to enter a comic. You can, of course enter as much other information as you like (i.e. Cover Date, Cover Price, Stroylines, credits (Writer/Artist/Inker/Colorist/Letterer/Editor/Cover Artist/Cover Inker).
  6. If an issue is marked, it should not disappear just by closing the database. Can you describe in detail (with screen shots, if possible) the process you are doing?
  7. Looking at a sample at Amazon, the title is 'I Am Gandhi' and should be in Comic Books. It is a story with word balloons and captions.
  8. Delete or Move TPB 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\Seven Seas\She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Seven Seas) To: Pictures\S\Seven Seas\She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Light Novel) Delete or Move 1.jpg and 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\B\Bad\Bye-Bye Harvey- A Gun Theory Short Story To: Pictures\B\Bad Press\Bye-Bye Harvey- A Gun Theory Short Story Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - Ash 1.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Bad\Sisterhood- The Mystery Unravels To: Pictures\B\BAD Press Comics\Sisterhood- The Mystery Unravels Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Expanse Orgins, The To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Expanse Origins, The Delete or Rename 1.jpg and/or HC.jpg to TPB.jpg then Move From: Pictures\M\Marvel Press\Guardians of the Galaxy- Halloscream Spook-Tacular! To: From: Pictures\M\Marvel\G\Guardians of the Galaxy- Halloscream Spook-Tacular! Delete or Move 1.jkpg and 64.jpg From: Pictures\E\Ediciones Toray\Huron To: Pictures\E\Ediciones Toray\Hurón Delete or Rename Bk 1.jpg tro CS 1-A.jpg then Move From: Pictures\V\Vortex\Return of Mister X, The To: Pictures\V\Vortex\Mister X (Vol. 1) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 73.jpg) From: Pictures\E\Editora Abril\Super-Homen (Editora Abril) To: Pictures\A\Abril\Super-Homen (PORTUGUESE) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\P\Print Mint\Tuff Shit To: Pictures\P\Print Mint\Tuff Sh-t Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\H\Hellboy- Odd Jobs Delete or Rename 1.jpg to MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\H\Hellboy- Odder Jobs Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\H\Hellboy- Oddest Jobs Delete 2.jpg and 3.jpg From: Pictures\H\Hillman\Real Clue Crime Stories (Duplicates of 73.jpg and 6.jpg, respectively) Delete 34-2.jpg and 37-2.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Transformers, The- Robots in Disguise (Duplicates of 34-C.jpg and 37-C.jpg, respectively)
  9. 'Dark Age: A Collection of Fantasy Art' is a collection of illustrations. No actual story.
  10. My database is busy right now rebuilding my picture informaton, so this is from memory. UPC The is the Barcode value. If you use a scanner to read the barcode, it will put the numberic value of the barcode (in the UPC box). Most comics and books since around Late 70's early 80's (going from memory so may be a little of in staring date) have barcodes Alt UPC Some books have to UPC values. One on the (ususally) back cover and one on the inside (usually) front cover. 'Checked Box' Actual Column name is 'Marked'. This is a check box that can be useful. For example, If you use Add By Barcode, there is an option to 'Mark' the issues being added. This helps when a mix of Types (Books, Comic Books, Magazines and/or Newspapers) are added. If you use another option to Display Issues After Adding, only the ones in the Type last (I think) entered are displayes. With them being Marked, you can use a Find where Marked is Checked tgo find them in other types. Also, in Reports, many have an option to display Marked Items. ISBN This is actually an ISBN-10 number (as opposed to the, now, more common ISBN-13 number. This is more common with Books (not sure the floppy comics have an ISBN). When you display the Issue Edit window and enter the UPC, when you leave that field, CB will automatically enter the ISBN (10) number. Item Title This is used in special situations where the Title on the cover isn't the actual title of the series. For example, if you look at 'Four Color Comics (either the 1st or 2nd Series), some covers do not show Four Color anywhere (and some do in small type) while the main character is prominently displayed (i.e. Issue #1 is 'Dick Tracy'). This helps finding these strange series. Type Type is one of the parts that make up Item # (Issue Number). The parts are Type, Number, Variation, and Printing. When CB first started, there was pretty much just the one issue. Then they got to be 'special' covers, then Variations. At one point CB used to set special codes for the different type covers but as they multiplied, this became harder to quantify. For the most part, I think the most common Types are Anl (for Annuals) and Bk (Book). Similar situation for Variants. There are so many CB has started using Variants A, B, C... X, Y, Z, V27, V28, etc). (once I get access to my database (tomorrow) I can give better examples.) Reserve Qty If you are selling comics, this lets the database know how many copies to keep. For example, if you have 10 copies of an issues and you set Reserve Qty to 1, after 9 issues are sold, no more will be available to be sold (keeping 1 issue for you). Lock Price If you don't want CB to change Price for you, checking this will Lock the price you set so it won't be changed. Again, normally used when selling comics. Last Printed Price Not really sure of this one other than what it says. The Last Price when information was Printed (not sure if that is for Labels and/or some other printing process). Circulation If you find information on the actual circulation of an issue (How may were created (I think) you can enter it. Promo Code Not sure of this one. It may be used when you bought a comic or (more likely?) when you sell. Diamond Code Diamond Stock # Lunar Alt Code Lunar Code These are the Codes assigned to issues by the Distributors (Diamond and Lunar).
  11. Not sure what difference it makes but supplying the Edition of CB you are using would help. If you have menu option Items->Add by Barcode, when you scan in the comics, there is a check box at the bottom of the window to 'Display Items After Saving'. This will do what you are asking at the time you scan them in. If you need to find them later (and you are not using the 'Marked' column for anything else, there is a check box for 'Mark Added Items'. Once Marked you can do a Find where Marked is checked. If you have not done this there is one (last?) possibility but it has some problems. It is to do a Find on column 'Date Modified' This should find any issues on a specific date or a Date Range. However, this is used if ANY thing is changed and not just added. If you add comics and make changes to other issues, all of them would get displayed. Worse, if you run a Weekly Update, there will be a LOT of issues modified.+ One last item. CB allows you to scan all Types (Books, Comic Books, Magazines, Newspaper) in Add By Barcode at the same time but it can only display one Type (I think the last one entered). This is where Marking the issues works best as you can do finds in all the Types (one at a time) to get all the scanned in issues. Those are the ways I know if. If someone has other ways, please let us know.
  12. Need to know a little more information to give a more direct answer but here are the basics. Is the Title / Issue in CB? If No, then it needs to be added. If Yes, then... A) Scan the cover, crop it to just the cover and save as a .jpg file (I use 300 dpi but lesser values are okay) B) Rename the saved cover to the Issue number. l type it exactly like it is displayed in CB EXCEPT replace any / (slash) with a - (dash). (NOTE: If you are in Album View, switch to Grid view to do this as Album view names are not as easy to explain) C) With the Title displayed that the cover is for, Drag/Drop the cover anywhere in the Grid area (it does NOT have to be exactly on a particular line). D) Select/Hi-Light the issues, Right-Click on it to display the pop-up menu and select 'Submit New or Corrected Data'(last item in the list). This will send the information to the editors, and if a newer/larger scan is detected, will ask if you want to send the cover. These are the basics. Each could have more detailed explanations, if needed.
  13. Thanks. I now see what you want and it makes sense.
  14. I have read through this several times and I still have no idea what this is supposed to be doing. Can you explain in more detail what this is supposed to accomplish?
  15. Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\B\Baen\Icarus Twin (Baen) To: Pictures\B\Baen\Icarus Twin, The (Baen) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3-G.jpg) From: Pictures\J\John Lamont\Angel of Darknesss To: Pictures\O\Optical Illusion\Angel of Darknesss Delete 1-A.jpg and/or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Avalon\Avalon Studios Preview To: Pictures\I\Image\A\Avalon Studios Preview Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\C\Chartwell Books\Batman- The War Years To: Pictures\C\Chartwell\Batman- The War Years Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\C\Chartwell Books\Superman- The War Years To: Pictures\C\Chartwell\Superman- The War Years Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\C\Chartwell Books\Wonder Woman- The War Years To: Pictures\C\Chartwell\Wonder Woman- The War Years Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3-SC.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Awesome\Battlestar Galactica- The Enemy Within To: Pictures\M\Maximum\Battlestar Galactica- The Enemy Within Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Autocratik\D'Adventures of I.S.R.A.E.L.I.- Consequences To: Pictures\A\Autocratik\Adventures of D'Israeli Delte or Rename All from x.jpg to Bk x.jpg (19.jpg - 63.jpg to Bk 19.jpg - Bk 63.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atta Boy\Hi-Fructose Magazine Quarterly To: Pictures\A\Attaboy\Hi-Fructose Magazine Quarterly Delete or Rename 1.jpg to 1-A.jpg 1-A.jpg to 1-B.jpg 1-B.jpg to 1-C.jpg then Move From: Pictures\P\PaperFilms\Hunters, The To: Pictures\P\PaperFilms\Hunters, The (Paperfilms) Delete or Rename 1.jpg to TPB.jpg 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg Ash 1.jpg to TPB-Promo.jpg From: Pictures\B\Bantam\Baltimore, or the Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\C\Confabulation- An Anecdotal Autobiography Delete or Rename 1.jpg to MMPB.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\Q\Quixote Delete or Rename 1-HC.jpg to HC.jpg From: Pictures\S\St. Martin's\Walking Dead, The- Invasion Delete 1-N.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel\A\Avengers (Vol. 4) (duplicate of 1-A-2.jpg) Delete 2.jpg From: Pictures\T\Titan\Blitmap (duplicate of 2-A.jpg) Delete or Rename 1.jpg and/or 1-HC.jpg to TPB.jpg From: Pictures\M\Marvel Press\Guardians of the Galaxy- Halloscream Spook-Tacular! (Should only be TPB.jpg. Currently it is listed as MMPB in Books but should be changed next week to TPB)
  16. On the CB website, you can remove one or both databases. Under My Account-Profile is Know Databases (may have to scroll down). Each Database should show the Database ID. These should not be the same. You can delete the one that is not your database (you can find the Database ID in CB by using File->Collection Statistics (or F12), then click on the icon on the top right side of the window (see attached).) Or You can just delete both of them, then go to CB and run Collection Statistics. This will re-populate the database in your My Account, Profile Known Database list (it may take a few minutes.
  17. It is possible to move issues from one title to another using Edit->Transfer Items to a Different Series... They may show up as duplicate entries in the series they are moved to, however. Make sure to make a backup before experimenting (or you can create a new 'sandbox' database to do experimenting in). If you are having problems finding Titles (especially mainstream (DC, Marvel, Image, Charlton, etc.), you can ask here and someone should be able to help.
  18. One more thing. CB puts Articles (The, A, El, etc.) at the end not the beginning. For example, if you type 'The Brave and the Bold in the search, it won't find it. You would need 'Brave and the Bold, The' to find it.
  19. Do you mean 'Brave and the Bold, The'? Issue #74 has a cover dated of 11/1/1967 ( teaming with Metal Men) and #97 has a cover date of 9/1/1971 (teaming with Wildcat). Here is the series on Atomic Avenue: https://atomicavenue.com/atomic/series/1666/1/Brave-and-the-Bold-The
  20. Sorry, I first put in issue #8 by mistake. When I corrected it, I use Strike-through to show what it was with the corrected 6 by it (you can see the real issue number in the attachment). I see now that an '8' with strike-through doesn't really show that very will, I should have put a space between it and the correct '6'.
  21. 'Bristlemouth: A Cove Horror' is a pre-order so there is nothing definitive on this (but the 'A' looks like it should be there). Also, the Publisher is a little questionable. One has 'IPI' Comics' and one has 'SQ Mag'. The 'ipicomics.com' website, has: 'THIS SITE ©2023 SQ MAG PTY LTD trading as IPI Comics™ All material published on this site are copyright SQ Mag Pty Ltd, or are reproduced by legal agreement. No material may be used by other parties unless by conditions of fair use.' Which looks like 'SQ Mag Pty Ltd' may be the main company with 'IPI' Comics being an imprint (that I would use as the Publisher). ======================= 'Hunters, The (Paper Films)' would be the best to delete as the Publisher is 'Paperfilms' (no space).
  22. Delete or Move HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Amazon\Coal Face- The Devil in the Smoke To: Pictures\M\MoonAlp\Coal Face- The Devil in the Smoke Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Adventures into the Unknown (Atlas) To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Adventures into the Unknown (Atlas) Delete or Move 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Adventures of Little Panda, The To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Adventures of Little Panda, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\African Adventures To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\African Adventures Delete or Move ALL (2.jpg - 9.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\American Eagle To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\American Eagle Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 8.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Belinda the Girl Film Star To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Belinda the Girl Film Star Delete or Move 10.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Black Cobra (Atlas) To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Black Cobra (Atlas) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Bradman Book, The To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Bradman Book, The Delete or Move ALL (9.jpg - 31.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Brenda To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Brenda Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 8.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Brenda Atarr (Atlas) To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Brenda Starr (Atlas) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 9.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Buck Rogers (Atlas) To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Buck Rogers (Atlas) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Buck Ryan To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Buck Ryan Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 65.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Flynn of the FBI To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Flynn of the FBI Delete or Move ALL (9.jpg - 22.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Love Pic To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Love Pic Delete or Move 2.jpg and 13.jpg Delete or Move ALL (8.jpg - 37.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Real Lovers To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Real Lovers From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Young Romance (Atlas) To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publications\Young Romance (Atlas) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 9.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Red Comet To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publishing & Distributing Ltd\Red Comet Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 31.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Space Ace (Atlas) To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publishing & Distributing Ltd\Space Ace (Atlas) Delete or Move ALL (1954.jpg - 1967.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Superboy Annual To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publishing & Distributing Ltd\Superboy Annual Delete or Move ALL (1951.jpg - 2015.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Superman Annual To: Pictures\A\Atlas Publishing & Distributing Ltd\Superman Annual Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Devilina To: Pictures\A\Atlas-Seaboard\Devilina Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Gothic Romances To: Pictures\A\Atlas-Seaboard\Gothic Romances Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Weird Tales of the Macabre To: Pictures\A\Atlas-Seaboard\Weird Tales of the Macabre Delete or Move Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Astiberri\Antoine De Las Tormentas To: Pictures\A\Astiberri Ediciones\Antoine De Las Tormentas Delete or Move Bk 1.jpg and Bk 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Astiberri\Bitch Planet (Astiberri) To: Pictures\A\Astiberri Ediciones\Bitch Planet (Astiberri) Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Adventures of Kelly Belle, The- Peril on the High Seas To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Comics\Adventures of Kelly Belle, The- Peril on the High Seas Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Adventures of Kelly Belle, The- Search for the Golden Monkey To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Comics\Adventures of Kelly Belle, The- Search for the Golden Monkey Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\White Orchid To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Comics\White Orchid Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Crystal War, The To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Comics\Crystal War, The Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Paula Peril To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Studios\Paula Peril Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 1.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Star Runner Chronicles- Dark Star To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Studios\Star Runner Chronicles- Dark Star Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Star Runner Chronicles- Fallen Star To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Studios\Star Runner Chronicles- Fallen Star Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Star Runner Chronicles- Origins To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Studios\Star Runner Chronicles- Origins Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlantis\Star Runner Chronicles- Rising Star To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Studios\Star Runner Chronicles- Rising Star Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantis Pictures\SuperJesus To: Pictures\A\Atlantis Pictures\SuperJesus Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Art Effect\Black Raven, The To: Pictures\A\ArtEffect\Black Raven, The Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Association\Clear the Track! To: Pictures\A\Association Of American Railroads\Clear the Track! Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Astral\Galaxia To: Pictures\A\Astral Comics\Galaxia Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Astral\Hokusai Demons & Other Tales of the Fox Mother To: Pictures\A\Astral Gypsy\Hokusai Demons & Other Tales of the Fox Mother Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Astray\Lost Dogs To: Pictures\A\Ashtray\Lost Dogs Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlantic\Max of the Regulators To: Pictures\A\Atlantic Comics\Max of the Regulators Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlantic\Superman vs. Muhammad Ali (Atlantic) To: Pictures\A\Atlantic BD\Superman vs. Muhammad Ali (Atlantic) Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas\ABC's for Superheroes To: Pictures\A\Angel Gate\Atlas- ABC's for Superheroes Delete or Move 1-HC.jpg From: Pictures\A\Angel Gate\Atlas- Guide to the Planets To: Pictures\A\Angel Gate\Atlas- Superheroes Guide to the Planets Delete or Move 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\Artisan Entertainment\Book of Ants, The To: Pictures\A\Artisan Entertainment\Pi- The Book of Ants Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - Bk 1-HC.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Archaia\Mouse Guard- Black Axe To: Pictures\A\Archaia\Mouse Guard- The Black Axe Delete or Move 1-5.jpg From: Pictures\A\Astronauts In Trouble\PlaNetLar To: Pictures\A\AiT-Planet Lar\Astronauts in Trouble Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 3.jpg) From: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend, The- Call to Arms To: Pictures\T\Th3rd World\Stuff of Legend, The- A Call to Arms Delete Anl 1953.jpg From: Pictures\A\Atlas (UK)\Superman (Atlas UK) (duplicate of 1953.jpg in 'Superman Annual') Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 6.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atari Clubs\Atari Age (Vol. 1) To: Pictures\A\Atari Club\Atari Age (Vol. 1) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 5.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atari Clubs\Atari Age (Vol. 2) To: Pictures\A\Atari Club\Atari Age (Vol. 2) Delete or Move ALL (1.jpg - 4512.jpg) From: Pictures\A\Atlas\Stag (2nd Series) To: Pictures\A\Atlas Magazines\Stag (2nd Series) Delete 5.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Doctor Who- Prisoners of Time (duplicate of 5-A.jpg) Delete 1-V44.jpg From: Pictures\I\Image\W\W0rldtr33 (duplicate of 1-V31.jpg)
  23. For this, the Title/indicia is 'The Stuff of Legend, Book5: A Call to Arms'. (see attached). This is one of five sets of titles: The Stuff of Legend, Volume I: The Dark (2 Issues) The Stuff of Legend, Volume II: The Jungle (4 issues) The Stuff of Legend, Volume III: A Jester's tale (4 issues) The Stuff of Legend, Volume IV: The Toy Collector (5 issues) The Stuff of Legend, Volume V: A Call to Arms (4 issues) CB has these titles as: 'Stuff of Legend, The' 'Stuff of Legend, The: The Jungle' 'Stuff of Legend, The: A Jester’s Tale' 'Stuff of Legend, The: Toy Collector' 'Stuff of Legend, The: Call to Arms' (to be corrected)
  24. Question: When talking 'Window Mode' do you mean 1 window with 2, 3 or 4 parts or 2, 3, or 4 separate windows (that can be moved/sized separately?
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