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Steven L. Dasinger

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Everything posted by Steven L. Dasinger

  1. There isn't really a user controllable sort the way you are looking for. CB has Title name (viewable and accessible in all Finds) and AlphabetizedTitle (not viewable and only accessible in Advanced Find using ComicTitles table). As for Batman and Robin, the 'a' of 'and' would come before the 'B' of 'Black. As for Batman: The Adventures Continue' titles , the editors could modify the AlphabetizedTitle so that they would be display Season Two before Season Three.
  2. Here is the indicia (see attached). It has "Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Celebration: The Deluxe Edition".
  3. Delete or Move TPB.jpg From: Pictures\C\Charlton Neo\Paul Kupperberg's Illustrated Guide To Writing Comics To: Pictures\C\Charlton Neo\Illustrated Guide To Writing Comics (Paul Kupperberg's-) Delete or Move ALL (1-C.jpg - 1-E.jpg) From: Pictures\B\Boom!\Firefly- Malcolm Reynolds Year One To: Pictures\B\Boom!\Firefly- Malcolm Reynolds- Year One Delete or Move 1.jpg and 2.jpg From: Pictures\K\Kitchen Sink\Harold Hedd To: Pictures\K\Kitchen Sink\Harold Hedd in 'Hitler's Cocaine' Delete 3.jpg From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\S\Seeds, The (not sure why the issue was deleted) Delete 4-D.jpg From: Pictures\D\DC\S\Sinister Sons (Duplicate of 4-C.jpg) Delete 7-A.jpg From: Pictures\I\It's Alive\Strange Attractors (It's Alive) Delete or Rename Bk 1-A.jpg to 1.jpg then Move From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\T\Tank Girl To: Pictures\T\Titan\Tank Girl (Titan) Delete or Rename Bk 1-A.jpg to 2.jpg then Move From: Pictures\D\Dark Horse\T\Tank Girl 2 To: Pictures\T\Titan\Tank Girl (Titan)
  4. b1236 has fixed the problem. Ran a quick change on a Find result grid successfully.
  5. Actually the information is in the FAQ (as Pete pointed out). On reports, why are the totals for “Current Value” and “Selling Price” different? ComicBase calculates the value of a comic strictly, using the grading values table. (You can go to the Setup menu to customize your Grading Setup.)The default price of an issue is rounded to “sensible” values. For instance, a certain very good-condition comic might have a strict value of 88¢, but its default price would be rounded to 90¢. Similarly, a comic with a strict, graded value of $218.25 would be given a default price of $220.
  6. A question was asked on the ComicBase Live-stream (Sep 4 2024) that was only partially answered. (I notified Pete to see if he wants to address in next week.) Price is what the Current Price of an Issue is based on the Condition. Value (column Value Year 4 if you want to display the Column to View, or column 2024 (or current year) in the grid or ValueYear4 in a Find) is the Near Mint value of an Issue. One reason they might not match is if the Condition is other than NM. Another may be a rounding situation. The amount of rounding may be affected by the amount (small dollar values by and large dollar value have a different level of rounding). Some examples: Price Value Year 4 2.00 1.95 4.00 3.99 385.00 380.00 1.575.00 1.850.00 26,100.00 23,900.00 One question I have is: Does the Value Year 4 amount change during the year (with the Updates) or is it set at the beginning of each year and doesn't change?
  7. I got the same error as you. Steps taken: On an empty database, I set Custom Field 1 to 8 for several issues. This was on the regular grid and worked successfully. Ran a Find for Custom Field 1 where equal to 8 Selected all the issues and selected Quick Change. Got the error message. However, when I clicked 'Continue', it brought up a window with 'Change: Custom Field 1' but 'To:' had a Date filed format of options. (see attached) Definitely something the programming team will have to fix.
  8. No, that is more than clear enough. Specifically you are having a problem with Quick Change on one of the Custom Text columns in a Find result window but not in a regular grid window.
  9. What Edition of CB are you using (Express, Pro, Archive)? Will you supply the steps you took? What were you using Quick Change for? What Find did you run before the failing Quick Change? Note: I just tried a simple quick change both on the normal grid and a Find result grid without a problem. I may have worked as I wasn't using the same change you were.
  10. More like this then. Checked Automatic download, deleted exiting cover (and thumbnails. Used Add by Barcoded and this is what happens (see small image on the issue line on the left in the attached).
  11. Fred, does this look like what you are seeing?
  12. I tried this and verified that the app stops responding when doing a search.
  13. No. On my (working) database, there is still no history. However, on a different (master copy) database, there is history (but since there is no inventory, all values are 0).
  14. Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: Pictures\O\Oni\Biker Mice from Mars (Oni) To: Pictures\O\Oni-Lion Forge\Biker Mice from Mars (Oni-Lion Forge) Delete of Move 1-A.jpg and 1-B.jpg From: Pictures\I\IDW\Hunger and the Dusk, The (2nd Series) To: Pictures\I\IDW\Hunger and the Dusk, The- Book Two Delete Bk 1.jpg From: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Moon Maid, The- The Three Keys (duplicate of Bk 1-A.jpg) This one is complicated: The title changed to 'Killing Machine, The (SHP) but the #1 there is different. This may be a preliminary cover OR a variant. Searches for this are inconclusive. For now, I am deleting it and, if a variant issue shows up, the cover will probably be added back at that time. Delete 1.jpg From: Pictures\S\SHP\Killing Machine, The - Book One of the Hand of God Another complicated item: 'Edge Magazine' published by 'Future Publishing' was deleted and contained 105 covers (starting with #263) There is another title 'Edge (Future)' published by British company 'Future'. These may or may not be the same title (#263 in the deleted title does not have a price on the cover but #263 in the British title has a price in pounds). Since all these covers seem to have (mostly) matching covers in the British title, I am just deleting the 'Edge Magazine' covers. Delete ALL (263.jpg - 380.jpg) From: Pictures\F\Future Publishing\Edge Magazine
  15. I can't address your problem but the program and the database (and pictures/media) are separate items. You can uninstall/reinstall and it won't affect the actual database. Some things to check. Go to the ComicBase website and under My Account/Profile, check what is in the Known Database list (may have to scroll down). If you like, you can remove any/all entries, then, in CB, Run Collection Statistics (F12). This will resend your database name and id to the CB site. Also, check under My Account/My Comics see what (if any) reports have been uploaded.
  16. By the way 1/F Thing From Another World issue has UPC of 84428400820400161 which matches what is in CB. and 1/H Frankie's Comics variant has UPC of 84428400820400171 which I have submitted as a correction.
  17. Sorry, I missed that one. It is another company variant (this time Frankie's Comics) and I don't have the UPC for that one either. In the Issue, it lists the following (with my guess at CB Issue numbers): (1/A) Jorge Corona cover (1/E?) Gerald Parel Secret Foil Luck Variant cover (1/D) Jung-Geun Yoon Variant cover (1/B) Jorge Corona Foil Variant & (1/G) Unlockable Variant covers (1/H) Frankie's Comics Exclusive Variant (1/F) Things from Another World Exclusive Variant 1/C, a 1:25 Virgin Geral Parel cover isn't listed. At a guess, it is possible the 1/E is a foil cover and there is no non-foil issue. That would match what you have 1/E with a UPC of 84428400820400111 and foil cover. Most of this is guess work but it matches what I can find and what you have.
  18. Actually, 1/G should have UPC 84428400820400151 Here are the UPC and Issue numbers in CB: 1/A 84428400820400111 Jorge Corona 1/E 84428400820400111 Gerald Parel (yes, they both have the same UPC) 1/B 84428400820400121 Jorge Corona Foil 1/C 84428400820400131 Gerald Parel Virgin 1/D 84428400820400141 Jung-Geun Yoon Virgin 1/G 84428400820400151 Jorge Corona Virgin 1/F is a Things From Another World variant and I don't know the UPC it uses. (technically 1/E should probably have been 1/B but it probably doesn't matter.)
  19. From what I can tell looking at these sites: Midtown Comics: https://www.midtowncomics.com/product/1751249 MyComicShop: https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?TID=45292925 The issues in CB are correct but the cover scans from #7C and 7D are incorrect (and probably don't exist). They may have been preliminary covers or they may exist (but with different UPC, probably). 70238269180600711 Rafael Dantas 70238269180600721 Rafael Dantas Tattered and Torn (CB has incorrect covers for these two) 70238269180600731 Trevor Grace 70238269180600741 Trevor Grace Tattered and Torn 70238269180600751 Zoe Stanley 70238269180600761 Zoe Stanley Risque
  20. I can't find any mention of the oddly colored. It may just be an issue with a faded color or a printing error (but if a printing error there should be more of them and (probably) be mentioned somewhere). Sometime a single color can fade. If you look there are also differences in color in the stripes around their shirts (collar, arm holes and around the 'R'). So whatever color needed to be added to the yellow to make the brownish/burnt orange? color is missing (either faded out or not in the printing). Unless someone else can find more of these covers or mention of the reason, I would just try to replace the strange cover. PS I have a book where the color yellow faded out (just on the cover and not the back) making Green turn Blue, Orange turn Red, and Yellow turn White.
  21. Delete or Move 1-A.jpg From: ComicBase Data\Pictures\O\Oni\E.C. Comics- Cruel Universe To: Pictures\O\Oni-Lion Forge\Cruel Universe Delete or Move ALL (1-A.jpg - 2-A.jpg) From: Pictures\M\Marvel\P\Predator Versus Black Panther To: Pictures\M\Marvel\P\Predator vs. Black Panther Delete or Rename 2.jpg to 201.jpg 13.jpg to 301.jpg 14.jpg to 302.jpg From: Pictures\K\Krause\Collecting Toys Delete or Rename 1964.jpg to Calendar 1964.jpg From: Pictures\P\Playboy\Playboy Playmate Wall Calendar
  22. For #2, if it is saddle-stitched like most comics, Binding type of 'Staple' would probably be the most accurate.
  23. Occasionally, the listed version number and the actual version number do not match. When this happens CB thinks there should be an update. This can be due something as simple as a typo (especially if the difference is something like 1232 and 1233). Or it is possible that a change was made but the download installer wasn't changed. Either way, the people a Human Computing (HC) should see this and correct the problem.
  24. Star Wars: Inquisitors IS in CB (or at least my database). Check what you have set by clicking the 'VIEW' drop-down box and looking under 'Items To Show'. (See attached) You have might have 'Owned Items' checked'
  25. Delete or Move 2-A.jpg From: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Hatchet Midnight Murders To: Pictures\A\American Mythology\Hatchet- Midnight Murders
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